MP Whittome added, “Imane Khelif was assigned female at birth. She’s spoken about being initially banned from boxing by her dad, who said it wasn’t for girls

kitty-cri so basically too much of a girl to do boxing, but now she's made it to the fucking Olympics she's not woman enough? Poor lady can't win.

Meanwhile, Italian Family Minister Eugenia Roccella defended Carini after her Olympic dream was shattered in 46 seconds.

Skill issue. She lost the match. The fact that she slandered and missgendered someone because she lost to them is an embarrassing display of poor sportsmanship and should really be grounds for a libel lawsuit.

  • GeorgeZBush [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Westerners: all brown Arabs hate gay and trans people

    Westerners: the brown Arabs let a trans person into the Olympics

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    1 month ago

    I don't even think it's anything to do with intersex (even if she was), it is about one thing: a brown person defeating a white person. In the western world's eyes Imane Khelif violated rule number one:

    Never outshine the master.

    White people by and large see themselves as "the master", and expect the rest of the world to just let them comfortably enjoy those feelings of superiority. This is a prime example of "ze untersmench" defeating an "aryan" fair and square, so of course they'll go to accusing Khelif of being an even BIGGER "untersmench" which ironically helps in disproving their superiority complex even faster.

    • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
      1 month ago

      Eh, I dunno. I think there's an argument to this across society but not in this case. I think that sort of thing is more pronounced when a traditionally white sport gets 'taken' by a non white competitor. No one complains when China wins at table tennis, or when Jamaica wins the sprints. Boxing has regularly had dominant POC champions both in and out of the Olympics.

      The Williams sisters in tennis on the other hand - their negative media attention was definitely racialised. Same goes for Naomi Osaka. Because tennis is a white sport.

      If Khelif was white and had more testosterone there'd still be plenty of fuss. Even Ilona Maher's (white USA womens sevens rugby) testosterone levels are being called into question despite the fact that she's a very regularly presenting woman who just has a wide jaw.

      If Khelif outwardly looked more feminine, no one would complain.

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      1 month ago

      I feel like in all the coverage, especially as the italian government gets involved - like reported here - there is glaring lack of any sort of mention that the current italian government is like at least extremely right wing up to some weird neo- or post-fascism party and that's by polite society discussion standards

    • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
      1 month ago

      The EU is basically irrelevant relative to the actual major world powers, frothing over the olympics is all they have left

    • miz [any, any]
      1 month ago
      made me think of this Stalin quote

      It was formerly the "accepted" idea that the world has been divided from time immemorial into inferior and superior races, into blacks and whites, of whom the former are unfit for civilization and are doomed to be objects of exploitation, while the latter are the only bearers of civilization, whose mission it is to exploit the former.

      That legend must now be regarded as shattered and discarded. One of the most important results of the October Revolution is that it dealt that legend a mortal blow, by demonstrating in practice that the liberated non-European peoples, drawn into the channel of Soviet development, are not one whit less capable of promoting a really progressive culture and a really progressive civilization than are the European peoples.

      It was formerly the "accepted" idea that the only method of liberating the oppressed peoples is the method of bourgeois nationalism, the method of nations drawing apart from one another, the method of disuniting nations, the method of intensifying national enmity among the labouring masses of the various nations.

      That legend must now be regarded as refuted. One of the most important results of the October Revolution is that it dealt that legend a mortal blow, by demonstrating in practice the possibility and expediency of the proletarian, internationalist method of liberating the oppressed peoples, as the only correct method; by demonstrating in practice the possibility and expediency of a fraternal union of the workers and peasants of the most diverse nations based on the principles of voluntariness and internationalism. The existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which is the prototype of the future integration of the working people of all countries into a single world economic system, cannot but serve as direct proof of this.

      The era of tranquil exploitation and oppression of the colonies and dependent countries has passed away.

      The era of liberating revolutions in the colonies and dependent countries, the era of the awakening of the proletariat in those countries, the era of its hegemony in the revolution, has begun.

      —Stalin, The International Character Of the October Revolution, 1927

  • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    Skill issue. She lost the match.

    For real. Carini made a serious rookie mistake, and left herself wide open to getting her clock cleaned.

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      1 month ago

      If you can't take a punch from someone in the same weight devision as you then you shouldn't be boxing in the Olympics.

      • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
        1 month ago

        The frustrating part is mainstream outlets like Reuters repeating the talking point that Khelif was previously banned from other women's international boxing competitions for failing gender testing, while leaving off the part where the IBA refuses to release anything about their methodology -- only that they did not check for presence of XY chromosomes or elevated T levels. Not that either of these things fucking matter, but the 2023 IBA ruling doesn't even pass the "plausible deniability" sniff test; the whole ruling comes off sounding like it was vibes-based, so of fucking course it underpins the narrative that the TERF-o-sphere is running with.

        It's literally just traditionalist-sexist misogyny using transphobia as a cudgel to police women's bodies, and it's wild to see it leaking into more mainstream discourse.

        The fact that Carini also happens to be an It*lian cop is chefs-kiss though.

        • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
          1 month ago

          The fact that Carini also happens to be an It*lian cop is chefs-kiss though.

          Oh, she's a pig? Glad she got her ass beat then. No wonder she appealed to authority the moment a women more talented than her won.

          • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
            1 month ago

            I know, Cringepedia, but:

            The daughter of police officers, Carini also serves as an officer in the Polizia di Stato and is an athlete in their sporting division, Fiamme Oro.

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
    1 month ago

    Here's a video that Ennahar did on her village yesterday:

    Another thing is that I'm not surprised that both bludMAGAs and redMAGAs are having shitty racist takes on this, the right wingers are claiming she's a man because she's not white blonde hair barbie, and the liberals are saying no way she's trans because Algeria ebil conservative mega shari'a country and she would've been beheaded.

    Also somehow blaming on this too with the IBA nonsense and "the organization is owned by a Russian all Russians are corrupt how can you believe this" crazy ass shit

  • carpoftruth [any, any]M
    1 month ago

    Does khelif get a chance to fight any more dumb ass cops in the bracket?

    • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
      1 month ago

      She did get a unanimous win against Hungarian Luca Hamori who had posted a bunch of transphobic shit on Instagram and called Khelif some slur that is usually reserved for dogs with defects.