• Adkml [he/him]
    19 days ago

    First three answers of the interview.

    No I will not ban fracking even though in 2019 I said I would on day one, my values have not changed.

    No I wouldn't decriminalize entering the country we have to crack down on the border because we're a nation of laws.

    Yes I would be willing to have a republican in my cabinet.

    JJEEEEEEEZZZZZUUUUSSS well I guess that's about the end of her honeymoon period lmao.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        19 days ago

        It's harm reduction because incase having a personal identity crisis wonder why the fuck I was agreeing with what the dems were doing electorally, appreciate them eliminating that confusion. I feel the exact same way about Harris that I did the day before Biden dropped out. This interview literally puts her to the right of Biden. Even Biden wouldn't repeatedly say "yes I said that now, now I'm saying this, my position has not changed despite you highlighting two mutually exclusive positions I have held."

        • Pentacat [he/him]
          19 days ago

          How is every Democrat candidate supposed to be worse if we don’t give them room to be worse? She’s just following a natural law of US politics.

      • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
        18 days ago

        For years and years the Dems have said that they have to tack to the center to get votes, and now the one time where they got a bunch of progressives excited they still do it anyway. Goes to show how the game really works.

  • refolde [she/her, any]
    19 days ago

    Damn I do think that nothing about the United States is redeemable.

    If the entire country was hit by a meteor and everyone in it fucking died, it would still be a net good for the world.

    • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
      19 days ago

      I don't want to give us too much credit cause we definitely do suck but: I do think its worth remembering that polls show a significant majority of Americans support a permanent ceasefire. This is just another example of democracy being a dog and pony show while the empire carries on doing whatever the hell it wants.

      • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
        19 days ago

        i mean we'll see in the election results, no matter how much the americans pontificate about how theyre good on the inside actually and that its just the evil politicians guiding them astray, if more than 50% of them vote for the nazi parties two wings we know that those polls were wrong

        • FunkyStuff [he/him]
          19 days ago

          They doubtlessly will, but I think this just reinforces the fact that in every epoch, the ideas of the ruling class are the ideas of the working class. The same pattern holds for masking: certainly less than 10% of Americans mask, and even in California only about 15% are up to date with vaccines. America is the most brainwashed country in the world.

          That being said, I don't mean to excuse the settler brainworms that just naturally come as a consequence of most Americans being labor aristocrats at best, and active Imperialist agents at worst.

          • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
            19 days ago

            im not willing to give the americans the out of being brainwashed, i imagine if youve been on this site for a while youve probably already heard the critiques at least once, i agree the ideas of the ruling class of america are the ideas of the working class, but also that the working class of america are the junior party of the ruling class of the world, and their class position makes it beneficial for them to behave like they do, and the consumption the propaganda they consume is a subconcious effort to reaffirm that they arent the bad guys. This has never been clearer to me in the wake of gaza, seeing how these people choose to not see something and not believe something because it would shatter their self image if they were to accept it.

            • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
              19 days ago

              No one believes they are the bad guys. IDK how to break people out of that cognitive self-defense.

              Also there's a sort of doomerism that comes with realizing you live in a country like this. It is easy to feel powerless & despair so why not push those feelings down and try to ignore it? I get the logic. It's wrong, but I don't believe people in this position can't be converted to the left. We have to try reaching people. We can’t give up.

              • RaisedFistJoker [she/her]
                19 days ago

                I think the logic of trying to push those feelings down is actually one of a couple "correct" things to do. Its easier to not fight against the bullys. Like in school when people see the kid being picked on they don't intervene even if they feel bad because then the attention would be on them. Its actually a good individual survival strategy.

                I also agree that those people can be reached and that we shouldnt give up. However many years down the line I just want honesty from the westerners that come around to communism or whatever that before they were cowards at best, evildooers at worst.

            • quarrk [he/him]
              19 days ago

              Relevant essay about brainwashing versus licensing in the imperial core


              Talk of “manufacturing” and “inventing” suggests an imposition over and against the individual’s will. I believe that, on the contrary, the process of Western propaganda is better understood in terms of “licensing”: the issuing of moral license for the bourgeois proletariat to profitably go along with bourgeois designs without the feeling of shame overwhelming. In this alternative account people aren’t “brainwashed” insofar as they don’t actually believe the lies, not in the way that we generally understand belief. It’s more correct to say that they go along with them, whether enthusiastically or apprehensively, because it’s actually their optimal survival strategy.

          • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
            19 days ago

            I know several people who have said that this is the first election they aren't voting in. Idk if it's going to matter, but these are dem voters in a swing state.

        • miz [any, any]
          19 days ago

          what passes for "culture" in American media is disgusting and worships freedom as atomization, "freedom" is not having any obligations to anyone and no community to "hold you back" from climbing to the top and dominating everyone else

      • mar_k [he/him]
        19 days ago

        supporting a ceasefire does not at all mean you're pro-palestine. most EU countries voted for the UN deal months and months before all while supporting israel. plenty of zionists want a conditional deal where israel's hostages are returned and palestine's colonial subjugation and apartheid continue, just not as overtly.

        found a poll from this week that 60% of americans support continuing military aid to israel. and you can't assume the 40% against it are against it on principled grounds, many of them are simply isolationists who don't want their taxpayer money going to other countries

        • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
          18 days ago

          I don't disagree and like I said in my post: we do indeed suck. I just want to push back slightly because looking at the numbers I think reality bears out more that Americans are deeply confused and propagandized. Its fair to say that a lot of people have arrived at the right conclusion for all the wrong reasons and I'm all down with throwing out a "death to amerikkka" as we feel it...but I also think the more important takeaway to have in this situation is that the feelings of the American public are essentially immaterial here. The empire doesn't care.

        • coolusername@lemmy.ml
          18 days ago

          I just want to comment that polls don't mean that much since the people they're polling are fed lies.

  • hypercracker [he/him]
    19 days ago

    whelp that clinches it. voting third party in a swing state it is

    • Weedian [he/him]
      19 days ago

      harm reduction

      No more bombs

      Oh they got this all screwed up

      Harm reduction?

      No, more bombs

    • Adkml [he/him]
      19 days ago

      By continuously publicly stating that they will do the exact same amount of harm or maybe even more than the Republicans.

  • graymess [none/use name]
    19 days ago

    How do you take up the reigns of an administration with like a 30% approval rating and then proudly proclaim you're not gonna change a fucking thing? Jesus christ, it really was just about Biden not being able to talk good anymore, wasn't it?

  • MelaniaTrump [undecided]
    19 days ago

    lol the betting markets flipped back to Trump after this interview

    Hey Mrs Harris the earth is dying and 99% of people under the age of like 30 will starve to death at some point in their life if we don't stop hitting the accelerator on climate change, but sure, keep fracking for oil.

    • miz [any, any]
      19 days ago

      so cool how they take the blatant failure of lesser evilism (both parties shifting to the right) and use it as an argument IN FAVOR OF LESSER EVILISM

    • Pentacat [he/him]
      19 days ago

      At least Reagan was capable of telling “Israel” to fuck off when he had to.

    • goferking0@lemmy.sdf.org
      19 days ago

      Good thing it's just one of that comms mods saying that. Probably isn't a sign of their stance when removing or banning certain users when they point out how much USA is rushing right

    • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
      18 days ago

      there's no question she's not a progressive

      Motherfucker a week ago one of the top pro Harris talking points was that her voting record was one of the most progressive in the Senate, second only to Bernie fucking Sanders.

      This is actual doublethink. 1984 got all of its predictions right except Orwell wasn't describing communism, he was describing the inevitable trajectory of capitalism.

  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    19 days ago

    Excuse me, but I'm busy projecting all my beliefs onto her. As long as she doesn't explicitly say that she won't l execute Biden for war crimes then I'm still voting for her