• Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    By "Anonymous hackers" they mean the CIA. They want so fucking badly to install this neoliberal puppet so they can loot the country's state owned firms.

    • Pezevenk [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Idk but it seems like all they're going to accomplish this time is Crimea 2: Electric Boogaloo.

    • Corbyn [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      The people here really believe that any activism that they don't support a 100% is done by the CIA, lol.

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Nah just the "activism" that furthers the interests of the US government. If the US is trying to instigate a color revolution in Belarus, and "anonymous hackers" doxx all the cops, it's not unlikely that the CIA or one of it's affiliated organizations did the hacking. It's not like every CIA op is run from an office in Langley, they act as facilitators to semi-autonomous groups all over the world.

        As for activism that I don't like but probably isn't funded by the CIA, I'd point to the massive amount of anti-lgbt "activism" in Eastern Europe. It usually goes hand-in-hand with anti-EU and anti-western sentiment which the CIA does not want to perpetuate.

        • Corbyn [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          There are countless reasons to protest the Belarusian government and trying to delegitimise a widespread support within the population by trying to paint them as being controlled by the CIA... No. And people on this subreddit do this as soon as protesters' interests somehow align with US interests (whenever they protest a government the US does not like).

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Socialists of belarus and all of the former ussr support them. Shut up. Defer your understanding of the location to those that actually live there and stop being an imperialism supporting chauvinist.

            Maybe take a note from the person you take your name from: https://twitter.com/search?q=belarus%20(from%3Ajeremycorbyn)&src=typed_query

            There's a god damn reason he's shut his mouth on this topic yet expresses open vocal support for cuba, venezuela, bolivia, etc. Even Corbyn knows what's fucking up here and he's just a socdem.

            • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
              4 years ago

              No you see, they're not real leftists because they don't all have purple hair and make gritty memes

            • Corbyn [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              Socialists of belarus and all of the former ussr support them.

              That does not mean that there aren't legitimate reasons for the protests and that people haven't been fed up with the current government for a long time. Reducing everything to "the CIA was behind it" paints protesters as puppets, discredits them and their cause, and prevents us from learning anything from it. In this case, it is very possible that hackers from Belarus got the information themselves.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                4 years ago

                You're getting attacked here because what you're doing is clearly not in opposition to imperialism, it's in support of it.

                Everyone is perfectly willing to have a conversation about the actual problems that do exist, but not in the context of someone arguing in bad faith in a way that supports NATO interests to take over the country. People would very much discuss the real problems involved here, but only when everyone involved clearly and unequivocally vocalises that they do not support this foreign interventionist attempt to topple him and absolutely destroy the lives of millions and millions of people. Especially under a fascist flag.

                • Corbyn [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  You’re getting attacked here because what you’re doing is clearly not in opposition to imperialism, it’s in support of it.

                  Saying that you shouldn't dismisd every activism that remotely aligns with US interests as orchestrated by the CIA, without even having any evidence, (and I am sure their government IT infrastructure sucks, like almost everywhere) is "in support of imperialism"? Ok then.

          • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
            4 years ago

            But there are only two outcomes. There is no leftist opposition. There is Luka, who protects the economic interests of the working class in Belarus, and there is the neoliberal opposition. You claim "widespread support" for the protests but there is no evidence of that. It's very much based on class and age. Young professionals in the city overwhelmingly support the protests while older and more working class people support Luka. The young professionals want to live like French and Germans do, with more luxuries and a cheaper underclass to serve them artesanal pastries or whatever. The working class people want their stable factory jobs with good pay and benefits to not get sold to some American private equity firm that will lay people off and cut wages.

            • Corbyn [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              You claim “widespread support” for the protests but there is no evidence of that.

              A lot of people going on the street counts as evidence. I can't give you numbers, as the government hasn't released any for many years.

              Young professionals in the city overwhelmingly support the protests while older and more working class people support Luka. The young professionals want to live like French and Germans do, with more luxuries and a cheaper underclass to serve them artesanal pastries or whatever.

              And again, you are reducing them to only acting based on selfish reasons and greed, ignoring all the valid reasons to protest. That they have grown up never seeing any other president than him, that the elections are most likely rigged, that the oppression is threatened and driven out of the country, and wanting to participate in a democracy are not legitimate concerns to you?

              • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Damn dude u got me. It's about the freedumbs n democrazys. I guess we should support every "popular" reactionary movement because they have "legitimate" grievances.

                The massive waves of Venezuelan chuds rioting because the PSUV consolidated power? I guess they're good and we should support them. They have legitimate concerns, after all. They want more freedom. Freedom to put their fascist political figures in power. That's democracy.

                Bolivian chuds rioting because Evo changed the constitution to allow himself to run again? Justified. Even if the riots culminated in a military coup and mass violence against indigenous people, they were justified because that was a very authoritarian move by Evo.

                • Corbyn [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  I guess we should support every “popular” reactionary movement because they have “legitimate” grievances.

                  Where do you see a call for support?

                  It is about facing reality and not dismissing everyone and everything as CIA-backed while ignoring the causes.

              • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
                4 years ago

                ignoring all the valid reasons to protest.

                It literally doesn't matter even slightly what "valid" reasons exist for the protest, since the end result is brutal, US-imposed neoliberalism and imperialist exploitation.

      • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Yes, as we know this has absolutely never been the case literally every time a US-supported protest movement happened in a country with a government the State Department doesn't like, say for example in Venezuela, Bolivia, Syria, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Iran, Libya...

        • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
          4 years ago

          What is the intended result of doxxing Belarusian cops? Not the short term result, the desired end. It's to weaken Lukashenko's grip on power so a western-backed opposition can seize power and privatize their industry.

          There isn't going to be any other result. There is no hypothetical third scenario where they hold true free elections and an epic breadtube catgirl libsoc wins and establishes worker co-op socialism. It's either Luka stays in power or the neoliberals seize power. If the latter happens they will crush the Communist Party and ensure that Belarus falls in line with western capitalism for the foreseeable future.

          So maybe you're a liberal idealist that doesn't care about the end result as long as mean cops get hurt. That's your right. But we are going to call you out on your dumb bullshit.

    • PartyMonster [they/them,any]
      4 years ago

      love to have a 6th grade understanding of anarchist theory online dae sid vicious

      pigs are bad because they are defending the interests of a capitalist state and private property. Belarus has a shit ton of publicly owned property. Cops there are not serving the same purpose.

      Also critical support for belarus because Lukashenko is a fuck.

  • glk [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    By simply blaming the CIA you're doing the same thing as the radlibs who ritually denounce any ml-state. It doesn't engage with the material at hand. It's capitalist realism. The inability to imagine anything other than the triumph of neoliberalism. You're conceding a battle before it's fucking started. Imagine an apolitical belorussian asking our community for advice. He'd be met with hostility when he's ripe for radicalisation. If every protest is a potential colour revolution then write about past movements and how they either fell for or how they managed to progress despite imperial interference.

  • VomitBucket [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Y'all motherfuckers are thick as fucking mince if you think its anything but a Cia op supported by Nato to beat Russia in the great game

    They're waving nazi collaborator flags

    Singing songs by nazi collaborators

    Opposition released their program which was basically a firesale on all Belarussian statw owned assets

    Were chanting for Radio Free Liberty (a cia front)

    Yet you dumb fucks still go on about "tankies"

    Like seriously when they pioneered this technique in 1989 you'd think you could fall for it. 30 years later tho?

    This is why you get told to read

    • artangels [he/him]
      4 years ago

      weren't the protesters waving nazi flags around?

            • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Nationalist Liberals will empower fascists if they fight their enemies for them. Just look at Ukraine. They're basically the neonazi militia capital of the world even if neonazi beliefs aren't hegemonic and their government has very little far right representation.

      • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
        4 years ago

        One of these days they're going to try this in Cuba and you fucks will be right alongside the gusanos saying "self-determination of the Cuban people, down with the Communist dictatorship" while the "opposition" rallies around a figure whose platform is literally just selling off state assets to American corporations.

          • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I don't really care if the election was rigged. Even if it was there is no evidence that the opposition had anything close to a majority and even if they did I don't have to support them lol.

            You really don't get anti-imperialism do you? Question: let's say there was a Liberal uprising in Iran that was supported by the US. They want to end some of the very real abuses and awful policies of the iranian government, but also want to bring Iran under western influence and sell off their oil to western companies. Would you support it?