Hello users of Hexbear with the upcoming version of lemmy 0.19.4 we will be able to change local communities' federation to local only however it is experimental as they are developing private communities.

In a previous federation discussion, we stated that we would temporarily remove lemm.ee from our allow-list until hexbear communities and users have the means by which to set hexbear communities to not federate out, restricting it to hexbear users. Now that this tool is available, we will refederate with lemm.ee after we complete the update.

Please use this post to discuss federation in general, as well as provide feedback to the hexbear mod and admin team in regard to federation.

List of current federated instances on hexbear's allow-list

spectreofcommunism.boo akkoma

feddit.uk lemmy

lemmygrad.ml lemmy

transwo.men akkoma

sloth.run sharkey

endlesstalk.org lemmy

infosec.pub lemmy

akko.wtf akkoma

ursal.zone mastodon

suppo.fi lemmy

redpawcollective.co mastodon

social.harpia.red akkoma

piefed.social PieFed

szmer.info lemmy

procial.tchncs.de Firefish

lemmy.today lemmy

lgbtqia.space mastodon

feddit.nu lemmy

novo-atlantis.null.media akkoma

feddit.it lemmy

whiskers.bim.boats lemmy

lemmy.kde.social lemmy

lemmy.myserv.one lemmy

poweredbygay.social mastodon

tankie.tube peertube

lgbt.io mastodon

vegantheoryclub.org lemmy

mander.xyz lemmy

midwest.social lemmy

lemmy.glasgow.social lemmy

transfem.space lemmy

scribe.disroot.org lemmy

dormi.zone lemmy

transfem.social sharkey


bookwormstory.social lemmy

lemmy.wtf lemmy

orcas.enjoying.yachts lemmy

eviltoast.org lemmy

toast.ooo lemmy

lemmy.max-p.me lemmy

reddthat.com lemmy

lemmy.zip lemmy

urbanists.social mastodon

blackqueer.life mastodon

undernopretext.social mastodon

mycrowd.ca akkoma

lemmy.studio lemmy

possumpat.io lemmy

lemmy.sdf.org lemmy

union.place mastodon

femboys.bar lemmy

fanaticus.social lemmy

poptalk.scrubbles.tech lemmy

links.hackliberty.org lemmy

feddit.cl lemmy

lemmy.dbzer0.com lemmy

weatherishappening.network mastodon

ttrpg.network lemmy

discuss.online lemmy

thelemmy.club lemmy

monyet.cc lemmy

adultswim.fan lemmy

lemmy.eco.br lemmy

lemmy.radio lemmy

lemdro.id lemmy

codesink.io lemmy

lemmy.blugatch.tube lemmy

pricefield.org lemmy

snowdin.town akkoma


seafoam.space akkoma

toots.matapacos.dog hometown

lemmy.ml lemmy

jlai.lu lemmy

kyberpunk.social lemmy

lemmy.fan lemmy

ljs.social mastodon

outerheaven.club akkoma

feddit.dk lemmy

linux.community lemmy

futurology.today lemmy

mtgzone.com lemmy

lemmy.pt lemmy

startrek.website lemmy

discuss.tchncs.de lemmy

feddit.nl lemmy

lemy.lol lemmy

lemmy.one lemmy

iusearchlinux.fyi lemmy

Previous federation discussion posts












  • CARCOSA [they/them]
    20 days ago


    Anyone interested in helping these communities become more active? They are at risk of being removed if they remain inactive

    List of inactive communities (2month)












    • Infamousblt [any]
      20 days ago

      Consider this my kick in the butt to get the polyam community more active I didn't realize it had been so long since anyone posted there. Oops. Life has been ridiculous lately.

      Also if anyone does want to please mod them I clearly could use the help and I really do want it to be a real community eventually

      • CARCOSA [they/them]
        20 days ago

        no worries if you or no one else wants to step in you are welcome to lock it (set it to only moderators can post) and we consider it shuttered until someone wants to take it back up

      • glans [it/its]
        19 days ago

        I've been here for almost a year and seen the name many times. Never even crossed my mind that it would be anything but home automation.

      • CARCOSA [they/them]
        20 days ago

        If the moderator wants to lock them they can be shuttered as is otherwise they can be removed. Removed communities can be restored at any time they are just not visible/interactable to users. In short the posts and comments cannot be seen/interacted with unless restored at a later time, where as a locked/shuttered community would have visible/interactable posts/comments but nothing new can be made

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      19 days ago

      I think c/agriculture can probably just get folded into c/gardening. There's no way the other half of agriculture is gonna get seriously discussed on Hexbear despite the number of omnivores on here.

    • moonlake [he/him]
      17 days ago

      please don't remove c/maps, I'll try to post harder posting

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    21 days ago

    I think it's really fun to federate with places and deride the libs, but I'm not the vulnerable population. I love our reputation as the shitheads on the block.

  • Leon_Frotsky [she/her, undecided]
    21 days ago

    im pro refederating with lemm.ee and though i know it's probably a pipe dream im also in favour of seeing whether something could be worked out to do like a partial refederation with blahaj zone

        • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
          21 days ago

          Fair enough, if that's what people want to do. But personally I fail to see what's different from the last time we tried federating with them, which left a bad taste in my mouth that lingers to this day. Is it still full of rabid anti-communists? Yes. Is that one shitty mod who posted Carcosa's DMs still active? Yes. Is the head admin still a weak-kneed lib unwilling to take any action against those things? Also yes

        • AcidSmiley [she/her]
          19 days ago

          Being able to block blahaj users from some comms will do very little when the actual issue is chasers. When we refed, we will inevitably run into them on the open comms, which means that in the long run we will get exposed to chaser behavior. Yes, they'll get blocked after being gross and horny creeps, but i'd rather prevent the risk of that kind of interactions in the first place.

          There's also the question what we gain from refedding with an aggressively anticommunist and pro-imperialist instance just because they have some trans people on there. How many are we even talking? Do we have numbers on that, are they doing polls like we do? Back during the drama that led to defederation, the threads discussing open transphobia on the instance where full of painfully clueless cissies, with barely any trans users speaking out even though the issue directly affected them. That may not be a representative picture, but still, it was a very different picture from what you saw on here even back before the pronoun tag purges. I understand that you want to reach out to the kind of trans person who is so desperate for validation that they'll put up with Vaush fans fetishizing them, i get there's a lot of trans people who could do well with a better community that allows them to grow and thrive instead of assimilating, but i wonder if there's that many trans folks on there in the first place.

          • kristina [she/her]
            19 days ago


            This is how much they mustered for a survey on /c/trans on blahaj. Afaik it wasn't pinned anywhere else but /c/trans

            so more like 40, hard to tell how that extrapolates to the rest of the site without a pin

    • kristina [she/her]
      21 days ago

      Yeah I think if we refed blahaj this would be the time. Gotta be merciless with the bans.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        21 days ago

        This this this. We can make a lot of ground with new comrades through a few of these instances if we continue to be clear about and uphold our community standards. If that means more mods on more communities for a while to keep things clear and uphold TC69 thought so be it. But I think we have a lot to gain by putting in the work as a community here.

    • radiofreeval [any]
      20 days ago

      The issue with blahaj is the admin is very difficult and the chasers will probably leak through the cracks, even if our queer communities are private.

    • booty [he/him]
      20 days ago

      lemm.ee can probably work, their admin tries to be reasonable even if he's a lib with serious brainworms. blahaj probably cant work, their admin is a serious shitlib who doesn't attempt to be reasonable

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]
      20 days ago

      I'd prefer to stay as far away from blahaj as possible. I'd prefer to not have chasers in our space.

  • CarbonScored [any]
    21 days ago

    As always I'm quite happy for us to federate with other instances freely. We've always done a great job of keeping out the problem-causing users.

    More Lemmy tools to regulate that is neat and hopefully means people can feel more confident in Hexbear remaining a safe space while we do so.

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    21 days ago

    For anyone's information, main, news, politics, and marxism are not going to switch to local only barring any extenuating circumstances.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    21 days ago

    I don't think this will end well. .ee has always been an instance with a massive reactionary problem and it hasn't gotten any better. They just recently started hosting a community that was banned from another instance for outright eco-fascism. I get when people have a desire to dunk on nazis, but there's better ways to do that than to invite the fascists into your living room.

    • quarrk [he/him]
      21 days ago

      I think it could work out ok. Certain communities intended as safe/exclusive spaces (e.g. !traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns@hexbear.net or !em_poc@hexbear.net) can block .ee, while other communities like !the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net, !history@hexbear.net, or !news@hexbear.net may opt to allow more reactionary visitors for discussion.

      I suppose it does remove the option to browse outside of 'subscribed' for those who want to stay in the safe spaces. The alternative is requiring Hexbear as a site to default to the most exclusive set of instances, which may be more strict than some Hexbears want or need.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        21 days ago

        Yeah, i get the idea behind this and it's kinda interesting as an experiment. I absolutely appreciate the functionality behind it and i also get that my extremely negative views on federation don't have a majority on this site. Like, if it was up to me, we wouldn't even be federated with .ml or grad, and that's obviously not something most users here would go along with. So keeping some comms internal and others public-facing seems like a viable compromise in general.

        I'm just saying i have a bad feeling about how it will turn out in this specific case. .ee always had a way too large share of problematic users and that can't get any better after they've just lifeboated a bunch of literal death cultists.

        • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
          20 days ago

          There's no point in using Lemmy if we're not going to federate with anybody. Lemmy is still missing features that an old school forum has. Why bother with an inferior social media platform?

      • kristina [she/her]
        21 days ago

        I may not be for blocking ee on traa, will need to dig through the modlog and see how important that is Edit: Yeah it appears we had no removals from ee, seems fine

        Most off-site removals were from sjw and discuss.de

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      20 days ago

      That doesn't seem to be enough to stop the lemmygrad users posting Facebook-tier memes

  • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
    20 days ago

    On that note what are the rules for dealing with libs and other fascists? Like how far can we go? I caught a ban from reddit years ago for telling fascists to suck lead too many times so I haven't been doing that here, but when fascists come into our space and tell me I should support genocide it's kind of the most appropriate response, IMO.

    I don't want to get banned because I "overreacted" to the fascists if we let them back in. And .ee absolutely has them

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        20 days ago

        Correct, encouraging self harm is not okay but other than that we take a gloves off approach.


    • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
      20 days ago

      I caught a ban from reddit years ago for telling fascists to suck lead too many times so I haven't been doing that here

      This is an emote barbara-pit if that helps

      (A ~thousand nazi collaborators and fascists executed in a mine by Yugoslav communists)

      • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
        19 days ago

        Excellent, thank you. This is better IMO than the self-harm redditism anyway, as they do not deserve agency in their own punishment for being fascist monsters.

  • RedWizard [he/him]
    21 days ago

    I think this is a great feature, the more comms I can consolidate under this account the better. Being able to protect specific sub's from brigades while leaving others open is ultimately good for the network as a whole. Private comms are going to be a great edition too. Hopefully this allows more instances to be federated even if it's partial.

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    21 days ago

    I think re federating lemmee would be fine, but only them for now. When private comm get more updates like the ability to choose which instance to block, then i would be open to federation with more big instances.

  • glans [it/its]
    20 days ago

    doesn't hexbear already have private commmunities? they are mentioned here and there. i can't access any of them which i always assumed was due to not being invited or something.

    • CARCOSA [they/them]
      20 days ago

      there was a previous feature (pre-federation) that hid the community from the all feed if a user wasn't subscribed to it which was referred to as a private community but is actually a hidden community. The feature being added in 19.4 prevents the community from federating out or being seen without a local user account

  • ElGosso [he/him]
    20 days ago

    I say we make every comm private except The Dunk Tank and use it as bait

    They'll come in and see us making fun of what they think are totally normal takes and walk right into it

  • footfaults [none/use name]
    20 days ago

    Just wanted to post that while I'm always against federation, I am grateful to the mods and admins here who work so hard to preserve the culture of this site while also being federated

    • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
      19 days ago

      I think we've done an excellent job with federation. I used to be against it due to fears of losing site culture and being infiltrated by libs, but now I see we can handle it.