Why do libs live in a perpetual fantasy where theyre targeted for voting for Hillary in 2016?

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    6 hours ago

    These are the people who try to shame others for not being pro-genocide because they are "privileged". These people face consequences like a sign being defaced or someone hurling insults at them, and to them, that is worse than people who are literally dying.

  • Homer_Simpson [they/them]
    10 hours ago

    I walked through blood and bone to plant my Kamala yard sign. Turns out I was in Lebanon at the time...

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    13 hours ago

    It's funny, they're not even "with them" to the extent that they even exist. I remember when Texas was frozen the libs were ecstatic that poor rural people were gonna freeze to death.

    • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
      11 hours ago

      a bunch of these types in an .ml post about Texas running out of water was doing the same thing just a couple weeks ago I was pretty disgusted. I commented like you guys know that in Texas all the minorities you pretend to care about, together added up are more than the Texas honky population in general, let alone the specifically MAGA suburbanites and bourgeois ones? Blue MAGA indeed

        • wild_dog [they/them]
          10 hours ago

          are you sure they were super left or is it more that your thinking has evolved?

          i ask bc i always felt like a lot of the online left was radlib.

        • anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]
          10 hours ago

          it's 3, looking at it now that's actually every reply but my own, not including the upvotes in agreement.

          "it's only a few guys being murderous sociopaths toward civilians in their country's suffering due to blue maga essentialization" is not really the defense you think it is, nor one worth making.

        • wild_dog [they/them]
          10 hours ago

          It's not. it might be only a few annoying accounts going out of their way to do it, but try living in a red state and criticizing a liberal online and you'll quite often get told how you're a "dumb redneck" crypto-Trump supporter. it doesn't even take much to get them to start spouting that bullshit. the only thing the conservatives are correct about is liberals are very annoying and condescending.

    • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
      13 hours ago

      Yup, I remember another instance of libs gloating about how the people in some red state deserved to suffer for voting for Trump

      Had any of the over 100 libs who had commented on that story actually read what had happened they would know that the people they were so sure were getting what they deserved were actually poor and black


  • hypercracker [he/him]
    12 hours ago

    lol every metro area in the south is stuffed full of dem yard signs, nobody gives a fuck

    • CupcakeOfSpice [she/her]
      11 hours ago

      Maybe in metro areas, but the small town I live in has a game shop that has/had LGBT+ safe space and mask required signs, and apparently people have come in brandishing guns demanding they take them down. Evidently no one ever got hurt, but the vitriol is definitely there. They probably supported Hillary as I bet they're a bunch of libs, but I guess they didn't advertise that.

      • Vernon_Tennessee [null/void, he/him]
        11 hours ago

        And libs are the types to "condemn politicial violence no matter what" even if its in retaliation or in self defense to one of these chuds doing something violent.

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    13 hours ago

    “We support progressives in red states.”

    Then how about you allow your in-demand cities to build more housing so us “dumb hicks” from red states can move into your fancy pants progressive cities? I’d love to live in NYC and be relatively confident I don’t run into a chud.

    • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
      13 hours ago

      Sorry, they're too busy gentrifying everywhere between NYC and Albany so the whole state becomes as unaffordable as the city and increasing the police budget

    • regul [any]
      12 hours ago

      Is this a yimby take on Hexbear? Are the tides finally shifting?

      • spectre [he/him]
        12 hours ago

        The "yimby" take is not mutually exclusive with he socialist take on housing

        • regul [any]
          11 hours ago

          I agree but I still get yelled at for it a lot in leftist spaces.

          • spectre [he/him]
            9 hours ago

            I see, to me it's like getting yelled at for being pro "single payer" in the US cause it's too liberal.

          • Vernon_Tennessee [null/void, he/him]
            11 hours ago

            In what spaces do you get yelled at for this take? Like I understand that NYC and LA both have a big influx of wealthy transplants who move here to "make it" or whatever and just suck up all the resources, pour all their money into chic businesses but thats not the same as building housing for poor people that need it.

            • regul [any]
              10 hours ago

              On here and in the FB group NUMTOT. Lots of folks have the take that any and all for-profit housing is to be opposed.

              The general arguments that are made are:

              1. For profit housing takes a lot that could be used for public housing

              2. New housing typically targets the top of the market and entices high-earners who speed up displacement

              3. The idea that new condos are bought primarily to sit as empty investments in expensive areas

              I don't agree with all or parts of most of these.

            • Nakoichi [they/them]
              10 hours ago

              Probably because of the misunderstanding that we dont need more housing and not to just expropriate what already exists and also just turn office towers into high density housing.

              • spectre [he/him]
                10 hours ago

                It's thrown around a lot, but it comes off more uninformed than the outright liberal YIMBYs imo.

                The things also is that liberal YIMBYs are generally all in favor of a steep vacancy tax which would directly impact this issue. This isn't a particular point of division between the two groups I don't think.

                The main split has more to do with the role social housing would play in the future (near and distant).

      • june [she/her]
        12 hours ago

        Well they didn't say anything about deregulation so idk. It is a short-sighted take in regards to the housing/housless crisis already effecting locals in those urban centers.

    • regul [any]
      12 hours ago

      Bernie was the most liked politician in the country at the time, fwiw. He had net favorability even among Republicans.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        12 hours ago

        Dems: we need to appeal to centrist republican voters

        Bernie: yo I can do that

        Dems: lol go away

        • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
          11 hours ago

          Maybe it was a fever dream, but can someone confirm if there were some liberals that were discussing the progressive case for Trump when it looked like Bernie would win in 2020?

          Point is, libs would rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie.

          • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
            10 hours ago

            Very possible.

            I don't remember anymore but I still know Trump supporters who think Trump is progressive on economic issues.

            • jaywalker [they/them, any]
              9 hours ago

              Most economically progressive president of our lives! He literally sent us checks with his name on it. Licked the stamps himself because he loves America

          • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
            11 hours ago

            I kinda remember that too. Or maybe it was just people like us prophesying based on how the UK reacted to Corbyn. A lot of that time is mired in a haze to me.

  • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
    12 hours ago

    Libs and chuds both do this. They act like the political system is against them. Then they'll happily :smuglord: leftists about how leftists should be grateful to be living under such freedom offered by liberal "democracy"

  • Adkml [he/him]
    9 hours ago

    Now imagine if everybody who looked at you had the same feelings as they do towards your sign you can choose to take down.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    12 hours ago

    The same reason they think project 2025 is going to result in Emperor Trump and that armed men will round up all minorities at gunpoint. Pure fantasy from a country that’s never had to deal with the dictators their country regularly puts into power.

  • robinnist [he/him]
    12 hours ago

    Every Hitler party follower, regardless of preference for red or blue Hitler, should be free to display their genocide merch PROUDLY. Resist!

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      12 hours ago

      The only appropriate place to fly a Hillary flag is the 7th circle of hell.

      • regul [any]
        12 hours ago

        What about Cedar Rapids?