• Thallo [love/loves]
    3 months ago

    No problem! I paid for years of therapy so you don't have to! (Even though you are)

    So, for me, my sea legs came from recognizing a few things:

    1. Confidence and control. I recognized that I don't have control over a lot of the things I feel. Panic, dysphoria, depression, etc. but I do have control over how I interpret those sensations and how I want to cope with them. I'm terms of anxiety, recognizing harmful thoughts and reinterpreting them to make them harmless is really important.

    2. Acceptance and love. I decided I need to accept whatever I am. Am I a cis guy? Okay, I love myself. Am I a trans woman? Okay, I love myself. If I transition will I be ugly? Okay, I love myself. Will I make permanent changes to my body that I'll regret? Okay, I love myself. Are these gender feelings I'm having all a manifestation of mental illness? Okay, I love myself. Is this just some sexual perversion I'm acting out? Okay, I love myself.

    I found that once I just accepted myself for who I am WITHOUT JUDGEMENT (this is huge!) that a lot of the above negative thoughts just kind of dissolved. That above list could be a lot longer-- I had so many, but no matter what the answer is, I still deserve to be loved. So do you.

    I hope you can find that for yourself soon meow-hug

    PS: I found reading queer lit helped me because it gave me a framework to understand my feelings by listening to other people who went through it. I might recommend checking some out