3,060,000 German military personnel were taken prisoner by the USSR and that 1,094,250 died in captivity (549,360 from 1941 to April 1945; 542,911 from May 1945 to June 1950 and 1,979 from July 1950 to 1955)
"My innocent Aryan warriors"
Wehrmacht was not a Nazi organisation. Members were free to join the party but they were not under any obligation. The SS was an explicitly Nazi army but completely separate from the Wehrmacht.
Very cool clean Wehrmacht myth
Good to know world isnt a leftist echo chamber, you can share nazi propaganda too
BTW, 3 million Soviet PoWs were starved, systematically worked to death or outright executed by the nazis. When you compare it with the deaths among PoWs of other nationalities, let alone deaths in captivity of other armies, it becomes very obvious that members of the Red Army were systematically targeted for extermination when they fell into German hands.
I think the Soviets give em 66% chance as POW to survive
On the other hand, Nazis gave like 10% chance to survive
IIRC, 60% of Soviet PoWs died in captivity in much shorter period of time.
Not to mention the Commissar Order. Soviet commissars were to be immediately killed on sight or in the event of capture. The thing about war crimes is they go both ways. You start killing POWs, the other side has no reason to not do the same.
If the Germans didn't want their POWs killed, maybe they should have thought about that before issuing an order offering no quarter.
When you remove everyone on the left from your community, you're only left with the right
Liberals understanding the connection between Anticommunism and fascism challenge (impossible)
Liberals understanding
the connection between Anticommunism and fascismchallenge (impossible)
It's nice to see even Lemmy.world users recognize that this is Nazi Apologia in the comments section, though the upvote ratio is horrifying.
I wonder if the gradual slide further and further to the right as a result of Lemmy.world's Zionist moderators and anti-Communist stances in general will alienate the more "progressive" liberals, radicalizing them eventually? Would be nice.
Edit: lmao it got taken down
Everybody that buys into the clean Wehrmacht myth is hoping that history is as kind to them with all their sins as they are to Nazi sympathizers. The even compare supporting the Nazis with supporting the invasion of Iraq. It's literally them just trying to not be remembered as bad people for all the horrible things they support/benefit from, when the much easier solution is to change beliefs to be better
Isn't that the guy who signed all of his posts? Lmao
I never understood if he was trying to build a brand or something but it was bad vibes
What is this, four-year-old Hexbear lore? I'm too lazy to look into who this character is myself, pls explain
7deadlyfetishes was a famous chapo subreddit users that migrated to hexbear, he would always sign his posts with his username, some years ago in a soldier struggle session about vietnam GIs he was defending them but then he bring up the SS and the concentration camp guards as examples of innocent people forced to fight (both were volunteer armies) and because of nazi apologia he was sitebanned and to this day he hasnt learned and claims he was on the right
frequent chapo sub and later hexbear poster who signed all his posts, somehow wound up going all in on clean wehrmacht myth and got banned, brainworms have worsened on twitter
That's what got him taken down? Damn I remember loving his shitposting back on chapo, disappointing to hear
We now know one of the reasons nazis created the death camp industrial murder places was because their soldiers kept getting PTSD. Early in the Holocaust, they had troops shoot, stab, beat, and burn undesirables. Not only was this costly in terms of time and resources, suicides rates and alcohol use skyrocketed among the ranks carrying out these orders. Interviews with Holocaust perpetrators reveal they believed what they were doing was a necessary evil to eliminate judeo-bolshevism, but still left them feeling guilty.
It's no secret US veterans from Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the 2003 Iraq War had higher levels of PTSD compared to conflicts like Desert Storm and Somalia. I'm wondering now if it's because America fell into the same pitfalls as Nazi Germany regarding war crimes.
Who could have predicted that the instance that protected having right wing chasers as mods would attract nazis! Nobody could possibly see this coming!
My is set off by that user in general.
Last week they were rallying against indigenous peoples protecting themselves from encroaching loggers.
ShowThat account is wild before that post but damn I didn't think they'd be this mask off
I was reading through wikipedia on world war two, and found out that over half a million german prisoners of war died in soviet gulags after the end of the war.
I’m pretty well read on world war two and I’d never heard that before, so I decided to post it on “today I learned”.
There’s a real problem with Neo-nazis, less on lemmy, but it’s increasing worldwide. But you’re accusing the wrong person.
r/196 types (aka NAFO chasers) will scold leftists about how everyone in Palestine is homophobic only to weep crocodile tears for fascist soldiers.
- Show
Fucking Enemy at The Gates in 2024. I bet they also think only one in two Soviets were issued a gun.
Battle of Stalingrad did have much higher mortality rates among Axis PoWs, because living on starvation rations in the cold for 3 months does wonders for your health.
Not to mention there wasn't any reason to take Germans alive towards the end of the battle. The soviets had completely encircled the city. Any Germans still there had nothing to bargain with. It's total war, so why would you bargain with an enemy you know won't give you the same courtesy? The Germans were on the run and their house of cards was falling.
"That's how CoD 2 showed Stalingrad, so it must be accurate"
Crying over dead fascists, lmao you can't make this shit up
oh no a country that was half demolished and ethnically cleansed by the nazis didn't devote their resource priorities to taking care of the captured perpetrators of the world's biggest genocide!! the horror!
As we say on the show over and over again the atomic unit of propaganda is not lies, it's emphasis.
Citations Needed Ep 113: Hollywood and Anti-Muslim Racism (Part I) — Action and Adventure Schlock
Wehrmacht was not a Nazi organisation. Members were free to join the party but they were not under any obligation. The SS was an explicitly Nazi army but completely separate from the Wehrmacht.
Now if I were standing beneath a flag with a giant Hakenkreuz on it, swearing an unconditional, corpse-like obedience up to and including my own life to the leader of the Nazi Party, concluding with three shouts of "Sieg Heil!"... Yeah, I would probably feel like I wasn't quite living up to my standard of not being a Nazi.
— In fact, if I was serving in the Norwegian Armed Forces, or the United States Armed Forces, at any point after World War II, I would then too feel like I was betraying my own moral standards, because believe it or not, you are not obligated to join a specific political party to commit or be complicit in horrific atrocities. Who knew!
if I was serving in the Norwegian Armed Forces, or the United States Armed Forces, at any point after World War II, I would then too feel like I was betraying my own moral standards
Well, I say this, but I don't spit on the graves of deceased relatives who served in the military, nor berate my living relatives who served. I'm sure this is what most people morally opposed to imperial-core military service do, but I still worry that it makes me a hypocrite.
Edit: In fact, I still cry sometimes about a memory I have of my granddad from when I was a little kid. This was a very long time ago, and I was too little to understand everything, but as I recall it I was visiting his house, and I gave my granddad a big hug, and playfully "rubbed my scent" on him pretending to be a cat, for I liked to "play cat" and I was very glad to see him... Then after that visit, the following day, I was told by my mom not to hug my granddad in that way ever again. She explained that the specific playful way I'd hugged him, had apparently reminded him of a child that he played with shortly before a traumatic incident back when he was a UN peacekeeper — and so I had accidentally triggered my granddad's PTSD.
In that moment, I think, I came to better understand the toll of war... That war is not just lost lives that can be mourned, not just physical injuries that can heal or be accommodated for, not just destroyed buildings that can be rebuilt — that war is also a child being told it can't give its grandpa a hug. And that to me really seemed like a fate worse than death, to be emotionally crippled by a hug from one's own grandchild... I never knew that child from granddad's memory, I never knew its name or gender or hobbies or when exactly it was born, and I either wasn't told or I cannot remember the country that granddad was deployed in — yet I still wonder if in that moment, when I was told what I had done to my granddad... that between two very different countries in two very different times, that two children were still haunted by the same monster.
Quite a few Norwegians were with the UN in Lebanon so maybe that was it (my sister was married to a guy who was there in the eighties)
The timeline works and I feel a very dim flicker of a lightbulb in my head, but I should ask a relative to confirm... Well, really I should've asked my mom a long time ago, but opportunities don't exactly often come up to just ask out of the blue, "Hey, remember that time when I accidentally triggered my granddad's PTSD? What was the deal with that?"
Jesus fucking christ, far too much of that thread is "BUT MUH NUANCEEEEE AHHHHHH "
Seriously I decided to browse other instances on my dbzer0 account and saw this thread, I just can't even deal with this shit, being on the hex has forever ruined my tolerance for these posters
Im so glad I found the cool place to shitpost. Yall are the best.
Of course they'd never in a million years scream NUANCEEEEE when it comes to China or the Soviet Union, then suddenly they turn into arbiters of western moral perfection
Clowns to the end
500k nazis died worked to death in gommunist russia
Should have been 60 millions more.