Like.... what the fuck? Danny Boyle has been known to make good films. You’re working with the catalogue of the Beatles, they have some, I dunno, pretty good songs. But what resulted is an absolutely jarring mess of shitty covers, bad acting, bad direction, weird editing, weird dialogue.... I honestly feel like I did a bunch of drugs before watching this movie, and not in a fun way. I haven’t felt this bemused and upset by a film since I did a bunch of ketamine watching Fear and Loathing and thought I was watching the movie from inside the TV.

This is a movie about Beatles music that has more screen time for Ed sheeran and his music than the fucking Beatles. They even manage to shoehorn in the despicable black hole of talent that is James Cordern. The whole time I was expecting a cameo from a living beatle (because if anyone can get a beatle, it would be the director who did the opening of the Olympic Games after all), and at one point they tease it but don’t do it! Instead they perform a travesty by having some dude that, admittedly, looks a lot like an old John Lennon, show up. In this dogshit movie. The surviving Beatles probably didn’t want to attach their names to this absolute turd.

I’m not even a huge Beatles fan. I think they have a bunch of good songs but are somewhat overrated. And even I feel like this does a disservice to their music, and it’s just on the whole a terrible movie. There’s so many Dutch angles I started to think the cinematographer had an inner ear disorder.

Has anyone else seen this? Am I completely off kilter? I thought this movie was dog shit from the first 90 seconds, how does this exist?!

  • Pastaguini [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I had an idea for a sketch where a guy wakes up in a world where Austin Powers was never invented. He does the “GROOVY BAYBEE” voice and is immediately catapulted to fame and fortune in the comedy world. People pack stadiums to hear him say “SHAGADELLIC”.

  • SchillMenaker [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It was an interesting concept and had a few funny spots, otherwise it was a total faceplant.

  • shitstorm [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I liked it but I've found I have very different taste in movies than the average chapo.

  • ZangiefMain [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Yeah, it was a mess. I still don't know what the point actually was. It didn't really care about the Beatles sociologically. It didn't really care or comment about the music industry much. It wasn't an interesting personal story about the Beatles members or the main character. It was only mildly OK as a comedy. The romantic relationship struggle was forced, there was almost no actual problem between them.

    Just a lame script.

  • sandinista209 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I got to see this at a test screening before it came out. I remember that scene with Lennon was goofy af and trying so hard to be emotional but failing IMO. I haven’t seen it since then but from the way you’re describing it they didn’t change much.

  • hazefoley [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm just waiting for the Peter Jackson Beatles doc. Gonna be so sick

  • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    I'd rather a movie in which butt rock never existed and some Zoomer fills out stadiums singing Rob Zombie songs about Grandpa Munster's hotrod.

  • epic_gamer_2007 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    would've preferred if, instead of ed sheeran being such a big role, just having somebody influenced by the beatles before everyone forgets them just suddenly play music completely differently after. at least then there would be some sort of semblance of consequences for such a large band no longer existing.

  • eduardog3000 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Saw it, thought it was alright.

    Then again there are quite a few critically panned movies that I enjoyed. Maybe I just have shit taste in movies.

  • threshold [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I like Beatles songs, and Lily James is super cute. I don't know what else there needs to be?