• miz [any, any]
    7 days ago

    adult convert is one of the biggest red flags

    • Lussy [any, hy/hym]
      7 days ago

      Adult convert to catholicism.

      This would be somewhat understandable if there’s a physical church he frequents that provides some semblance of a cummunity with, like, hot girls or something but I highly doubt this what this loser has going on

    • SadArtemis [she/her]
      7 days ago

      This so much (as someone whose mom is an adult convert, "thankfully" more of the victim-but-still-a-decent-person variety than the ghoul kind)

  • Angel [any]
    7 days ago

    Sorry, bro! The pope is infallible! No take backsies!

    Either way, Poop Franshits doesn't actually believe in any of the "progressive" stuff he puts out. It's just a trick to make Catholicism look slightly less exclusionary for the people who'll actually buy into it.

    Though based Catholics exist, the church as an institution has a long ass way to go

    • Z_Poster365 [none/use name]
      7 days ago

      it's funny how catholics since birth don't take it all that seriously and tend to be more progressive (or at least, less reactionary) while converts are all tryhard chuds. It's like they didn't even research what religion they were converting to by living among majority catholic areas or going to catholic church a bunch. They got converted by some other fringe catholic wingnut for political, career or monetary reasons and thought the church would all be people like that but 70% are just like... poor normal working people in South America or Italian farmers or something.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        7 days ago

        it's funny how catholics since birth don't take it all that seriously and tend to be more progressive (or at least, less reactionary) while converts are all tryhard chuds.

        Your mileage may seriously vary on this, especially when considering latam. In Latam, Evangelicals soak up the bulk of the chuds who convert just because they're too fascist not to be Christian. Catholic converts come in all shapes and sizes instead. Meanwhile, cradle Catholics just tend to overlap a ton with the most reactionary demographics, a lot of white middle class people. I can't speak on how this maps to indigenous people in Latam since I don't know any and I don't live in a country with a big indigenous community.

        • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
          7 days ago

          In Guatemala they tend to fuse it with their own belief system to create a hybrid of sorts. The more reactionary ones tend to be ones that Evangelicals and Mormons got to. They’re less geographically isolated and tend to live in the cities. There are quite a few though who are strictly Catholic/Evangelical and they are more morehostile towards queer people while not being as hard-right as the Evangelicals on everything else.

          The ones near me still stick to their traditional beliefs but they’re a bit of an outlier compared to the Mayans that make up most of Guatemala’s indigenous population.

      • Angel [any]
        7 days ago

        I wish this applied to my particular case. My Cradle Catholic family was ruthless.

  • Tomboymoder [she/her, pup/pup's]
    7 days ago

    As a trans Catholic it kind of hurts that the Pope saying something not completely venomous about people like me is enough to drive someone to drink.

    But mostly it’s just kind of sad how wrapped in hatred their Christianity is.
    I try not to put much stock in what these “online trad convert” types think tho.

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      7 days ago

      But mostly it’s just kind of sad how wrapped in hatred their Christianity is.

      As somebody living in a heavily Catholic European country, oh boy do I have tales for you.

      I know it's not rational because I know not all Christians are like that but I can't help but side-eye anybody that's openly Christian.

      • CupcakeOfSpice [she/her]
        6 days ago

        I have a fair amount of trauma binding me to the faith. May have been brought up in a cult-like community. But trying to separate from Christianity feels like tearing off the majority of my self. I believe in Jesus, but I believe he taught us to love each other like ourselves, so all the hate and division Christians sow, to me, seems counter to the Gospel they claim to believe in. Some of them would probably call me a heretic or straight up a nonbeliever. So whether I'm really a Christian may be up for debate.

        • space_comrade [he/him]
          5 days ago

          FWIW You sound like a more geniune Christian than like 99% of Christians I've met.

    • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
      7 days ago

      I try not to put much stock in what these “online trad convert” types think tho.

      you really shouldn't. its like asking a sex pest tourist what they think of your hometown.

      • RomCom1989 [he/him, any]
        7 days ago

        Yeah,it's like asking what Andrew Tate thought of Romania

        SMH,as much as I have my misgivings about Ceausescu,that mf would have been taken by the Securitate and shot day one in his Romania

    • SadArtemis [she/her]
      7 days ago

      If you don't mind me asking, (if not no worries)

      questioning why religious, full respect to your beliefs though

      why have you remained? Is it a cultural aspect with some spirituality and practice, or is it a hard C Catholic? Ex-Catholic myself and while I'm aware there's not necessarily a strict cut-off line and human decency can be found anywhere, the Vatican's positions strike me as contradicting your identity itself, no? (granted no theologian or close, just came from a shitty highly religious family with a "legalistic Catholic" kind of chud of a dad)

      • Tomboymoder [she/her, pup/pup's]
        7 days ago

        fair to say cw: for religion in all of these

        Personal Religious History

        My relationship with the Church or religion hasn't always been steady, I had an atheist phase around high school, but after that I kind of developed an interest in myth, religion and philosophy.
        That makes me sound a lot smarter than I was, my understanding of a lot of it was pretty shallow and partially motivated by a desire to seem cultured and intelligent.
        Still, there was some kind of desire for spirituality behind it which eventually led me to looking into Unitarian Universalists as their whole vibe was kind of syncretic "every religion has something important to teach".

        After awhile I felt drawn back to Christianity, but I wasn't really sure what to do about it.
        I settled on the United Church of Christ because there was a decent amount of them where I lived, they were fairly liberal, and they seemed to have a ecumenical vibe.
        Something about it though rubbed me the wrong way and it would continue to rub me the wrong way as I explored other options in the "theologically liberal mainline protestant sphere".
        The Church had Calvanist roots which I didn't really vibe with, but it also felt like these roots almost didn't matter at all.
        It felt like often the religion itself was not taken very seriously, that it was merely liberalism and liberals with ritual.
        To them The Eucharist was a mere symbol, and it didn't feel like it would be out of place to hold the belief that the Resurrection didn't really happen, or that Jesus was just a human with nice teachings.

        At this time I delved more into the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism and came away with a greater appreciation for certain aspects of Catholic theology.
        I wanted something closer to my upbringing and more closely connected to the history and tradition of the Church, which lead me to Episcopalians and their Anglo-Catholic tradition.
        I still struggled with the liberalism thing mentioned above though, the only thing really keeping me was their stance on LGBT people, but after finding Catholic Churches nearby that were LGBT-friendly and whose Priest was very kind and took his faith very seriously I kind of abandoned ship.

        Why Christianity?

        It really comes down to The Trinity, the Incarnation and the Resurrection I guess.

        The idea of their being a God who loves us so much that He would become like us, to be closer to us and to bring us closer to Him is admittedly a nice thought.
        The revelation of God through Christ turns the whole world upside down, he is a King, but he is born in a manger not a palace. He isn't served but serves. Christ's Kingship subverts our very ideas of Kingship.

        He doesn't conquer through killing and death, but in dying conquers death. And in his Resurrection there is hope for the whole world. Hope that death and injustice and sorrow will not have the final say and in the end every tear will be wiped away.

        The Trinity likewise is a concept many cannot wrap their head around, but to me it is one of the most meaningful aspects of Christian theology.
        In the Trinity the very being of our universe and reality is shown to be relational and that relationship is one of love.
        It sort of effects my whole outlook on life.

        Why Catholicism?

        I suppose the most obvious question would be why a trans person would be part of the Catholic Church?
        Like I said above, I was lucky enough to find Churches that are welcoming and open to trans people. There is also a few Catholic organizations dedicated to ministering to and advocating for LGBT Catholics, a Dominican Priest involved in this has recently been named a Cardinal even.
        Pope Francis's official statements and documents last year saying same-sex couples could be blessed and that trans people could be baptized and be Godparents has also made me feel more comfortable as a trans Catholic.

        Really despite a lot of valid criticisms Francis's Papacy, the spirit of his Papacy and of the Synod on Synodality and really the spirit of Vatican ii he is trying to carry forward give me hope.
        It really feels like the Church is trying to be a "universal church".
        I have a shared connection with the Haitians and Latin Americans in my community and with other people throughout the world.
        I mean there are protestants all over the world and they are connected through organizations, don't get me wrong, but my experience just left me feeling like I was in white people central.
        idk if that makes sense.

        As for more theological reasons: Mary
        Purgatory and praying for the dead Transubstantiation

        • SadArtemis [she/her]
          7 days ago

          Thanks for your incredibly beautiful/interesting response- tbh I'd really love to talk with you more on the subject, and I'd love to chat about other things you mentioned as well like religion/mythology/philosophy, though I myself doubt I can contribute much more than a shallow idea of most of it.

          CW: experiences with intolerance, my assumptions or parents' assumptions

          Admittedly, part of my interest in talking further also is to learn but also to perhaps help with my own family (though those who matter are at least good and accepting now, and my dad is a dipshit.. though even then I am still curious)

          I must admit, I wasn't aware that there were churches- in full communion/orthodoxy(?) with the Vatican at that, which would genuinely accept LGBT people and welcome them/give respect to their identities and accept them living their lives as they are rather than suppressing themselves, without saying they were "living in sin."

          Personally, I can really understand the appeal of Christianity especially in its origins as a grassroots, progressive religion- it took me a while to come to such a point of measured understanding and even critical appreciation rather than hatred, in particular regarding Catholicism, after leaving the church due to my personal history of both childhood/family trauma and later familial rejection. And I get where your appreciation comes from in regards to the theological aspects, when you describe them I can see an appeal to them as well and am aware of and understand the concepts (they were rather drilled into my head) even if I never particularly focused on them when I was a Catholic myself (I was a angry kid, religion was rather my vent, and seeing what it did to my family also made it less likely for me to associate positive belief other than cultural kinship and ethical foundations with it).

          Catholicism, or former Catholicism anyways, certainly still plays an immense role in my mentality and principles, for better and for worse (both). And I have an appreciation and complicated relationship for, and grounding in the history, culture, and traditions- the latter two typically from a safe distance, admittedly.

          As for the cultural connection with Haitians and Latin-Americans- that's another good point, and part of what I guessed was likely a reason. I'm really glad you have found such community and connections. Beyond my immediate family and paternal relatives I don't have quite the same bond (ethnic Chinese and on both sides it is a product of mostly recent missionary evangelization - though it probably runs rather deep in my paternal grandma's family history). But I'm glad you have it, and I certainly have felt kinship at times due to the shared- understanding of sorts, even as an ex-Catholic, with Latino communities in particular (haven't really met any Haitians that I know of).

          • Tomboymoder [she/her, pup/pup's]
            7 days ago

            I’m happy to talk, although how useful you find it might vary.
            I don’t want to give off the impression I’m very educated, I’m rather stupid.


            Most of the supportive churches I am aware of are in large metropolis in the US, Britain, and Germany.
            But yeah, they are in full communion.
            There might be some tension, especially with conservative/traditional wings of the Church, but there isn’t really a threat of excommunication or anything like that for those involved.

            I’m sorry you went through all that.
            Too many have been hurt and are still being hurt.

            The communal aspect is something I really appreciate, but not something I really live in full.
            I mostly isolate myself from other people, and even God, it’s something I’m trying to work on.

            • SadArtemis [she/her]
              7 days ago

              It doesn't have to be useful, it's also just very interesting and refreshing hearing your different experiences. And education has nothing to do with intelligence or how interesting you are nor how much you have to offer- though if need be we can be stupid together (I'm also a lump)


              I wouldn't be surprised if there is some, or at least one such church where I am then (large metropolis... Klanada). Growing up I definitely saw and was around the more conservative, traditional wings (and in regards to my family as a kid- the also pretty cultlike wings).

              I wouldn't have expected excommunication (though I'm not a Catholic anymore), but for instance I'd be surprised if- though hearing your experiences perhaps it is different in some places- you were, if not not welcome, prevented from receiving communion, etc. In truth I wouldn't have expected people to be able to simply enter Catholic churches presenting as other than their assigned-at-birth gender, or with their gay partners, etc. either.

              There's nothing to apologize for on your end, FWIW. Nowadays I've made my peace with it somewhat, but more than that- as with all things, religion always wound up being just another excuse or avenue for people (like my family) to spiral if you ask me. Not to excuse things for the institution and legacy itself, but it certainly had nothing to do with you and if anything it's nice hearing of these positive developments, as tense as they may be.

              As for the communal aspect- outside of religion as well, it's something I'm struggling with. Socializing and belonging in general can be hard as hell, if you ever want to chat on it I'd be glad to for anything. Personally while I've not delved much into it and don't think I'd ever call myself an overly spiritually-inclined person but myself- sometimes wanting some connection or grounding in the world (while being an agnostic) I've been thinking about perhaps delving into Shenism ("Chinese folk religion/s"), as well as Buddhism which I have had some interaction with from my mom's side and which has helped me greatly in secular ways as well. And- while it took a while for me to return to some levels of appreciation in it, I still have a great- respect or grounding, even if I don't think I'd say I believe in the theology behind it, for the idealized/original character, principles and the grassroots history of the church as I described.

              And I can 100% relate to that isolation "even from God" (using the caps in respect to yours/your belief, anyways). Or that isolation from- the natural world, from some metaphysical, perhaps nonexistent or otherwise intangible and idealized state of being. I probably isolate myself from myself (though I get caught up in my thoughts a ton as well) by distractions or sleeping as well I guess. But I get where you're coming from and would be glad to talk (or just chat stupid stuff) if you want. Been trying (and I suppose somewhat doing?) to connect with other humans at least and in the past... ehh few days I feel I've been gradually reviving in that regard, perhaps. But anyways yeah (I ramble, sorry). I'd be glad to talk

  • SadArtemis [she/her]
    7 days ago

    Didn't Francis compare us (trans people) to nuclear weapons? Hopefully he's moving towards the light all the same (towards acceptance or the afterlife, either works)

    • PKMKII [none/use name]
      7 days ago

      It was the height of the Cold War. Tensions between the Soviet Union and the U.S. wer at the breaking point. Who struck first has been lost to history, but the devastation was quick and horrific. Moscow was leveled by a paratrooped legion of post-op transwomen. UwU readings in New York City reached levels not thought possible. A concentrated trans masculine strike on London left the Thames more testosterone than water. The records of what happened got even murkier when the Chinese launched an unexpected, simultaneous marine invasion of enbys into both the U.S. and Russia.

      • REgon [they/them]
        7 days ago

        "We can confirm that Saddam has recently imported thigh-high socks and Blåhaj. We therefore have reasons to suspect he is hiding his trans of mass destruction " mission-accomplished

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      7 days ago

      It's weird, he seems to be playing both sides atm. When he compared you to nuclear weapons ( posadas xi-plz ) he meant that the proliferation of "gender ideology" is an existential threat. It's the same logic that a lot of TERFs use, part of the gender critical movement's mythology. But he seems to believe that some halfway point between what trans people are asking for and the status quo is the correct position and he's just kind of slowly moving towards it?

      I do also get the impression that he's struggling a bit due to his hands being tied to what JP2 put down in Humanae Vitae. He can't exactly revoke it, he'd probably cause a schism. Yet it does seem he wants to move away from it.

      If anything, the Catholic Church in the 21st century is a pretty interesting case study on the limits of gradualism and reform. More than what I originally expected could change has already changed. But there's so many, like really quite a lot, of things I don't think are even on the horizon and are gonna cost the Church a lot in this century. We'll see.

  • iie [they/them, he/him]
    7 days ago

    The cutesy ironic joking about abusive relationships says all you need to know about why this guy became a tradcath

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    7 days ago

    TradCaths that signed on because of a runaway Warhammer 40k LARP are some of the most pathetic fascists on the planet.

      7 days ago

      When you find out that you aren't in a catholic order fighting space demons but rather a 300 year old falling apart cathedral filled with people in their 80s

  • CarmineCatboy2 [he/him]
    7 days ago

    the funniest thing about francis is that he's occasionally slightly to the left of i-am-adolf-hitler and that's enough to send these tourist converts into an apoplexy

    'the gay agenda is still sinful but you know the church is for the sinful. also no condoms!'

    'NOOO the pope has gone woke!'

  • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 days ago

    "I'm drinking at 8am because my oppressive fairy tale cult I converted to is using meaningless gestures to appeal to wokies that aren't gonna buy it anyway"