The Democrats (@TheDemocrats)

.@POTUS will build on the $600 down payment provided by Congress last year, sending an additional $1,400 to households across America, totaling direct payments to $2,000 per person.


    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Our reality is like a risible political comedy. The self-serious screenwriter/director meant it to be a satire. But every new scene is dumber than the last yet due to the bathos of it all.

      After the 2022 horrorshow of abject dem failure - the dem machine will try to explain that voters didn't understand their "message" and if their messaging had been better the outcome would have been much better.

  • CrimsonSage [any]
    4 years ago

    Why don't they just deduct the 1200$ they already gave us? I am sure that will get some bipartisanship from senate republicans.

  • SovietyWoomy [any]
    4 years ago

    Midterm ads are going to be hilarious when all the stimulus money is wasted on a wallstreet bailout

    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Dem ad

      "Hi, I'm Mike Neolib and I'm running for Congress for a better Oregon. After college I went to work as an efficacy expert at EvilCorp. I have a proven record in getting things done. Done fast and done right - oops - I mean done correctly. Let's not give the republicans a soundbite! I want Oregonians to succeed*..."

      At the end of the ad...

      I want Oregonians to succeed is an explicit reference to the top 10% income earners who have proven themselves to be hard workin' Americans.

      GOP ad

      "How ya'll doin'? Ordinar'ly - you don't hear 'ya'll' in Oregon. But I'm Joseph Racist IV and I'm a real Southern boy by way of my momma from 'Baba. Demoncrat Joe Neolib wants to take away your guns, take away your Jesus, and force your womenfolk to have abortions. Even if they ain't pregnant! And he wants to help Wall Street screw ya! But I'm Joseph 'White Power' Racist IV - Yeah, I said it(!) - and I'm gonna make it so's you can have more guns, more Jesus and stop abortions even in cases of rape and incest. I can't say 'with my gun' cuz that's against the law. Oops. And look at my pickup. And my guns. And my proud Con'fed'rit flag. And look at my trucker cap - see? I'm onea yuuu..."

      The reality is that Mike Neolib went to a second tier college in Oregon and Joseph Racist IV got his BA, masters, and PhD at the Center for Scientific Racism at Harvard. Racist actually has a naturally faint accent. But it's Yankee. Racist's mother and her entire family is actually from Maine. But Neolib is branded as the elite and Racist is the folk hero.

      Racist wins in a landslide.

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    How politically incompetent do you have to be to fuck hundreds of millions of Americans out of $600? People know what getting fucked out of a few hundred bucks feels like -- they've had paychecks stolen, they've had security deposits stolen, they've had bullshit traffic tickets. And now you're that when it's all funny money anyway.

      • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        If they had no intention of giving $2000 in the first place it's more incompetent, not less. That's not even knowing how to plausibly lie to people.

  • Torenico [he/him]
    4 years ago

    For how long can this shit keep running tho? for how long can they keep fucking people over? When will the working class make a click sound and go after these fuckers, one by one?

    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      When will the working class make a click sound and go after these fuckers, one by one?

      I wish I knew. And I wish I had hope. The problem with Biden is that for four years the libs (both pundits and randos on Twitter) will keep reminding people that Biden is better than Trump. And the lib media will endlessly say that Tired Old Joe is doing the best he can.

    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yes. No. Maybe. Yes. No. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Yes? No? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. No.

      And Angry Old Joe says "Look - here's the deal - 600 bucks plus 400 bucks was more than I ever made when I was a lifeguard. Back in my day..." He rambles on for many minutes as lectures the public that "hard workin' Americans don't want handouts". Finally a couple of his minders come to the stage. They whisper to him and he tells the media "Gotta go. Urgent business." He steps away from the mic and says something. The audio is indecipherable but Left Twitter swears he said "Time for yummy oatmeal!" And it sure seems he did.

  • Puffin [any, they/them]
    4 years ago

    $2000 a month ago is very different from $2000 spread out over the course of a month also. It's been a month! There should be money every month!

    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Not by itself. I think they'll self-immolate by refusing to nuke the filibuster and by refusing to pack the court.

      But - as always - Trump is the wildcard. Eventually - he'll have a media platform. I have no idea what/how. Maybe OANN will give him an hour of prime time a couple of days a week to use however he likes.

      He could have any number of temper tantrums between now and 2022. Just like an evil kid torturing a puppy - he could break the back of the GOP in 2022 just to prove to them that he can. But I can't believe Hellworld would help the dems out of their own hole.

      But you never know what the future holds.

      • _else [she/her,they/them]
        4 years ago

        its not failure. the dems NEED republicans, or else they need to make concessions to the left. real genuine fucking compromise with us, or they lose us. not just the woke people, but the oblivious mostly-libs who want better but are brainwashed by 'lesser evil' bullshit.

        what happens when the greater evil goes away?

    • Torenico [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Nah, it'll be fine for both parties. Democrats have lied thousands of times in the past and they won an election, Trump has allowed 400K people to die of COVID and 73 million people voted for him.

      If there's one lesson you can learn from Am*rica, is that voters never, never learn.

    • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
      4 years ago

      They've come to peace with the fact that they've already lost them anyway and no longer care to attempt to win

      • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Glue your phone to your hand and keep it in front of your face when you're sleeping. That way as long as your phone has juice and the bill is paid - you're online.

  • shiteyes [ze/hir]
    4 years ago

    Shit why not just give us a hundred a month on an installment plan

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    They are assuming people aren't paying attention. Which, tbf, they aren't usually. The thing is to see if they are and jokingly point it out.

    • adfsadfsadfsadf [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      "When I was young - we usta stick potatoes into rain barrels so they got nice and rusty and then we used them for exercise and we didn't need healthcare because we were strong, healthy, and young. Now, people - especially young people - want handouts like free money and free healthcare. Even Corn Pop had a job. I think so. But it's hard to know with black people. So maybe not. Anyway - what happened to America, America?