Really fucking disappointed with this one. I know it's reddit but this is one of my favorite games and the community has been absolutely amazing otherwise
redditors love to repeat that line over and over. especially going on long tangents about cheating in schools
Good thing wholesome American kids never cheat on tests!
They don't, that much. The dad of a Russian friend of mine is a professor at an American college. He told us that one semester, his students were doing pretty shitty, so he decided to give them all a freebie test to get their grades up. He started the test, told them he had a super long meeting to go to, and left them alone for like an hour. When he graded the test, he found out most of them had still failed. This story was told to my family (we're also eastern European) with a lot of cackling on both sides about how honest and dumb Americans are 😂
Good on you tbh, as long as you don't feel you're being used. I used to help half the class with Latin and history back in school 😂
I don't really care if I'm being used. It's not a massive effort for me. But my comrades help me with other stuff so I help them with that.
Yeah if they help you with other stuff you're not being used anyway, it's pure solidarity and friendship
Americans are authority cucked. See: Blue Lives Matter
They will do whatever you tell them and swallow and lick the boot expertly and happily and then ask for seconds.
that is wild. i have once done my test saw that a buddy was looking desperate gave him my test and did his because there were like 4 diferent version of the test with diferent values with a teacher trying to stop people from cheating
Nixon seriously considered dropping nukes on Vietnam.
"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing"
UCLA Head Coach Red SandersAncient Chinese Proverb
"Is it racist to say that? No. Racial? Sure. But racist? No."
Gamer moment.
The Chinese culture is built around winning at all costs
america literally just had a president who talked only about "winning", builds society explicitly around competition and being #1, tHe cHiNEsE cULtuRe iS BuiLT aRoUNd wiNNIng aT aLl cOSts
wasn't there some video of a cooperative children's game being played in China that went viral last year, and the redditors turned that into some sort of brainwashing collectivism
Hmmm, today I will scroll down.
When a Reddit post looks like the transcript of a court hearing on Guantanamo Bay, you know Reddit had a moment.
The Enemy only does evil, does good with ulterior motives, or the act is ignored
Its also annoying when they type in Chinese and expect eveyone to understand. Teamwork is impossible with them Chinese.
Fucking dumbass, didn't they know this is China? They should just learn to speak Chinese or get out.
This fucking pisses me off. In most non-anglo countries, it's compulsory to learn other languages in school. Anglos expect everyone to speak English but get so pissed about having to learn one of the most common languages in the world.
fucking monolingual anglos expecting everyone else to use their language
I laughed really hard at the totally not racist "them Chinese" at the end of that comment.
I do wonder though, how does the game's communication work? Is there something like quick chat in Rocket League that allows you to communicate with players who don't speak your language? If it's a team based game that's a totally valid complaint, although the solution definitely is not region locking China.
Hmm ok, if it's voice chat reliant then it might make sense. For some reason I thought it was an MMO or something more casual without the need for full communication. My bad for commenting without looking into the game.
Yeah, that's why Chinese LoL is one of the best regions and why they have super servers of only the best players so they can play without griefers and cheaters because they don't care about preserving a game.
Is it racist to say that? No. Racial? Sure. But racist? No.
This is the most reddit thing lol
Look at how many college kids in America cheat with things like Chegg yet fixate on the Chinese students cheating.
It’s somehow “different” when someone Chinese does it because of the stereotype. It’s literally just Sinophobia
I keep having this argument with other TAs, Chinese students don't cheat more, it's just that students who have a larger language barrier hide their cheating less well. It's like really obvious when a group of students with English as their second language cooperate on an assignment, because I see the exact same weird phrasing multiple times over.
For most of my life nobody complained about specifically chinese cheaters until the last year or two.
I grew up in a town with a large Asian American community, primarily of Vietnamese, Korean, and Taiwanese ex-pats.
White people hated them. If you don't speak English fluently, they hated your. If your kids did too well in school, they hated you. If you landed a job at a high end firm, they hated you. If you opened up a small family run business, they hated you.
They hated your food. They hated your music. They hated your cars. They despised Asian women.
Asian residents were inevitably ghettoized and segregated, although - ironically enough - the ghettos would outperform the white neighborhoods where everyone hated each other for their own reasons. But you had to fight tooth and nail to get your due as an Asian resident in the Houston suburbs. If you were anything other than a source of cheap labor, you were under constant attack.
"The...culture is built around winning at all costs and they will quickly destroy this...the same way they've destroyed so many others."
Fairly apt description of capitalists
Let's put this statement in front of some Native Americans and ask them which culture they think it most aptly describes.
Let’s suppose they were all beautifully innocent savages, which they certainly were not. … What was it that they were fighting for, if they opposed white men on this continent? For their wish to continue a primitive existence, their right to keep part of the earth untouched, unused, and not even as property, but just keep everybody out so that you will live practically like an animal?
Ayn RandAncient Chinese Proverb
They literally cheat all the time. You guys are actually incredibly ignorant or just intentionally ignoring this. Anyone who ever played PUGB can confirm.
You have literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about. God I hate this website
Yeah no shit, it's anti-China so this account will probably be banned. How dare you not let us ban your main!!!
Can we figure out this moron’s main and ban it? “Yeah I made an alt to be racist so what?” lol
The fact that Blitzchung (the player who was banned) immediately went back to streaming Hearthstone the next day fucking kills me. Gamers are such dorks.
I'm still so mad at Jim Sterling, who is otherwise cool, for falling into that mess and making it one of the things he harps on constantly.
"It's not racist" proceeds to stereotype Chinese culture
Is it racist to say that? No. Racial? Sure. But racist? No.
Literally every MP game has one of these in their top posts, it's absolutely disgusting.
There's some bizarre echo chamber involved where like, they think the entirety of Reddit except their small corner of it is some massively pro-CCP agenda and that any dissent gets you instantly banned. Problem is, they fucking all think that.
Literally the 4th highest rated post on the Escape from Tarkov subreddit is the same fucking thing with the same name.
I'm getting more and more frequently killed in labs by Chinese players with names "DouYu-(insert numbers here) It's their streaming platform. And some of these guys are live streaming, with cheats VISIBLE on their stream. Others seem to have some sort of stealth feature built in, but it's relatively obvious that they're cheating just based on how they move + react vs how they aim. There's no reason whatsoever for Chinese players to be playing on EU servers, lock them to their own region and let them kill each other, simple.
This is on a game well known for having shitty netcode and desync that makes everyone look like they're cheating.
Chinese players do not play fairly and they couldn't care less about preserving a game. [...] Is it racist to say that? No. Racial? Sure.
Glorious China wants a return to sequels every three years instead of dragging one game out for ten years