Post your favorite password managers in the comments
The more digital society becomes the more secure analog solutions become.
Some of y'all don't use the same password for everything and it shows
Post your favorite password in the comments
What do you mean it shows? My new name is foolproof! Nobody notices the zero!
You all notice the zero don't you :deeper-sadness:
I will never recover from this
I have become hurt_owl :virgil-sad:
I just use the password ”password,” plus a string of twelve alphanumeric characters that represent my mood at the time I make the account.
That's too difficult to remember IMO. I use "password" followed by the name of the website.
I've been using hunter2 for so long and it's worked just fine. Don't know why anyone would need a password manager
Getting logged out of your account you cant remember the details for the second time and having to make a new one is probably the best enforced OpSec (I found the password to my OG account in a txt file so take that siteadmins)
ya'll don't just use the same password for every website?
My bank, Steam, FFXIV and Google all have TFA, literally everything else like this and my reddit account I don't care if I lose access to it.
Keepass, pretty good imo. Although I currently use G**gle Drive as cloud (I know, I know) I plan on hosting it myself as soon as I get my Raspberry Pi
Did the free tier getting locked to one device not fuck you over too much, or the premium tier tripling in price over the last few years?
I used lastpass for awhile and liked it fine but it was really easy to switch to bitwarden and i am liking that much better fwiw
In the same boat. Transferring over was painless and took me about 5 mins.
Same, I put it off for awhile cause I thought it was gonna suck but it was really easy