Other conservatives be like "He was askin' for it" the way he was tempting Gravity.
Thoughts and prayers he catches the walking pneumonia outbreak.
Dennis Prager down
Yes, he... did fall down
You can stand him up at the gates of Hell
Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die diendie die diendiebdiendiendiejdieidifidididiridididiriei
I was thinking Die Die My Darling by the Misfits when reading this, which Metallica covered.
I got something to say, I shoved Dennis Prager today, and it doesn't matter much to me, as long as he's dead.
Once hooked up with someone who loved the misfits and waking up in the morning to her making me pancakes while singing along to attitude was definitely a trip
as a free market capitalist, I would have simply chosen not to fall down or suffer a serious back injury. instead, I would have invested in under undervalued commercial real estate and fossil fuel leases.
Dennis Prager really aught to pull himself out of back pain. He’s just lazy and entitled. He needs to get a real job.
Idk if it's better for him to die or for him to live in agonizing pain for years
Agonizing pain. His propaganda machine will keep on churning for a good while even after his death.
Critical support to comrade stairs in their valiant struggle against the capitalist oppressor