His popularity grows despite his.. well known incident regarding 9/11. He became my personal hero from that point onwards.
What's the well known incident? I'm very out of the loop on twitchverse things
Gathered from context that it was pretty based but what did he actually say?
In addition to what the other chapo replied, He also said Dan Crenshaw got his eyepatch from getting skull fucked by a brave mujahedin soldier (Rambo reference no one got at the time) which was not only hilarious but also the reason why he got banned (veterans are a protected class)
Lmaoooo I heard about that one or at least absorbed it via osmosis back on the sub, extremely quality content
He said that 9/11 was deserved (yes) but I think he also implied it was a good thing (it wasn’t really)
It wasn’t good because it gave the US all the justification it needed to stifle all forms of dissent
I'd disagree on it not being a good thing. It was a "good thing," in the sense that it showed America's hubris on being invincible (in a sense). But I do agree it wasn't a "good thing" for the reason you state (America's reaction to it)
I believe that the consequences that it had on civil liberties in America and the consequences it had abroad far outweighed any good about it. It gave them a Pearl Harbor, a thing to avenge.
He said that 9/11 was deserved (yes) but I think he also implied it was a good thing (it wasn’t really)
he didnt he said it was a consecuence of american imperialism in the ME
Because others keep misquoting it, he said, "America deserved 9-11." Absolute champ.
I do think it is pretty good that the top streamer on twitch is an anti capitalist. Plenty of radicalisation potential.
I’ve heard him bring up ML as well. Normalizing far leftist phrases is important and opens the door for people to do their own research.
I thought the same as well, but watching some of his election content I came to the conclusion that he promotes opportunism. While I am glad that he is a leftist voice in a community that tends to seep with conservatism, the way he presents information to his audience is often counter-revolutionary, idealistic, or just slanderous. I remember him stating that a goal of his stream was to serve as a conduit for radicalization that mirrors reactionaries on the platform, but I worry that he either concedes too much to this cause or he is just another radlib voice on the internet.
Hasan operates at the edge of acceptable disource in American politics. If he was more openly communist I doubt he would gain the amount of viewers that he does. Unfortunately, the democratic party is the main site of organisation for many left wing people in this country and until that changes it will continue to remain relevant to us. Hasan has openly said that that he will support any communist org provided that they are large enough to be a meaning force in American politcs.
Yeah you can’t be on Twitch promoting violent revolution. His election coverage was better than anyone else. He’s a personality, not an intellectual. Everyone has a role. He isn’t breadtube where he’s going to bash you for not voting or for being a revolutionary, but obviously he can’t outwardly promote it. Means testing every single personality gets tiresome when we still have zero well known personalities. I think a lot of the Cushvlog is trash yet this site has this weird cult of personality idol worship with Matt.
I think that's fair and I watched Hasan every now and then, but I couldn't stand his election coverage because his analysis of how the left should operate following the election is so strange. I understand that he can't promote violence (although I am unsure of whether or not that would include theory or at least name dropping marxists.org), but saying things like "it would be fair to compare [Hitler] to Stalin" and arguing for socialism and social services on the basis of patriotism in a settler colonialist nation is just misinformation. I still prefer him to someone on his right, but I just hope that his audience will be able to properly complete the pipeline, especially given the nature of twitch and the content they consume.
I did not hear him say that. That’s obviously an absurd and stupid take. But I don’t think anyone goes to him for a historical understanding of the world. It’s mostly a fun place to dunk on libs and chuds.
He also is talking for 14 hours a day. If you put a microphone in front of me to talk about politics every day for that long a few reactionary ideas may jump out. But I definitely think it’s fair to criticize him when he says dumb shit.
He sometimes gets into this weird thing where he agrees with reactionaries on certain points in order to creates some false idea of fairness. “I get his point even though I disagree with their solutions...”
You guys
This article has caused yet another rift in the Breadtube twitterverse that is the stupidest. Fuckin PeterCoffin is havin a normal one over this article lol
It's a fuckin stupid subject that would take books to explain. Suffice to say 'breadtube' is as effective a label as 'antifa': basically anyone vaguely leftist can claim it if they wish and also independantly be labelled as such by the community at large. Lots of those we consider 'breadtube' don't like being under the same umbrella to some degree or another
How dare you accuse Peter Coffin of being "bread tube"
Honestly, the article underplays how rapidly his stream took off. Hasan has the must viewers pretty much whenever he stream these days, but his stream was pretty small even a few months ago.
I agree tho, we're lucky to have someone promoting left-of-Democrat views on that platform.
It's pretty crazy to see him go from a Destiny hanger-on who could manage maybe a few thousand viewers like Destiny, to his viewcounts today consistently going up by 10 or 20x
Tbh this might play a meaningful role in moving gamers left after the last few years of the opposite happening.
Pretty crazy numbers he's pulling, for the record
3rd highest peak viewer count in history of the site
229th most followers
Gained viewers at the 4th highest rate (past few months iirc)
In this case the election really accelerated it
He's consistently like 200,000 people and reads Twitch chat along with his Twitter. He does like 11+ hour streams, constantly. About 5-6 days week? Dude has put in massive work, which is respectable, but I do worry about his health/mental state from this amount of work.
I think when he streamed AOC/Among Us it was AOC (being a novelty/streaming (400,000-500,000)), then him, and the others were like 80,000 or less.
He’s consistently like 200,000 people
onl election week he used to be a 10k andy will probably settle around 20-25k
20-25k while gaming maybe, I think when doing politics he's now a solid 40-50k andy, at least until innauguration/the coup shit dies down.
He can be a lib sometimes but he has some pretty good takes that his lib audience needs to hear. He went on a long rant the other day about how people will blindly accept the death toll that the Black Book of Communism touts but think that every death under Capitalism is because that person didn't bootstrap hard enough.
Honestly its the beard. I horny watch him. Sure he has similar politics to mine. But its only for the horny watch.
Thanks for listening to my TedTalk
Okay I'm not the only one.
But even then, I refuse to watch his video game content or watching snl bullshit content, I don't need my himbo ASMR that bad.
I agree with you but I started watching it a bit more recently, idk why.
He has okay takes but hes mostly just really entertaining. He is really good at mimicing people and doing accents.
And getting angry. It feels good to watch someone else unleash the same rage I feel for all the ghouls.
I agree but also his voice is jarring to my Brit ears. His nasal yank voice makes him sound whiny.
The British complaining about other people’s accents, that’s adorable.
He's really quite shit at most impressions but it's still entertaining.
This is how a felt about all of Twitch, until I watch Yung Chomsky play his synths, and it awoke something in me.
its just a chill and funny stream to have on in the background, he talks about a variety of things, mostly political and social things, and often refutes stupid talking points. It's not a constructed video or whatever, just a stream
idk jack about hasan but its a good sign that its even possible for someone like him can be popular. his rise would have been impossible just a few years ago
A lot of the tankie-LARPing horsefuckers here call him a radlib but he is uncritically a honeypot for goodness in the howling pits of the internet.
He's also a god damned chad. 29 y/o. 6'4". Cute hair cut. Works out. Lives with his mom like any good leftist does.
Can't read link through work firewall, refuse to go to NYT website. Anyone wanna give me a 2 sentence summary?
archive links not only provide clickbait protection, but it also allow people who are maxed out on free articles access to otherwise paywalled content. The person who archived the article is doing you a favor by protecting your personal browsing data from analytics cookies
waiting an extra 10 seconds for a page to load is worth the wait for not handing jeff bezos your analytics and giving him a couple of cents
Git good. Learn to control click the article link to open it in another tab then scroll through and read some of the comments here while you wait for it to load.
It's like a summary of Hasan from birth to current twitch status. Just touches on his perspectives and the appeal to young people. I've watched Hasan a good handful of times and it really didnt offer anything more.
Seriously though. How left is Hasan? What do people think he is?
Obviously he's left of half the breadtube crowd because he completely rejects the libs. But how left?
He's at least as good as Kyle Kulinski and that's all that really matters at that stage of the left pipeline.
He has spent time talking about the economy of the USSR and how it was pretty good if imperfect.
You think I am about to go through a twitch streamers backlog to find his discussions on the soviet economy?
Oh yeah, I know - I watch him on youtube quite often. I like him most of the time. Occasionally libs over Obama and puts a bit too much faith in the Dems, but it's harmless really. Not full lib moment, just minor irksome stuff.
I don't think he'd get TOS'd if he explained it in terms of theory rather than 'STAND UP AND FIGHT' kind of rhetoric but I do see what you mean.
No idea - from what I remember he doesn't bring them up that much which is indicative that he doesn't have a super strong view on it - but that's just going off my rusty brain.
Imagine being so cucked by the american political spectrum that you make clips like this without realizing that you are the moderate.
calling it they're going to give him a show on msnbc and he'll become full liberal. the van jones treatment
Yeah despite all the money there I think internet celebrities have finally caught on that old media is where new careers go to die
He's earning around 500k (and definitely way more per year if he can keep this up) the MSNBC job would have to pay fucking bank lmao