It's the wolfman from the horrible ad I posted yesterday, now as a transparent png. Probably too NSFW to use (what context would you even use it in?) though it reads as more funny and absurd than anything to me.
Feel free to suggest a better name
Agreed. This a good idea.
72 hour ban for posting the wolf cock. It's like adventurism for shit posting
Lmao I have a hat that just says EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: DICK WOLF on it. Love it so much, and found it at a thrift shop for 3 bucks.
The guy who makes the 'law and order' series'? I think he just goes by dick tho.
I'm in Hollywood pretty often, I could creep on him (im not as good as a papparazzi, but i bet i could at least catch someone saying hi) and check, I think. I assume they film in a studio around there?
Isnt Richard Wolff the "Socialism is when the government does stuff, and communism is when the government does a whole lot of stuff" <- this guy ( ). If so, we already have a if you actually mean the dick guy, it might be good if the emoji had a different name.
What would I put for the CW? I legit can't see how this could be considered NSFW.
Edit: I'll just delete the comment.
I’m against this for a couple of reasons. First being that it’s clearly NSFW. Second being that it’ll just perpetuate big dick nonsense amongst the men of this board.
It's somehata funny, but I think if we are gonna have a absurdly weird image PPB already does the trick
When a chud's energy is so high "post hog" is not enough.
maybe a little steaming turd behind/below the wolf, to tie it into the rest of our decor and also remove some of the overly-hornt vibes?
Photoshop Dick Wolf or Richard Wolff onto the dick, and I might approve