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I think the only truly bad movie from the sequel trilogy was The Rise of Skywalker. The Force Awakens was what it needed to be - a safe and simple return to form that wiped out people's memories of the prequels. The Last Jedi was understandably divisive and had a couple rough spots, but making the twist be that Rey wasn't related to anyone else really was the best way to resolve that plot thread.
But then TROS was so bad it made the other two films worse lol.
I look back on TFA a lot more harshly now after TROS. TLJ remains about the same as when I saw it. Really interesting flawed movie that should have had a second draft and cut 15 minutes out.
Rose was a mistake in that it should have been Finn and Poe's adventure instead. If you have to have her in there then should should just form a trio with them.
Having Poe go off and try to save the day in a cowboy fashion only to have it blow up in his face makes so much sense than him being a military officer who can't accept that his superiors don't tell him every single thing.
That plot idea (exactly as you described it) is good - but the execution was terrible. (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS below).
A) Holdo's plan was secret for no reason. Star Wars canon is for the good guys to tell each other everything - omissions being poorly hidden exceptions. Betrayal isn't sudden - it's telegraphed. The Rebellion/Resistance is democratic, there's no rigid hierarchy or air of suspicion.
Tension between characters has to be justified to feel real. It's always a hack-writer move when the problem would have been resolved if characters just talked to each other, but didn't, for no reason.
B) The plan was shit. Most people died. The rest were only saved by a deus ex machina. At least discussing alternatives would have made sense.
C) Poe isn't actually punished for the mutiny and disaster he caused. Holdo and Leia amiably joke how they like him despite him disobeying orders twice and fucking up. WTF is that? Fire the hero or promote him. If it's something in between it's not worth making a movie about it.
The plot loses its cake and fails to eat it, too. Poe makes a mistake, but doesn't suffer for it. He's an ass, but it's fine. What kind of hero, what kind of story is that?
Holdo’s plan was secret for no reason
They stated outright that the empire (first order, whatever) had either a spy or some sort of new tracking technology.
The plan was shit
Because the movie is shit. It's a low speed chase you aren't salvaging that unless it's the opening to a movie about OJ.
They stated outright that the empire (first order, whatever) had either a spy or some sort of new tracking technology.
But there is no spy. And Poe is never suspected of being a spy. So it's a contrivance. If you don't know how your enemy is tracking you, then you can't assume that you'll be able to hide from them, no matter your precautions. You either find out how you're being tracked, or you plan to act openly.
It's way too subtle a reason to sow distrust between characters in a Star Wars film. If it were a drama about a WWII submarine, then one wrong look on a face brought on by the stress of war could cause everyone to shoot each other dead. But when your characters fire off perky quips between slaughtering cartoon enemies with colorful lasers it doesn't fit.
Because the movie is shit
Yes. But in part as well as in whole.
As much as I thought TLJ was a mess, I didn’t hate it and would have gladly preferred a continuation of that story than whatever JJ did with that last movie. Blew my mind people liked that shit when it came out.
Blew my mind people liked that shit when it came out.
There was anyone that liked that movie? (I mean besides weird MRA people like Ben Shapiro and the weird trad fash guy on his network who had some weird ideological reasons to like it). The movie was completely incoherent, the scenes barely connected and so much of it was clearly just written by focus groups. Like TLJ had its flaws, but I didn't spend half the movie wanting to leave at least.
When it came out I remember people were saying how they liked it way better than TLJ. Then again Star Wars fans are probably not the go to people on getting good movie takes.
The rey/kylo stuff is the only decent part of the movie.
Everything else is just poorly paced garbage with completely unlikeable characters.
Still kind of upset they went from "Everyone is connected to the Force so anyone can be a hero" to "lol, fuck you unless you're the end result of Shreev Palpatine getting his hog washed"
JJ Abrams is the one responsible for how shit the sequel movies are
fuck capitalism, ruins art
did nobody learn their lesson from fucking 'lost'?
I think the point of Luke being some grimy old man who drinks milk straight from the alien tiddy is to tell the obsessed nerds to get over the original trilogy. No one is perfect, and your childhood icon turned out to be an asshole, that kind of thing.
Yeah the casino scene sucked but it wasn't actually that long, I think it felt like longer because the movie had pretty bad pacing
The entire disney trilogy had a lack of vision and planning. The Force Awakens felt like the Disney execs going, "hey, star wars movies make lots of money" so they made the most inoffensive movie possible, then just told Ryan Johnson to do his thing. Then they made the mistake of listening to the people who were mad about the women in TLJ so they shat out ROS. Idk if things would be better if Johnson directed the third movie because he did leave a shit load to deal with, but at least it probably wouldn't have just been pure fanservice before actually being a good movie
I was looking forward to 9 after the ending, it felt like Kylo had finally established himself as the main villain/threat of the sequel trilogy.
Rise of Skywalker: "LOL NOPE!"
It had the best Jedi moment of any movie. Luke's astral-projection onto the salt planet was so cool!
that scene is the only thing i remember about the movie and yeah it was p cool
that had me thinking the whole thing would be a self aware reconstruction and... nope.
I saw the last 2 Star Wars movies in theaters with my little nephews and they were having a great time and kids having fun is infectious so I ended up having a great time. I just shut my brain off and had fun and gave myself a mild stomach cramp from eating too much popcorn. 10/10 experience, would repeat it in a heartbeat.
It's the best way to enjoy these movies, go a little earlier in the day and siphon off the excitement and wonder from the target audience like some sort of soul vampire. Nerds ruin everything.
All that matters is that you enjoyed it. I didn't like it but it checks all the boxes of a marvel style summer blockbuster space epic.
It was the least worst. I get why people like it but a lot of little things ruined it for me. Also they should have made it gayer with Finn and Poe and cut out the bs shipping of rey and kylo
i like it overall but the B story with finn and rose is so fucking bad and it kinda ruins the film
It had slow moving bombers in space that dropped, DROPPED, bombs. I'm a fan of things running on the rule of cool but that was just bizarre.
Star Wars has never applied the rules of physics in space travel/combat. Its space fantasy, instead of sci-fi.
I agree, but this was especially weird and didn't fit with anything in the Star Wars universe. Looks like they wanted WWII bombers in space, which is cool and all. Youtube nerds have pointed out that there are bombers in Star Wars, the Rebel ones are called Y-wings.
It seems they really wanted to do new stuff, which is commendable, some of it was just weird and stupid.
Weren't they above a planet? If they were then dropping a bomb is entirely possible, if the bomber is not in orbit and just suspending itself under its own power. Still a really stupid way of fighting in space though
They were above a ship, in space . It kinda looks cool if you don't think about it too much, but it's still really stupid.
My three unrelated thoughts:
The Last Jedi is the second best Star War.
If Disney weren't cowards they could have done a Long March for episode 9. The setup was there.
It's fucking gorgeous, too. Looks like a Kalatozov movie with colors.
It's really fucking good, and I can't wait to see the Ryan Johnson trilogy.
yeah the claims that his trilogy was canceled were just fandom menace conspiracies. Same people thinking lucasfilms has a secret battle going on that's going to make the sequel trilogy not cannon and make legends cannon.