A shorter assassin who doesn't keep the gun and fake IDs with him after essentially escaping.
You'd need clothes to change into and a place without cameras to make the switch.
The sheer number of security cameras in and around New York make that difficult unless you've got a stash house with a new wardrobe hidden somewhere in advance.
That's before you account for how effectively he was tracked entirely via facial recognition.
Elon Musk turns a corner walking to the DOGE Office
"Itsa me,"
His brow erupts in sweat, his blood suddenly frozen as he realizes his fate
His brow erupts in sweat, his blood suddenly frozen as he realizes his fate
Before him indeed stood a short, mustachio’d man, and, whilst not wearing the color, he was the very embodiment of red.
His name?
Mario did the actual adjustment and is now in Havana, while Luigi led porky on a merry chase to ensure his brother could get away
Lesser known relative of Chuck Mangione
Even came out with his own album
Showwtfdym “more talented and successful”, Luigi is just as skilled as Mario but just doesn’t have the PR benefit from being Peach’s fiancé
Wario is the CEO of Warioware, Inc and exploits a number of workers including children
And also implies the existence of Waluigi Mangione, who works in private equity and kills working class people.