Neurodivergent peeps (and also neurotypical folks too, don't get me wrong) get interest policed really really often, yelled at for having fun wrong or enjoying things too much or ‘the wrong way

So this is a PSA to all you comrades, make sure you never do this. It’s like mocking someones laugh or smile, it makes them self conscious and ashamed in the moments when they feel happy

Edit: to clarify what I mean by interest policing:

someone having an interest in a topic or hobby that someone deems unacceptable and takes it upon themselves to ruin the persons fun and make them feel like shit for enjoying it. Like an adult liking lego, or a boy playing with a girl toy, anything like this. It’s especially common for neurodiverse people such as folks with autism, very easy for us to be fixated on our particular hobbies or whatever it is, that doesnt conform to traditional definitions of what ‘people your age/gender/demographic should like/ be doing’

basically it’s like if your friend likes a movie you don’t like, and you go out of your way to destroy the joy they have for no reason other than they liked something you didn’t

  • Sphere [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    basically it’s like if your friend likes a movie you don’t like, and you go out of your way to destroy the joy they have

    Yes, to pick a random example out of nowhere, if your friend really liked, say, Zootopia...

      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        I quiet enjoyed Zootopia. In retrospect, I see the problems with the narrative. But I don't have that automatic reaction against media involving cops who are portrayed as heroes that most leftists do. It just doesn't trigger for me. I'm willing to accept an in-universe morality where cops can be good. Thats why I can turn my brain off and enjoy most cop shows as well (except Blue Bloods, the copraganda is too blatant in that one).

        Plus the fucking Sloth DMV scene is possibly the hardest I've laughed at anything in any movie ever.

        • QuillQuote [they/them]
          4 years ago

          what does it for me is not the media itself or it's effects on me, but just being aware that this contributes to copaganda by virtue of existing and being associated with virtue at all. It just gets under my skin, especially when its in kids/ family media

          • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            Yeah I get that, my neurons just don't activate that way. My brain just sees a world where cops can be good and I'm not automatically angry at them. I just can't actively think about the larger context in the moment like that.

    • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      whomst amongst us does not enjoy the ballad of the bunny cop?

      truly it is a reflection upon those that take issue with posting about the bunny cop.

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      They had good fashion sense imo, always thought their uniforms were pretty cool. shame it's forever tainted by fascism

      is thinking their clothers were cool reactionary?

      • Rodentsteak [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Their clothes were made by literal slaves who were worked to death in the concentration camps. Hugo Boss is a war criminal and was an active member of the nazi party. This makes them less cool.

        • Rodentsteak [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Also the SS uniforms weren't even well designed. I could get into the numerous design flaws, but basically? All those sleek black uniforms were instantly dropped in 39 by the Waffen-SS. Every single nazi who didn't have an office job refused to wear them.

            • Rodentsteak [he/him]
              4 years ago

              That too. But also it somehow managed to be both too hot and too cold at temperate temperatures, it couldnt be properly washed in the field after it had made its wearer sweat bullets for hours (so they all smelled like shit), it was expensive, and it restricted movement.

              • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
                4 years ago

                But also it somehow managed to be both too hot and too cold at temperate temperatures, it couldnt be properly washed in the field after it had made its wearer sweat bullets for hours

                I jeez my life is basically an SS officers existence.

        • QuillQuote [they/them]
          4 years ago

          I don't think probably is a strong enough choice of words there

  • crime [she/her, any]
    4 years ago

    I try my best to not interest police-people, having blue lives matter chuds up in my dms is always horrible

    • ChairmanAtreides [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Only after every other musical-enjoyer gets what they deserve, will my fellow les miserables enthusiasts join me in the self-immolation parties

    • garbology [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Theory: the volcel police are here to normalise taunting and disobeying the police to their face.

    • VolcelPolice [any]
      4 years ago

      Well our interest are policing horniness, so it appears we're at an impasse

  • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    This is exactly why, despite all the mockery it gets on certain corners of left twitter, I think "let people enjoy things" is largely good. It shouldn't be used as a cudgel against legitimate criticism of media though, and it often is. So I get why it frustrates people. But all in all, its perfectly fine for someone to enjoy the MCU for example.

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      It's as fine as any other method we all use to keep ourselves sane in hellworld, weed, smoking, terminally online posting, whatever thing it is that entertains you and brings you joy when you need it doesn't have to be super revolutionary or based, it just has to not hurt anyone

    • QuillQuote [they/them]
      4 years ago

      someone having an interest in a topic or hobby that someone deems unacceptable and takes it upon themselves to ruin the persons fun and make them feel like shit for enjoying it. Like an adult liking lego, or a boy playing with a girl toy, anything like this. It's especially common for neurodiverse people such as folks with autism, very easy for us to be fixated on our particular hobbies or whatever it is, that doesnt conform to traditional definitions of what 'people your age/gender/demographic should like/ be doing'

      basically it's like if your friend likes a movie you don't like, and you go out of your way to destroy the joy they have for no reason other than they liked something you didn't

      • Perplexiglass [they/them]
        4 years ago

        I see. Make this about "gaming" and this place will have a real struggle session.