Regular fetish, regular fetish, regular fetish, pedo, regular fetish, very iffy fetish, regular fetish, necrophile, regular fetish, regular fetish, regular fetish, regular fetish.
This is a very strange list. Also of course I got necrophile.
nice try officer, my moon sign is secured for opsexual reasons
Aries the hentai addict
Scorpio the Latina foot fetishist
Leo the armpit enthusiast
Capricorn the Brazilian cake farting addict
Gemini the German Goo Girls Gooner
I will not be saying it for opsec reasons but I do find it funny that mine is actually accurate lmao
I have to assume this is some kind of satire on blanket assertions within astrology, otherwise I have no idea how you justify or even begin to consider assigning a 12th of all births as having some inherent necrophiliac tendency?
And repeat that for the other truly horrible ones.
I have no idea how you justify or even begin to consider assigning a 12th of all births as having some inherent necrophiliac tendency?
Probably with similar reasoning used to justify that the position of planets and stars relative to the earth can have any effect on a person's personality or daily life.
I'd have to look at the book and see more to say more, but actual astrology thinks of a sun sign as a single piece of a bigger interlocking system. If it's genuinely for astrologers, it's going to be a systematic breakdown and be much more involved than what that backside is saying, which imo is to get people to buy the book who understand astrology from sun sign columns going "yeah what kind of a kinky weirdo am I, as a cancer...? oh..." and maybe buying it, but the actual audience would be someone very different from that i guess idk esotericism is weird because with things like astrology, the marketing is at odds with the actual content you know?
Jesus fuck, am I glad I don't believe in astrology 'cos I got a real bad one on that list.
So is Pisces just sort of like, a generalized fetish, bit into everything? Maybe like a wildcard draw or you can pick your class? Or is it a secret, hidden fetish that can only be intoned by inferrance so as to not utter its kinky name?
Pisces just means you constantly get demonetized on youtube because you say fetish instead of fettucini
It might be referring to the relatively archaic ethnographic/anthropological term?
Like the Pisces is supposed to center objects of significance/power in their sexuality, or something?
Leo gang be suckin' and tongue fuckin', LET'S GOOOO!!
Thats true, the comment was in response to "what's your sign", not about the list in general. This bureaucrat is a Sagittarius.
tl;dr: Writing a book kink-shaming others because your own sex life would fill only a page of purple prose.