Like is it a meme or something people enjoy. Keep thinking of those horrible human sized rodents every time I here it with few expectations.
Like talking about all those anime ones on youtube.
But why not just go to faster songs? I can't listen to one version and then hear a version with a different tempo.
not into it myself, but I think it appeals to weebs in particular because it parallels the style of exaggerated cuteness that they like in anime and manga, like the music has been "chibified" to better fit their preferred aesthetic
Yeah and the generic, at least to my knowledge, anime girl on the thumbnail probably pulls them in.
Damn I had no idea people actually liked this type of music.
Why not? It pushes the limits of what's possible with regards to speed and pitch. That's pretty cool. It's not really my jam but I definitely see the appeal.
Okay the more I think about it I guess I just hate those chipmunks and the sometimes lazy videos that exist in this genre. You know those alvin and the chipmunks sing x videos. I did really like the Jolene at 33 rpm so maybe that makes me a hypocrite.
Sure, there are bad examples of every genre of music though. I'm sure you could find some nightcore you do like
I always thought it was just a creative way to bypass copyright laws. xD
Maybe need to see when they started and if those channels making money or not but I think you're right.
I don't really get it but I had a friend who sent me some nightcore Nasheeds one time, and those were wildly entertaining.
Best one you can tell me? And do you mean Alvin or just regular ones?