• FunnyUsername [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Tfw link naturally has sexy hips and I'm just sitting over here shoving e pills in my mouth like candy and still have rectangle body

    • Rem [she/her]
      4 years ago

      I feel like Horny Pasadism is an acceptable sexuality

        • Rem [she/her]
          4 years ago

          I think it's more common to not be fully on one side of the Kinsey scale (or dead center) than our society often acknowledges. Hell Idk if the Kinsey scale is even good, but my point is you don't have to pin yourself down to a label, a lot of people exist in a sort of in between space.

    • kristina [she/her]
      4 years ago

      tbh i just like.... so many kinds of body types and people that i just say im pan/bi.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      anyone else literally have no idea what sexuality they have?

      I felt reasonably confident before looking at this image.

  • neebay [any,undecided]
    4 years ago

    well I guess she's a girl now

    • me after my character tried on the maiden set in Dark Souls 1
    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      4 years ago

      "Don't laugh at this. This gives me poison resistance."

      Didn't Dark Souls also have the coffin that you could get into that genderswapped you?

      • neebay [any,undecided]
        4 years ago

        the second one did, not sure if 3 has anything similar

        and now I'm remembering the fucked up genderswap potion in Fable 2, and I'm still mad about it

          • neebay [any,undecided]
            4 years ago

            the potion is permanent and irreversible, there is only one in the game, and it is deviously programmed to autosave when you drink it

            IIRC no other potion or item in the game automatically triggers an autosave, and I do believe they intentionally did this to "prank" the player

            I tried it because I was curious about what my character would look like genderswapped, planning to reload immediately afterward, realizing too late that my character would be stuck like that the rest of the game

            I probably wouldn't have minded as much if the result was nicer, but I really didn't like the way it looked, basically the same bearded muscle giant my character was before, but now with improbably large breasts, which isn't quite my aesthetic

            I'm a cis dude and still honestly felt upset about this, so I can't imagine how a trans player might have felt about having their character irreversibly "detransitioned" just because they were curious about what the character might look like for a minute

            and it's late-game content too, so if the swap makes you want to abandon the character, you're throwing out hours of investment in progressing through the bulk of the game

            you fucked up, Peter

        • spinachupper [he/him]
          4 years ago

          DS3 has a ring that lets you perform "female actions" as a male and vice versa. The series has also always had femboy representation through Gwyndolin.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Finally got a Switch for Christmas this year, the folks found a good deal. Picked up Breath of the Wild yesterday and next thing I knew it was 5am. Haven't had that happen with a game since being a kid.

    • CommieTommy [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I g0t darkest dungeon and felt heart broken every time one of my original party members died, in just a few hours playing I've lost 'Sir Stealalot', 'SisterSledge(ham' (character limits are a frick), 'Captain Crush' and 'Sir Spicious'

    • Phish [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      Have fun, I really loved that game. I still play it for weeks at a time and I beat it within months of its release. It's so awesome.

    • DPMotion [any]
      4 years ago

      The divine beasts were okay, but I really wanted some serious dungeons that the shrines did not fulfill at all for me. It may be a very g*mer take of mine, but the FromSoft games are imo what Zelda should have become if nintendo wasn't concerned with being accessible and creative for creativity's sake. I have hopes that the sequel will be more action packed, but still botw is an excellent game.

    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I thought it was great, but definitely not link to the past, ocarina of time, or majora's mask level (probably a distant fourth behind those). The weapons breaking was frustrating in the beginning but by the end of the game I always had more than I knew what to do with.

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It's something nintendo in particular has never done afaik, which contributed to this weird reputation it got.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      Am I the only one who thought BOTW was just okay?

      It was Link meets WoW. So if you are conditioned not to mind the grind, it was an incredibly open world with all sorts of clever puzzles and mechanics that really bridged the gap between Action RPG, Massive Open World, and Puzzle Game in a way that had never been done before.

      But if you don't have over a hundred hours to throw at a game, collecting bobbles to power up other bobbles so you could survive the next boss fight, it was frustrating.

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    4 years ago

    Needs more rock hard abs you could grate cheese off of but not bad.

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Sad I don't have a switch, because this game looked super fun. All the femboy Link fanart is certainly something nice to come out of it uwu

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Link has always been a femboy. Bud has been wearing a skirt and tights for years.

    • Eris235 [undecided]
      4 years ago

      If you have a computer with an okay graphics card, it is emulatable. I played it a few years ago on a good but (at the time) old gaming laptop, and had a mostly bug free experience, and its probably only gotten more stable since.

      • Rem [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Interesting!! I've had more trouble with emulators than I should because I suck at computer, but if I take a stab at it again I'll see about BOTW.

        • Eris235 [undecided]
          4 years ago

          I wish you luck then! I used Cemu, which is the Wii U emulator, and I think BotW Wii U is nearly identical to the switch version of game. I know the switch emulator is pretty experimental atm, so I'd definitely recommend sticking to Wii U emulation

          • Rem [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Thank you very much! I have so many saved posts on this site and they're all people telling me how to pirate or cook things haha.

            And porn.

    • ItsPequod [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That's the person who sneaks into the Gerudo town by dressing like one of them, and lends Link a Gerudo outfit of his own