in which some nerd tries to call in a 4chan harassment raid

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            1 year ago

            My twitter was banned years ago for calling for the immediately and summary execution of all marketers and advertisers by means of dragging them out in to the street and shooting them in the mouth.

            But aside from that yes I support and uplift E-girl thought.

            • Nakoichi [they/them]
              1 year ago

              You know what's funny? I have a bunch of mutuals on twitter with onlyfans and I rarely if ever interact with that side of their content nor did I ever follow anyone for that reason, we just followed each other because we are cool communists and talk about cool communist stuff, so every now and then I get a post on my feed that's just "here's a picture of my ass" and I'm like cool but I wanna see more posts about mass transit and throwing billionaires into a volcano.

              • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                1 year ago

                I have subscribed to the OF of some folks i followed on twitter, but most of them it was the same as you, they were just cool posters. The number of leftists out there doing some form of sex work is non-trivial, you're going to run in to a bunch of folks doing sw sooner or later.

                is being an e-girl sex work? I feel like it's not, necessarily, but it is adjacent to being professionally naked on the internet, but I don't know what you'd call the overlap of those two fields. Something like attention work? idk.\

                  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    Yeah. I'm sure some academic has a word that ecompasses podcasts, influencers, make up tutorial people, E-girls, professionally online naked people, and @dril, because they all seem like they're doing a similar thing, but search me if I know what it is.

                  1 year ago

                  I seriously can’t tell if this is a troll comment so unfortunately I do want to ask if it is or not

                  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    It's not. What part did you think was trolling? There are a lot of leftist sexworkers. The whole "My job is to be interesting on the internet" thing is a weird fairly novel kind of work, where an entertainer doesn't do normal entertainer things - singing, music, drama, movies, whatever, they just kind of portray a character online that people quasi-interact with. I guess you could very, very, very vaguely connect it to older jobs like courtesan or those guys who made a living being eccentric and really good at dinner conversation and would kind of just bum around upper-middle-class Europe livening up dinner parties.

                      1 year ago

                      The part that seems trolling is that you are saying you are subscribed to some of the accounts. Of course there are leftists sex workers but it is a whole another thing to be engaged in it like that

        • silent_water [she/her]
          1 year ago

          hyperfemme goth aesthetic with pastel tones. it leans young so there's an implication of pedophilia.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            1 year ago

            I generally ask this question as bait because it forces people to reckon with the inherent misogyny that exists within the phrase. I think they've been banned already though which kills my fun.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                1 year ago

                Nooo don't apologise. It's just interesting watching people squirm to describe it without saying they're fake gamer "th*ts" or something. My follow up question is usually about why they're E-girls and not E-women.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Maybe they aren't referring to the N-word, but to the literal phrase "n-word"

      • DroneRights [it/its]
        1 year ago

        They're referring to "narcissist". Which should be banned as a pejorative because it's the name of a mental disability.

        • Runcible [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          My understanding is that the "personality disorders" section of the DSM was unreliable/wildly subjective and existed for completeness only rather than as a really valid diagnosis? This is almost certainly true in how the labels get used and I think somewhat undermines that these are disorders in a medical sense and just kind of a catchall for people that society doesn't like (I am aware of the overlap)

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            1 year ago

            I know one diagnosed narcissist who fits the whole stereotype up and down, and I know a lot of other people with diagnosed personality disorders who are not the monsters society accuses them of being. I also know a lot of selfish assholes who have not been diagnosed with any mental health condition. I think to a large degree people use medical language to describe people who have hurt them or behaved badly, or just behaved in a way they don't like, because it reduces that person to an irredeemable, absolute monster. You can write them off as something inhuman, like a vampire, and absolve yourself for failing to recognize them, or their abusive behavior, or acting on it, or whatever feeling of guilt or failure is gnawing at you. P*do gets thrown around very casually the same way - If you can get your audience to accept that your opponent deserves the epithet then you can do whatever you want to the opponent. They're an absolute monster at that point.

            It's not good. Medicalizing your opponent in an argument or whatever doesn't generally serve your argument. Yeah, yeah, fallacies, whatever, fuck the debate club nerds, but in this case the ad-hominem attack is something to be concerned about. And when it become a widespread way of shutting down someone's argument or speech or whatever in a community it can be readily weaponized by bad actors to disrupt the community.

            • DroneRights [it/its]
              1 year ago

              And when it gets used often enough, people really do think that us actual narcisstists are irredeemable monsters. That's why I've been told to my face that I don't deserve to live because of my disability.

              It's often more subtle than that, though. Constant, constant microaggressions. The most common problem being that neurotypical empathy doesn't work on narcissists and NTs tend to take personal offence when they can't read our minds.

          • Frank [he/him, he/him]
            1 year ago

            Yeah, the way narcissist gets thrown around it's usually medicalizing selfish behavior or speech, or at least behavior and speech that the poster believes to be unusually selfish. But it's a word that gets thrown around very casually without much consideration.


            Apparently it's always been a psychology term in English. There were instances where comparisons to Narcissus were used to accuse someone of excessive self love, but "narcissist", "narcissistic", and "narcissism" are all medical terms. And, of course, once someone has labelled you a narcissist there is no possible defense, because any attempt to defend yourself is ascribed to narcissism.

            I'm fine with it being banned. Being an asshole is not a psychological disorder and doesn't need to be assigned to an underlying psychiatric condition that essentializes the persona and positions them as incapable of self reflection or acting in good faith.

            • M68040 [they/them]
              1 year ago

              Also serves to poison the well in cases where acting out of self-interest might genuinely be called for.

            • NewAcctWhoDis [any]
              1 year ago

              I always assumed it was a non-medical term first, that changes things.

        • magicker
          1 year ago

          The person who's definitely not the aggrieved narcissist from the other thread sure has a lot to say about me gently ribbing them

          • silent_water [she/her]
            1 year ago

            yep, I'm very protective of new users who ask for accommodation. I'm not ashamed of that.

            • magicker
              1 year ago

              Me when I pretend the person saying the word "narcissist" is okay to use thinks we should use the N word

              (I am screenshotting a sentence where they say the opposite)

              • silent_water [she/her]
                1 year ago

                no no I think it's very funny you think the nword is at all comparable with cracker.

                • magicker
                  1 year ago

                  Let's make it boneheaded so you can't miss it:

                  Saying "narcissist" is a slur is like saying "cracker" is a slur.

                        • magicker
                          1 year ago

                          The comparison between narcissism and anger management problems and pedophilia is much closer than autism, schizophrenia, or even just basic anxiety.

                          These people have problems with inhibitions that would ordinarily stop them from abusing other people. Not every mental disorder demands accomodation in the same way.

                          Sorry you thought you found one of life's cheat codes. You'll always be searching for those

                            • magicker
                              1 year ago

                              This is similar to how people call sexuality a "drive" when it's just an incentive reward system in the brain, not a survival thing.

                              • Nakoichi [they/them]
                                1 year ago

                                You're so fucking pathetic trying this debate bro shit here. You have no fucking clue how many smug dipshits like you we brush off regularly. Just pack it up bud, go outside. I think you need some fresh air.

                                Have you checked your apartment for black mold? I know that can really fuck your brain up.

                                • magicker
                                  1 year ago

                                  This is not a dishonest debating tactic and you are defending the idea that people with inhibition problems that threaten others need accomodations in the form of never being called out

                                  Imagine we stopped using "mad" because some people have anger issues.

                                  Imagine we stopped using "nonce" because, some people are pediphiles.

                                  Imagine we stopped using "narcissist" because some people are narcissists.

                                  Doesn't make any sense. They're pejorative for a reason. These are abusive tendencies towards others.

                                        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                                          1 year ago

                                          I think the issue here is that Magicker is medicalizing bad behavior. They're not saying someone behaved badly, they're saying someone has a medical condition that makes them inherently evil and untrustworthy. You can say someone is being selfish, or lying, or being unreasonable, or whatever, without diagnosing them.

                                            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
                                              1 year ago

                                              totes fair, i was thinking it through myself and trying to explain it is one of the ways I do that. i had to go hunting around to find that the term has always been medical.

                                        • magicker
                                          1 year ago

                                          OP is deliberately misrepresenting what's going on haha, whatever it's not important. You have a good one

                          • silent_water [she/her]
                            1 year ago

                            if the user in question hadn't posted about getting help, I might agree with you. but I've had my mind changed. running to 4chan to bully people is coward shit.

                            • magicker
                              1 year ago

                              That doesn't have any relevance to the conversation about the use of the word constituting a slur.

                              The latter two points are just conjecture. I told you I happened to find hexbear screenshots on "chans". I happen to agree with the takes. You're just assuming that the takes were on 4chan.

                              • Nakoichi [they/them]
                                1 year ago

                                DEBAAAAATE MEEEEEEE!!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

                                Shut the fuck up nerd.

                        • magicker
                          1 year ago

                          Sorry but I actually know a thing or two about psychology (not from Tiktok) and I'm not terribly swayed by forum users going off out-of-context screenshots

                              • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                                1 year ago

                                Says the guy who consistently does not understand Plato's Cave, a literal intro to philosophy concept covered in one or two lectures

                                  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                                    1 year ago

                                    It's extremely hilarious to see all these midwit redditors wandering in, seeing new ideas to them framed in ways they have never considered before, whose mental fortitude just collapses and all they can do is insist that a bunch of leftists who have been exposed to liberal bullshit their entire lives and everywhere outside of Hexbear, must be the ones shuttering themselves into an echo chamber. You're the first one to grasp for a philosophical metaphor (and fail, of course) but it's all the same shit. Ignorant, uninteresting liberals panicking at new ideas and trying to comfort themselves with any possible excuse.

                          • ThisMachineKillsFascists [they/them]
                            1 year ago

                            Yeah you're just being cringe on purpose now. The smug Redditor parody is way too obvious to be real. Sorry, the bit is old now.

                            • magicker
                              1 year ago

                              This is a narcissistic circlejerk within the Plato's Cave of the western left, watchers of the shadows projected by the US polity 🧐

                              The definition of cringe here is being anything outside that

                              • ThisMachineKillsFascists [they/them]
                                1 year ago

                                Yeah, see, you've had Platos Cave explained to you and you're still misusing it. No one is that stupid, so the bit becomes too obvious. You messed up the bit.

                                • magicker
                                  1 year ago

                                  You're just doing the site bit of deliberately misunderstanding things when it suits you to "own the chud"

                                  I've pointed out before you'll say a house rep with like 6 kids has "incel energy"

                                  • Nakoichi [they/them]
                                    1 year ago

                                    Incel is a state of mind. Like you might have children of your own (I seriously hope you do not) but I would still say you have incel energy.

                              • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
                                1 year ago

                                My fellow Hexbear users aren't familiar with all the logical fallacies we should avoid in debates, so we tend to use ad hominems and such way too often. We especially use the Preconception Prejudice Bias too much, link if you're unfamiliar.

  • ThisMachineKillsFascists [they/them]
    1 year ago

    It's funny that they should run crying to 4chan (is 4chan even still a thing?) considering this nerd seems like someone they would just bully instead.

  • Flinch [he/him]
    1 year ago

    If you're comparing two words, and you cannot even say one of those words out loud, that one is the worse word.

      • Flinch [he/him]
        1 year ago

        trump-who-must-go you're telling me it's a different N word. I am hearing about this for the first time.

        • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
          1 year ago

          yeah idk the user the i assume now-banned guy was complaining about was saying stuff about it being ableism and a slur. i don't really buy the arguments, but after seeing this magicker catto get so fucking mad about it i think we should put in in the slur filter to piss off chuds.

          • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
            1 year ago

            the i assume now-banned

            No, it's not banned, it came across as a troll at first but it appears to be a genuine user. The mods said

            In addition, we would like to reiterate that Hexbear is a space for all our comrades, even if you may not understand their experience, please refrain from labeling a fellow user a wrecker or troll. Using conditions as a pejorative is not allowed, please engage in good-faith and remember the human!

            I'm not sure where the line is with "narcissistic" tho.

            • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
              1 year ago

              i meant i assumed the dork in the screenshot is gone, not it,

              and i stand by what i said in the other thread about plain narcissism not being the same as NPD in a way analogous to anxiety not implying an anxiety disorder before it made some unreasonable comparisons and I said ppb.

                1 year ago

                I think using a term like "self-absorbed" or "egotistical" or even "main character syndrome" could work well to separate someone being self-obsessed from someone with actual NPD.

                • Abraxiel
                  1 year ago

                  What are you really changing about what you're communicating when you do that though?

                  • silent_water [she/her]
                    1 year ago

                    you're pulling out a medicalized term and replacing it with something more accurate

          • Lochat [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            I think it was the same person who ranted in a comment about how all human beings are evil because they don't respect his status as an "otherkin" and are species-supremist and are willing to eat him because he's "not human". I think there was much more going on psychologically than their (claimed) NPD, I think.

            That said, taking into consideration the effects of the words we use isn't a bad thing regardless, so it's not like entertaining the concept of banning the word was a negative.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 year ago

      If they're both equally bad, then why isn't there a chain of restaurants called "N- Barrel"?

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    I don't like leftypol. It's name alone is suspect and I've seen a shit ton of racism and ableism from them. I stopped being a reactionary years ago so I wouldn't see that anymore.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      It comes from fucking /pol/ of all places, which has been the ruptured leaking septic tank of nazi shit on the internet for decades.

  • Throwaway101 [he/him]
    1 year ago


    I reported them for being reactionary and transphobic in some posts that are now removed and this is the result. Never let it be said that leftypol is friendly to fascists.

    CW for transphobic rhetoric in pic (and a commonly-used imageboard insult which is also a slur in the mod message, that I have censored)


  • Throwaway101 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    They're from the /isg/ thread on /leftypol/. They were posting about the narcissism discourse there yesterday.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    1 year ago

    As someone who complains about this site's radlibs, I completely disavow the views in the OP

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago


    Enraged reactionaries stop believing that saying "it's funny that/I like it that" actually hides the reactionary rage challenge. Difficulty level: reddit-logo


    Sometimes reactionaries use that word in internet discourse, and when they do, it comes from a very special blend of brainworms ideology that claims that caring about other people is always a deceitful self interested move. It's Ayn Rand shit.

      1 year ago

      If someone calls another entire group of people narcissistic, it's just projection. They're probably just really narcissistic or egotistical themselves.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        It's a very common chud thing to accuse people that seem to "care too much" of being narcissistic.

        • ThisMachineKillsFascists [they/them]
          1 year ago

          Chuds also love accusing trans people and neurodivergent people of being narcissistic because they think it's all for attention.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            They hate the idea of people expressing themselves and being happy about it outside of their own mediocre Epic G!mer white boy accomplishments. frothingfash

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Get a few more of your comments deleted by mods, chud. rent-free

    • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Tbf this is actually a good example to point to of how consensus is reached on Hexbear, for all the people who think we're bots or paid shills. And anyway, even when a consensus is reached, it won't stop you from using the term in real life if the mods decide to add it to the filter. I don't really have a problem with it, tbh.

      • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
        1 year ago

        Yeah I feel the way we arrive at a consensus is by debating it back and forth raising good points until suddenly some chud has an absolute meltdown and the whatever take caused them to have that meltdown is what we end up agreeing on as the objectively correct take.

        And I fully agree with that process, at this point I'd be down to ban it as an insult even if for no other reason than to make chuds mad.

    • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      I got flipped from it, or at least flipped to believing it's a term that has no both useful and necessary usage so I'm down to kill it. There's other words that have no possible medical overlap like "self-absorbed" or "egotistic" or even some fun ones like "you're gonna hurt your neck sucking your own test like that, partner" for assholes if you're southern (I made that one up)