After seeing how the dem primaries work, it almost seems easier to hi-jack the GOP.
If you ran on an explicitly Marxist platform without calling it as such with an R next to your name you would win in a landslide
What about naming it after the first full day of chapo dot chat: The 26th of July Movement?
Yang rebranded UBI as the freedom dividend because conservatives supported it more after the name change. Changing what you call things works.
Literally one of the most incomprehensible comments I've ever read, it borders parody
"Basically, I'm a living issue of The Economist"
Sorry, u/Souk12 – your submission has been removed for breaking Rule B:
You must personally hold the view and demonstrate that you are open to it changing. A post cannot be on behalf of others, playing devil's advocate, as any entity other than yourself, or 'soapboxing'. See the wiki page for more information.
Fucking lmao, because everyone demonstrated that this person's opinion was 100% correct, they removed the post. R*ddit is such a fucking joke.
Socialism and communism are deeply complex terms with wide variations. They're not things you can simply define.
Everyone has their own experiences and understandings of these terms. I would argue that their meanings differ by context.
Can you give us some examples of 'Americans who don't know what socialism or communism are', cause we don't have a lot to work with here.
I'm too fucking angry to write anything
Can you give us some examples of ‘Americans who don’t know what socialism or communism are’, cause we don’t have a lot to work with here.
Lol for real just look in the mirror
back in the day I made a subreddit called r/UnpopularPosts
It's only for posts that are unpopular on r/UnpopularPosts. That means if your post gets upvoted, you get banned for off-topic posting. And if you post and it gets downvoted, you get banned for off-topic posting.
Pretty funny that OP in that thread doesn't know what socialism is either.
Because they agreed with the OP probably, they only let fascists comment because OP has to change their view
Oh is that how CMV works? I assumed the commenters are supposed to change OPS view
Sorry, that was confusing, OP has to agree with the fascists or their post is removed because "they refuse to consider the alternative"