Sincere post, if you dare. What has this site and the people on it meant to you
though for real this site has been useful for helping trans people out thanks
i just like that i can post here and not worry about getting banned for criticizing israel, amerikka, capitalism, white supremacy, etc. i hate having to walk on eggshells on reddit and constantly getting banned/lectured to by the dumbest liberals on earth
Honestly you're better off. Being on Reddit is self harm.
Lol, yeah. But you know, I had my communities there and communicating with people from all over the globe without thinking who they are, where they're from made me feel like I had my happy hippie place, like I'm connected to the world. And fuckers took it away from me by banning me so some zionist fuck doesn't get offended.
That day when day banned me, my ex committed suicide. I had a need to share it with someone because I don't have many people around me and unfortunately VL is my socialisation. I needed my online people that day. I wish there is a way to send a message to admins just do I can tell them to screw themselves in the ass with something hard and sand and papery for this ban.
Glad I found this place. I like it, even though it's a little bit complicated. 😅 But at least I don't have to read zio hateful disgusting bullshit.
And yeah, my mental health went to south since reddit showed me what pieces of inhumane scum live on this planet. So yeah, you're right, it really is a self harm in the end.
Oh, I'm so so sorry about your ex... Yeah, I didn't mean to downplay how much those online spaces can mean to us. It's really awful that it was taken from you for not towing the mainstream line. I have a Palestinian flag pin that I put on my backpack but I take it off when I go into the office because no one at work would sympathise and I worry about retaliation for it, so I understand. Fucked up world we live in.
didn't mean to downplay how much those online spaces can mean to us.
I didn't take it as a downplaying from your comment. 🙂 Just saying that it's fucked up that those bastards are protecting Zionists' emotions and banning people without considering that maybe their platform is somewhat important to the users they're banning. And they're doing it like cowards, with a senseless bot to which every word can be forbidden word.
It's really awful that it was taken from you for not towing the mainstream line.
Oh, fuck reddit. I found Lemmy. 🙌
Oh, I'm so so sorry about your ex...
Thank you. ❤️
I have a Palestinian flag pin that I put on my backpack but I take it off when I go into the office because no one at work would sympathise and I worry about retaliation for it, so I understand. Fucked up world we live in.
We do... Fortunately, my colleagues don't say shit when I wear my keffiyeh, but even if they did, I'm feisty bitch and I would fight them over it. I'm just waiting if our stupid police will start to bug me, but I think they have bigger issues to deal with.
Hexbear helped me deal with my dad's death. I probably don't have anything I can say that's going to be bigger than that.
I was on .ml for like a year so this account is new but it was what tipped me over the edge into really recognizing the lifetime of propaganda I was fed and how the people and politicians I thought were the 'good guys' do not care about people like me in the slightest. So you can say it was the final catalyst for my radical transformation.
Before I stopped using Reddit, chapo was "that one subreddit that got banned for wanting to kill people" but I started reading the posts people make here about North Korea and other countries that I made fun of and thought were just 'bad' and it made me start thinking about it.
My path was coming from being a very individualistic and selfish teenager, to a standard liberal cheering on the war on terror and several times at risk of falling into alt right ideologies, to a Bernie supporter, to a vegan, and finally ending up here. I don't want to call myself a communist or a ML yet because I don't know well enough how I'd respond if someone asked what that really meant, but I'm getting there and it feels right.
People make jokes about how posting isn't praxis and most people's time would probably be better off doing something else. But I don't think I would have gone further beyond in my intellectual and personal development and really criticized my past self to figure out why I had those views, why I was so selfish and why I and other people who still think that way are wrong. Mainly because there was nobody in my physical space that would have introduced me to those ideas.
"that one subreddit that got banned for wanting to kill people"
Which people?
(it was slaveowners)
Yeah, that context usually wasn't explained when other people would talk about it.
Hexbear showed that what I was seeing and thinking wasn't me being absurd, it was western society which is busted and horrific and there are frameworks through which to view about it, things to be done, and that there are soooo many leftists who aren't fuckers about queer issues.
Also the caliber of person here is on average so much fucking higher than anywhere else I've been online. What cool comrades, what incredible posters.
How dare you say nice things to me and in the sincereposting thread!!! I like yours too!!
I don't think I'll ever be a huge, huge poster. But what this site offers to me as a lurker is hope. Sometimes I feel like we live in hell on Earth and part of the punishment is that no one else is allowed to acknowledge it, but we acknowledge it, we call it out, and we commiserate. I wish I was closer to people here but sometimes just waking up and seeing that other people see it too is enough.
Fully agreed, it’s very validating to see other people acknowledge a lot of horrible realities most handwave or deny. It can really throw you into a solipsistic spiral when everyone around you seems to gaslight you or completely deny reality as you experience it. Simply seeing other posts here that I can really relate to has helped my mental health significantly
For real, same. I think about how much I can fall into despair now even with this place, I can only imagine what it would be like without it.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
genuinely not sure I'd be alive today without it
it's been a hard year, and I've been absolute ass at replying to anyone who responds to my posts, but the responses have absolutely given me life and kept me going
idk where I'd be without you fuckers ❤️ love you dearly
Not part of hexbear but I think most of you are the coolest part of Lemmy especially !
What if you yelled into the void and the void yelled back “same tbh”? Pretty neat I think.
Some of the struggle sessions were actually helpful for me, eg DPRK or transsexuality.
Tbh, same. It’s a lot better than what usually happens when I yell into the void: fascists screaming at me
Modteam Michael here.
How do you know you're not asleep right now? Or that you've ever been awake at all? A study in 1966 by McGill University study showed that the brain is actually more active when it's asleep than when it's awake. The latin phrase "Cogito, ergo sum" was famously stated by Renaissance philosopher Rene Descartes, commonly translated as "I think therefore I am" but perhaps he should have said "I dream therefore I think."
Anyway, everyone posting in this thread is banned.Anyway, everyone posting in this thread is banned.
Damn I gotta post now
this site is the only place on the internet where there are people with good opinions, even though there are some bad opinions as well, truly a land of contrasts
you’re nothing more than insomnia feed to me. but please keep posting
You know how to make me smile. The rest of the internet does the opposite, not to mention anything on the Polish side. Without Hexbear I'd be miserable.