I'm gonna go with both
"to hate the country that put them where they are."
Yeah, mostly in debt and living in other people's basements and garages without any hope of having their own place or a wage that's worth a shit. So yeah, America is doing a pretty great job at making Americans hate America.
We're in danger of producing an educated prolitariat. That's dynamite! We have to be selective on who we allow to go through (higher education)
- Roger Freeman, professor of economics and advisor to President Reagan
Denial of education will leave many perceiving violence as the only practical means of change.
The ghoul does have a point. Educating the proletariat is not a precondition for revolution, but a literate, and educated proletariat does make radicalization easier.
Hence why Russia, China, Cuba, All the successful socialist revolutions started educating people, and boosting literacy rates, as soon as they got into power.
When you grant people access to education, which has typically served as a gateway, as a way to deny social advancement; and then people don't socially advance, they start to question the rest of the system. In my opinion, this is one reason that your average 20-year-old is far more skeptical of the capitalist regime, then your average 60-year-old. One grew up in an America where was possible to advance after gaining a highly subsidized education, the other went into extreme debt for an education that gives them nothing.
where young people are: buried in debt, unable to afford literally anything or any type of life for themselves, unable to afford to have a family. no prospects or hopes and nothing to look forward to except work tomorrow for the rest of our lives. america is teaching us to hate america because the lie these bourgeois piggies sell us about america plainly does not align with our actual material reality and conditions
It's not a fantasy. They are living it.
The US is not a weak country, its not poor in terms of capital or resources, it is not small or isolated, and it is not incapable of innovation. Far from it, it's number two in most of these areas, number 1 at least in terms of capital. It is also a deeply unequal country that is unable to face down even one of its contradictions.
Latin America is a truly awesome place if you're already rich. And so is the USA.
As I used to say as a teenage succdem. “But hey, we sure know how to treat a billionaire.”
We need universal healthcare. Our children are being radicalized by the private healthcare system. HELP REDUCE POLITICAL RADICALIZATION AND STOCASTIC TERRORISM, SUPPORT MEDICARE FOR ALL!!!!
FDR did the unthinkable and saved capitalism by making strategic concessions and even compromising with socialist movements.
The modern porks wouldn’t even think of voting away their subsidies for their own good.
Something today's liberals can't do is cooperate with the left. Even über conservative "loyal to the crown" Churchill understood Britain would have to ally with the Soviets in order to beat the Germans. FDR was especially open to working with communists, whether Ho Chi Minh or Stalin, because of how difficult the invasion of Japan was going to be. If the US was to maintain its position as the colonial power in Asia, only total capitulation of Japan would allow for that to happen.
Liberals right now are completely incapable of cooperating with anything except the fascists who want to stab them in the back the moment they can get away with it. Liberals are working against their own interests because they're too high on their own supply of American exceptionalism. They think a trade war with China will favor the US. They're willing to cut themselves off from Latin America. Probably the most horrifying is the idea America can win a nuclear exchange against multiple countries.
Even if we “won” a nuclear exchange with multiple countries we’d all be losing.
US politicians have been pretty clear with their actions that they are all in on Capitalism's downfall by its overgrowth from autocanniballizing the country's democracy, so long as they get rich on it. It's the Red Tide model of ecosystem collapse. I am resigned to the idea that our response will be to grab the snow shovels and close our noses to the stink of rotting fish in the hot sun to clear our boat ramps (launch pads) instead of preventing the fish (us) from dying in the first place.
I’m starting to wonder how many CEOs need to be human sacrificed into a volcano before the metaphorical rains come.
is honestly hilarious. it would be very fun on tshirts and bumper stickers.
The country that "put them where they are".
Where are they Mayor? Perpetual debt. Hopeless. No future except to be bleed dry by private crapital as their bodies break down and you suck every dime and then some so there is nothing to pass on or even survive your last years in dignity?
A world that hates us and is shutting the door to us because our leadership sanctions everyone that doesn't allow Wall Street to ravish their country or some crybaby billionaire can't save 5% on their portfoilio or we blow up the other half of the world.
A world where the USD is undergoing hyperinflation and you keep denying the reality?
A world where home ownership is now a joke even with advanced technical degrees.
I hope dems lose new york just so maybe they understand how totally sick of their shit everybody is.
Literally, with dems like these who.needs republicans.
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!
- Upton Sinclair
the country that put them where they are.
I agree, it’s America’s fault my life was ruined and I cannot wait to leave.
Most of the petite bourgeoisie does believe that America is great and that everyone should be thankful for the position they have in life.
So, no I don’t think it’s gaslighting, I think it’s propaganda from the ruling class and blissful ignorance from the people who think the middle class exists.
It's so insulting that they think of us as dumb farm animals who couldn't possibly have the wherewithal to be driven to action against our overlords without the sinister hand of some foreign spectre. "Put us where we are", Hey buddy, I want to do the things I want to do because this country put me where I am, ever think of that?
"They're being taught to hate the country that put them where they are"
Where they are: crushing medical debt with chronic pain, scared of becoming homeless and murdered like Jordan Neely, whose killer roams free
It's a tale as old as time. Apparently a lot of people thought King Louis XVI was cool and totally wanted to help the people but he was being sabotaged by his wife and the nefarious Austrians. Same thing with the Tsar and the nefarious Germans. It's always a foreign enemy.
if they admit in a public newspaper that you have agency yourself, it might inspire other people to follow in your footsteps. so they make it seem as if it was some orchestrated russian attack. this way, they can also unite the people "against a common enemy". it's a known scheme to distract from internal problems. and it's working; more than working.
Nah I live near yuppies these days. It's like talking to an alien, they really think it's great here lol.
If you're from a well off family with a good job and not stuck in a debt cycle with no medical problems, mental or otherwise it probably feels fine.
You can like see the look in the eyes of the folks near me who have gone through the shit and the ones that were born into living in a decent area if you know what you're looking for.
Oh no! They're radicalized and we have to stop it? What are they saying?