• Jenniferrr [she/her, comrade/them]
    13 days ago

    Having incredible health anxiety. I unfortunately contracted symptomatic genital hpv, and I can't like relax or anything. I am deathly afraid of spreading it all over my body (I know this is unlikely). I am constantly convincing myself that I am getting warts here or there, it's really driving me insane :(. Now I'm convincing myself I am having a mouth herpes outbreak because my lip in one part is very very slightly red. I wish my brain wasn't like this. I wish I could just relax -.-

    • Thallo [she/her, he/him]
      13 days ago

      I struggled with health anxiety for years. It's so fucking hard, especially when the health issue is real.

      I feel for you. Just try to keep doing what your doing and reminding yourself of the reality of the situation instead of the worst case scenario you keep replaying in your head. It's not real.
