• Storm [she/her]
    3 days ago

    To be fair, this is what the future looks like under capitalism.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    3 days ago

    This is typical anti-Tesla propaganda from another short seller.

    Where are all the articles writing about the bits that don't fly off while a Cybertruck is barreling down the highway?
    Where are all the people talking about the parts that do work on the Cybertruck?
    Where is the running count of all the days where there hasn't been a Cybertruck recall?


  • neroiscariot [none/use name]
    3 days ago

    I have been seeing more lately in my area, and it is an immediate "get the fuck away from that thing" moment for me.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Proud to say I haven't seen one yet but I also live in an environment where an uncoated stainless steel vehicle would literally not make it through a single winter.

      Had a friend take their car to a mechanic out west and the guy told me friend he hates to say it but he's pretty sure somebody sold him a vehicle that had been in a flood based on the condition of the underside of it.

      My friend bought the car new and just drove it in northeast winters (and the salt associated with them) for 5 years.

      • redsteel@lemmygrad.ml
        3 days ago

        It's great how in roughly half the U.S. between November and April, using an extremely expensive yet fundamentally required car on a public road is a guaranteed death sentence for its structure and body. Rustproofing (only if new or new enough that rust hasn't taken hold yet), enormous cost of purchase, constant car washes to slow the unavoidable corrosion, the enormous risk of death and injury from being forced to drive in those conditions, all privatized individual costs coming out of the working class pockets and ass, all for muh ecomoneh.

        I'm laying my bets down: It'll be cathartic watching Musk's bazinga trash go through this process, because it will be messy, and also seeing how the CT owners handle their 7,000 pound dumpsters on anything more challenging than rain-soaked roads.

        • Adkml [he/him]
          3 days ago

          Yea this winter is going to be a shitshow for anybody unfortunately enough to be within crashing range.

          There's already giant trucks in the ditch after any light snowstorm, and those people have been driving (and crashing) trucks their whole life.

          Don't see people doing well in an enormous truck without direct feedback from steering.

      • PKMKII [none/use name]
        3 days ago

        Yeah that sounds like the typical car in the greater Buffalo-Rochester area

    • TomBombadil [he/him, she/her]
      3 days ago

      Saw.my first one a couple days ago. It looked insane and i was glad to see it was turning away from me.

  • dch82@lemmy.zip
    3 days ago

    I’ve noticed this in IoT all the time.

    When every game before the DSi had to be ready out the door but every game after could have day zero fixes.

    When Windows had to come in one piece because all fixes could only come through service packs.

    When your smart fridge needs a firmware update

    Etc. Etc.

      • dch82@lemmy.zip
        2 days ago

        So they can pull off a mars express error and fixit if they find it inflight?

        That would be cool

        • radiofreeval [any]
          2 days ago

          Each probe has two fully redundant computers so they push to one with prod and one is a fallback. A lot of times the code isn't finished by landing and development happens in flight.

  • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
    3 days ago

    this truck is a reminder that some people would literally buy anything just to be part of something, kind of sad.

  • CarbonScored [any]
    3 days ago

    And how many sold? Last count I had some weeks back was in low thousands. Did they even do any QA?

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    3 days ago

    Oh bazinga oh bazanga oh my darling techbro truck

    You were recalled four times over

    Oh my darling cybertruck

  • Optimus_Subprime [he/him, they/them]
    3 days ago

    I laugh my ass off every time I see Simone Giertz's reaction to the Cybertruck.

    https://youtu.be/FCKjmfsgBBY?si=VPVDktDJYwfZ5NRi Reaction starts at 6:20