I promise I'm not actually white. Seriously just give me food with authentic flavor.
culinary prescriptivism? in my hexbear? you will eat the fusion and you will like it
After learning about punjabi Mexican intermarriage in California due to America's racism laws (brown people could marry brown people, but not black or white, and a lot of punjabi men immigrated without their families) i really want to try punjabi Mexican food
But the only restaurant menu i saw was basically like Mexican food but with roti and curried chicken
It's super annoying when I ask for spicy food and the worker is like, "okay, but it's spicy, is that okay?"
"Yes, I asked for spicy"
"But it's spicy, are you sure?"
Brings food
It's not spicy.
The best places have a number scale and you can just clearly pick your spice level
There's an excellent local burger place near me that has a ghost pepper chicken sandwhich. I've ordered it three times now and it never reaches the level of a particularly angry jalapeno, and yet every time I am warned repeatedly
The number scale needs adopted more often. I've never been to such a place, but I've been watching videos lately and saw a few restaurants with them. I kind of want to visit such a place now.
It's not perfect because each restaurant would have a different scale, but at least it's something, and you can figure a restaurant out if you go there a few times
Exactly. Unfortunately, there's no such place around where I live, so I have to just trust them whenever they say it's "spicy." Even the same place tends to not even be consistent. Like, I love mapo tofu. It's one of my favorite dishes of all time. Mapo tofu should be spicy. Tongue-numbing spicy. As in it's the kind of dish Mao spoke about. This one place I get from either gives me the most tepid mapo tofu where there's no spice whatsoever, or it's so hot that sweat beads on my forehead. I much prefer the latter.
Yeah. But I’m fine w it. I have Crohns, and don’t need the added excitement.
(Oddly enough my phone changed excitement to excrement so even Tim Apple knows what’s up with us white guys with shitty stomachs)
Yeah there are two types of white person, one says yellow mustard is too spicy and the other is slathering his chicken wings with something called "asspocalypse"
App idea: hire an Indian call center to place food orders for pickup from Indian restaurants
Then there's the anglos that think eating a bazillion scoville level capsaicin extract is super cool and awesome. Both are annoying.
no actual spices or spice level in the food itself then hit it with some Mutually Assured Destruction Epic Wings Sauce
You actually need to get the balance right. The spice isn't just about the heat, it's about the actual flavour blended with the other flavours in the cooking. Heat for the sake of heat is just kinda boring, doesn't make for a nice meal.
For real. I lived in Cajun country for 5 years and coming from Southern California I had some level of expectation. Got nothing on a medium hot sauce at any random taquiria. I will say the Scorpion and Habanero Tabasco have some bite to them.
I mean it's a good white people spicy imo
too much spice make me hiccup
Giving me flashbacks to getting served the blandest kimchi on the planet.
i know restaurateurs can't just blow us out of the water by making it for us like we know what we're asking for, it does feel lame when i ask for spicy and i know they're giving me the mild treatment. i can throw it down. gimmie that spark.
i live in a super white area, and there's legit nothing spicy around
We have extra mild salsa at my local grocery store. It literally tastes like marinara.
Buy dried ghost pepper flakes. You can kick up the heat on anything without affecting the flavor or adding a bunch of unnecessary vinegar
Eh, I don't really care about things being spicy for spicy's sake, it's just a lotta good flavours are spicy and just aren't sold or dulled down a ton where I lived
Appreciate the tip tho I do in fact put chili oil on everything LOL
Oh yeah I just use it when the spice is too toned down on a dish that should kick
Not sure if we have any Irish comrades here but you guys eat the least spicy food I've ever had. All the Asian and Indian food was wayyyy toned down. It's all love though for real tiochfadh ar la
I can make fun of white people spicy and eat my bland mashed potatoes with spring onions perfectly well
I always appreciate it when the local Mexican food place already knows what I want to order. Chile Colorado 'extra spicy', so much flavor, but I legit need napkins for the sweat on my brow. Nothing better in the winter though.
I once got caught out the other way, where I ordered an indian dish that was listed as "mild" only for it to be the spiciest thing I'd ever eaten. I'm a cracker, though, so that's not a super high threshold.
thai places have been the best about actually giving me spicy when I ask for it. Still never know if it's gonna be "absolutely scorch my mouth and make me sweat" or "pleasant midlevel spicy", but at least it's not usually bland