• read_freire [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Nah that was his sister.

        He was either misogynistic/anti-semitic or an edgelord doing bad irony (in the aughts 4chan kinda way), it's unclear.

        Then he got syphilis and went insane and his sister took all his unfinished posts and edited them into will to power which was the actual protofash shit. Gamergate era 4chan, continuing the analogy.

        • Audeamus [any]
          3 years ago

          Nietzsche was explicitly anti-anti-Semitic, anti-nationalist. His sister was anti-Semitic, so she edited his work after his death to get her views out. This has tarnished his reputation since.

          He also probably never had syphilis - it's just one explanation for why he went mad later in life because syphilis was a common thing at the time, but there's no evidence for it. (The same is said of Lenin and Hitler, with even less ground.)

          Nietzsche's other views could be described as quasi/proto-fascist, but only in extremely general terms - he was anti-Christian, anti-democratic, praising the strong and condemning the weak for being weak. But he also said a lot of stuff ironically and was critical of everything and everyone. He didn't have a political philosophy as such - he wasn't endorsing a political program, just shitposting about the world.

          Smart and insightful dude, not someone you can pigeonhole, but also an asshole who didn't believe in any bright future for most people.

        • fed [none/use name]
          3 years ago


          Idk he seems pretty fascist to me

          • read_freire [they/them]
            3 years ago

            Lol nietzsche isn't theory but this would be like linking to a 15 minute youtube about how bill murray's character in groundhog day is a marxist cause he hates women so much and saying something about marx being a protosexist.

            IDGAF about the departed and whether jack nicholsons character is an ubermensch or something

            Does anyone on here actually read shit

            Nietzsche equally inspired Hitler and Sartre, but the former only happened with careful posthumous editing of unpublished writing by his actually protofash sister.

                • fed [none/use name]
                  3 years ago

                  Why would I read someone who inspired Nazis, neo Nazis love, and believes in cultural supremacy?

                  I’d rather read something productive

                  • Pezevenk [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    I dunno, ask, like, the myriads of leftist theoreticians who have done so and have found certain things of value in Nietzsche. Not saying you should read him, but as someone else said, if you haven't read something and know next to nothing about it, you shouldn't just go off based on a random YouTube video, especially when that something is an extremely influential philosopher who has also influenced in various ways a large number of leftist theorists. Nietzsche isn't just some random fash and it's very oversimplified to say he influenced Nazis (and also really not his fault). Condensing the entirety of someone's massive and influential work into a 15 minute video that isn't even about his philosophy per se isn't great.

                  • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
                    3 years ago

                    He "inspired" Nazis because Nazis twisted his work to suit their ends

                  • disco [any]
                    3 years ago

                    I mean, we're fighting fascism right, why shouldn't we try to understand its philosophy?

                    It's easier to fight an enemy when you know how they think.

                    edit: and to be clear, I don't actually think Nietzsche was a fascist himself, although ultimately I don't think his philosophy is particularly valuable.

            • JuneFall [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              Nietzsche is bad, cause he was dunked on by people I like, both dead as well as living.

          • dpg [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Rick Roderick is a much better overview of Nietzsche http://rickroderick.org/200-guide-nietzsche-and-the-postmodern-condition-1991/

              • dpg [he/him]
                3 years ago

                hm it's working for me, googling "rick roderick nietzsche postmodernism" should get you there though.

                The Partially Examined Life used to have it up on their YouTube channel but I can't find it now.

                • Hewaoijsdb [none/use name]
                  3 years ago

                  Googling that does show the link you referenced, but it says Site Not Found for me. But I can find the page on internet archive so its all good.

                  • dpg [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    that is weird as hell. must be on the server's end.

    • wizzyrodhamrobe [it/its]
      3 years ago

      Used bookstore book smell should be bottled. It's like the perfect mix of musty and smelling of cigarettes

  • MichoganGayFrog [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I'll give this one to Tolstoy, that being said I have definitely had my reading experience affected by stinky books.

          • MichoganGayFrog [they/them]
            3 years ago

            I wish. Wood and sometimes insulation. We have a hole somewhere that I can't find that's big enough for a fucking bird to get it, cause we had one a few days ago after a blizzard. My cielieng also leaks and I'm not on the top floor. It's really really really cheap and as far as landlords go, mine lives two hours out of town and offered to do grocery runs for us if we had to quarantine and gave us a mulligan on rent a few times. So it's a mixed bag.

            • sagarmatha [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              Fair enough, mine was in terf island so no leaks needed to have that dampness, good luck, hopefully you end up finding some other place cheap or find that hole, birds can be annoying as fuck, maybe talk to your upstair neighbours about the leak?

              • MichoganGayFrog [they/them]
                3 years ago

                The leak is possible caused by ghosts. Both the upstairs neighbor and I have gotten the landlord to send people to have a look at it. They fixed stuff, it came back. I guess this has been the trend for a very long time. Fixing anything permanently here would basically requires renovictons and we'd rather let the landlord bandaid it than that. This is only my second bird in three years and my cat handled em fine. East coast Canada here so pretty similar climate, less rain more just humid wetness or cold humid wetness of all things unless you put salt on it. Either way I'm actually okay with the place all things considered, the inconvenience is worth it for the cost, it's pretty spacious, has a nice back yard and I'd be paying triple for half the space otherwise

    • bloop [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They lived at the same time, but the quote is past tense. Must have been shitting on him right after he died lol

  • gammison [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Tolstoy here lol. Also had me thinking though wrt to his monsters quote, is there a single philosopher with as many misinterpreted quotes used by dudebros as Nietzsche?