• FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    25 days ago

    anakin-padme-1 "Did you hear, a bunch of Americans are suing Hershey"

    anakin-padme-2 "For their use of forced child labor in producing cocoa, right?"


    anakin-padme-4 "What else could be more upsetting than that?"

      25 days ago

      The problem isn't that it's not upsetting, it's that child labor is not illegal (at least, not in a way that could be brought as a domestic civil suit) as long as it's happening overseas.

      • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
        25 days ago

        In fact this was argued by American lawyers and government officials as to why they shouldn’t have to punish the companies lol

  • peeonyou [he/him]
    25 days ago

    I went to Hershey, PA a number of years ago with my partner. We were excited to see the Hershey factory because we were bored people living in the midwest. We went on their free propaganda tour, the beginning of which they say you'll receive free treats once you complete it, and suffered through the smarmy history of candy capitalism.

    At the end they gave us a tootsie roll. Not the big one, just one of the little ones you get in those bags of 100s.

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    25 days ago

    On one hand, that is weak of Hershey.

    On the other, actual human beings got so upset about it that they hired lawyers to file a lawsuit over it? Some people need to get out more.

    • jaywalker [they/them]
      25 days ago

      I imagine they aren't actually that upset and are just looking for a way to make some money?

      • dead [he/him]
        25 days ago

        If you read the very first sentence of the article, it says that the lawsuit is a "class action lawsuit". Now I'm no lawyer but I know that a class action lawsuit means that the lawsuit is on behalf of a larger party. In this particular lawsuit, I would think that it would mean that the lawsuit is in defense of any person who has ever purchased a reeses product.

        Here is the filed legal document of the document. Turn to page 12.

        The filed lawsuit document says that the lawsuit is on behalf of "All consumers within the State of Florida who purchased one of Products, as detailed herein, within the statute of limitations period". This means that if the lawsuit is successful, anyone in the state of Florida who has purchased a reeses product within the statute of limitation will be entitled to receive compensation. In conclusion, I believe that the lawsuit isn't "just looking for a way to make some money", because the lawsuit is meant to compensate every person who was duped by a reeses product.

        What you said was incredibly reactionary. The narrative that people are trying to get rich on frivolous lawsuits was Reaganist policy. Tort law reform is a core principle of the Republican party. Right wingers have propagandized people into believing that consumer protection lawsuits are bad because they don't want capitalists to be able to face legal consequences.

    • Formerlyfarman [none/use name]
      25 days ago

      Im uset they need lawyers for that. It clearly does not match, whty sdo we need to deliberate at all, just hang the guy in charge of the false advertising to set an examole and be done with it.

  • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
    25 days ago

    I pull the foil off my chocolate Santa, only to reveal that the wretched Easter Bunny has deceived me.

  • nothx [any]
    26 days ago

    My treats don’t look exactly like the picture! You’ll be hearing from my lawyer, Mr. Hershey.

    • FloridaBoi [he/him]
      25 days ago

      Idk but where would you draw the line? All of those packages have designs that are not on the actual candy so like why would Hershey feel the need to lie about their food?

      Just because you wouldn’t do it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done. Courts are one of the ways to actually enforce laws such as in advertising.

      • nothx [any]
        25 days ago

        Companies should be forced to use the worst looking version off the assembly line for their marketting photos.

    25 days ago

    Why are so many people making fun over the suits? This is exactly what the legal system is for. If they're not kept in check they'll get even worse.

    • dead [he/him]
      25 days ago

      Americans are told since birth that all lawsuits are frivolous. There is a broadly accepted narrative that any lawsuit is meant for one person to get rich and that it will hurt the broader public. This is a narrative that was part of Reaganism, similar to Reagan's "welfare queen" narrative. Republicans love tort reform. Basically right wingers push the idea that consumer protection lawsuits are frivolous so that the public gets mad about it and then capitalists never face legal consequences for defrauding people.

      The lawsuit in the article is a class action lawsuit, that means that the lawsuit is on behalf of a larger party, not just the person filing the lawsuit.

      You can read the filed lawsuit here.

      On page 12 of the document, it says that the lawsuit is on behalf of "All consumers within the State of Florida who purchased one of Products, as detailed herein, within the statute of limitations period". On page 16 of the document, it says the that the lawsuit seeks "Awarding Plaintiff and the members of the Class compensatory damages in an amount according to proof at trial" and "Ordering Defendant to correct the deceptive behavior"

      If the lawsuit is successful, it means that people in Florida who have purchased a reeses product recently will receive some sort of compensation and that Hershey's will required to have more accurate packaging in the future.

    • LaughingLion [any, any]
      25 days ago

      i would sue them to force them to make more reece's products that are a higher ratio of that peanut butter crack to their shitty chocolate

      gimme that clay-like sugary peanut butter until i get gout and kidney stones you greedy fucks how am i supposed to get diabetes otherwise

    • FloridaBoi [he/him]
      25 days ago

      The latest ALAB episode has them going over the case of someone suing Cold Stone for not having any pistachios in their pistachio ice cream

  • D61 [any]
    26 days ago

    "Amer-ick-a! Amaiiirrr-ick-a! This chocolate treat doesn't match tha' pack-age-eeeeeng!"

    25 days ago

    I understand why, I've bought holiday candy specifically because of the shape and find out it was the regular candy in a different box. It seems manipulative. Either make the effort to make the correct shape that is advertised or don't advertise it that way.

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    25 days ago

    Being as Americans consume aesthetics rather than substance, having a lackluster shape or color is a grave sin.

    The food item absolutely must be the right shape and color for an American to eat it. It need not have any distinctive taste or nutrition though.