(I'd post a link but it's a locked thread and the screenshot is the whole entire thing so nah)

  • hauntingspectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    This whole thing is a mess. TERFs are going wild because Reddit hired an admin who is trans, and her husband has posted some pretty pedo stuff.

    That admin apparently is deleting articles that even vaguely mention them, which has caused a Streisand Effect.

    And the best explanation I've found so far is on 🤮 🤮 Graham Linehan's blog (Who is a dedicated transphobe), which I'll decline to link.

    • Randomdog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Hmm I mean if it's to shut down TERFy nonsense then maybe it's a good thing? But yeah you're totally right about this being a major Streisand Effect. The drama this has kicked up has made a lot of people more aware of it.

      • hauntingspectre [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I don't know, Brits are blaming her for closing down the TERF subs, which was a very good action. However, she showed very poor judgment by nuking the article & mod. And on the other hand, really her husband is the problematic one, not her.

        But "strangely" the Brits seem more pissed at her than her husband. So after my reading last night I'm going with TERFs mad, so fuck them, but I wouldn't let her husband babysit my kids.

        • JonathanKington [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          But it shows poor judgement of her to stay with him knowing he's a pedophile. On top of that, she had previously made her father her election agent after he -

          CW: SV


          raped and tortured a 10 year old girl

          - so, like yes, people should be more mad at the husband and the father for being massive pieces of shit, but it's kind of an issue that she seems fine with that type of behaviour. To me that definitely says something about her character. It sucks that TERFs are jumping on this but I don't think this is a situation where she's entirely innocent either.

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            4 years ago

            What the fuck. How can her father do that and not be in prison for the rest of his life? Especially when people know about it?!

            Edit: He is in jail...why did she do that?

          • hauntingspectre [he/him]
            4 years ago

            She's a Reddit admin, she's definitely not innocent.

            But yes, overall everything about this situation is awful.

            • JonathanKington [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              I'm not talking about how she's a reddit admin. I'm talking about her association with pedophiles and child rapists.

              • disco [any]
                4 years ago

                Pretty sure that associating with pedophiles and child rapists is par for the course if you’re a Reddit admin. See violentacrez.

              • DresySupremacy [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Lol trying to downplay that a 10 year old was tortured and raped. Not the time or the person to defend buddy

                • JonathanKington [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  Yes, I am clearly downplaying the actions of this POS in posts like this and this. Just look at how much I'm defending the child rapist.

                  Or maybe, just maybe, I was making a comment about how some folks care a lot less about child rapists when they happen to be members of the royal family.

                  Give me a fucking break.

        • Saint [he/him]
          4 years ago

          I have a friend who's involved with the Green Party, where there's a constant struggle between trans allies and TERFs. The TERFs had a field day with Aimee.

          • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
            4 years ago

            Pretty much the same shit happened during the gay rights movement in the 90s/00s.

            A handful of creeps and sickos would get dragged out by the religious right as poster-cases against gay marriage. And the frighteningly insular political/media community trying to cover it up would only inflame the convictions of the bigots.

        • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          I mean, let's be serious here: she lived with her father...

          CW: SV



          ... so she's either the dumbest woman on the planet, or she's complicit. Given that she also married a nonce, I'd put money on the latter.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          4 years ago

          And on the other hand, really her husband is the problematic one, not her.

          It's very difficult to talk about Famous Person's Husband without so much as mentioning Famous Person, as someone will inevitably ask "Who the fuck is Husband?" and then a dozen people will get insta-banned trying to provide an answer.

          This doesn't benefit the Trans-Community in any meaningful way, either, as it absolutely screams "Pedophile Coverup".

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Hmm I mean if it’s to shut down TERFy nonsense then maybe it’s a good thing?

        Like, this isn't simple TERF shit. The Reddit response is draconian in the extreme. And, as sites like Parlor demonstrate, you don't really "shut down" TERFs. You just create 4chan-esque communities that use these insane policies as proof of even more insane political attitudes.

    • DresySupremacy [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Lol missing the part where she hired her dad who got convicted off raping and torturing a 10 year old girl while cross dressing as a women and wearing a diaper.

    • Malikto [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      A lot of times, opposition sources are the best information about their specialized topic. Especially when they've got the goods and are telling everyone. Lots of Germans tuned in to the BBC because they were the only ones telling the truth about what was happening at the front.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      4 years ago

      CW: SV

      In August 2018, Knight's father David Challenor was sentenced to 22 years in prison for [SV] a 10-year-old girl in the attic of the home shared by him, Aimee and Tina Challenor (his wife and her mother). Knight's father had been reported to the police in 2015 and charged in November 2016. Following this, Knight chose her father as her election agent for the 2017 general election and also the 2018 council elections. Knight had given her father's name as "Baloo Challenor" on campaign materials, later commenting that he was known locally by this nickname.[7] After her father's sentencing, Knight – who insisted she did not know the allegations against her father in full – stood down from the Green Party's deputy leadership election.

      Reported in 2015, charged in 2016 which means the prosecutor has enough evidence to make the attempt, and gives him two positions over two years under a false name.

      Even for reddit and its CIA hire, what the fuck. She is completely complicit fuck her into the hole she dug.

      • JonathanKington [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Her husband seems like a POS too:

        In October 2018, she joined the Liberal Democrats, becoming the Diversity Officer of her local party.[32][33][34] She was suspended from the Liberal Democrats in July 2019, after tweets appeared on her partner's account admitting to having sexual fantasies involving sex with children. Knight said that her partner's account had been hacked.[35][2]

      • alcoholicorn [comrade/them, doe/deer]
        4 years ago

        She's also a baby diaper furry.

        I've heard of a tendency for people who were sexually abused as minors to end up with or become child predators themselves. Not that I have any reason to believe she has done anything to actual children, it's just a weird cluster, 3/3 people in this family all demonstrating sexual attraction to children.

            • BigAssBlueBug [they/them]
              4 years ago

              they're generally creepy people, im gonna be real with you. Don't feel bad about shaming age regressors, I've found that a lot of them are pedophiles.

        • DresySupremacy [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Her father was also into the diaper baby thing, he would wear a dress and diaper while raping the 10 year old

          • ImaProfessional1 [he/him,comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            Umm, are these readily available facts? Please don’t link. But I also don’t want to type relevant keywords to search for it. Thank you, Comrade.

            • DresySupremacy [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              Yes, there are multiple articles about it from major headlines. Likewise, her older sibling is also transgender. All I'm saying is that there are many studies that show trauma can cause gender dysmorphia, and being raped by your cross dressing father would fuck up any child.

              • ImaProfessional1 [he/him,comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                Oh no, I wasn’t contradicting your statement. I was genuinely curious if this was “his thing”. You mentioned “major headlines” and holy shit. They are very very easy to find. I was wondering if I had to go down a rabbit hole to find this out. You don’t even need to use questionable search terms. I have a VPN, etc. But didn’t want to type those things, because... obviously. You don’t need anything but his name. Jesus.

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    what the fuck is her husband's deal lmao why would you EVER tweet the following:

    Aww, seems MN is looking into my past and making me the bad guy now. As long as I'm going to be a target anyway, let's be open and honest about a few things. Whistleblower11087 has shared with the MN class, let's share it with all of you:

    1. I have given a reply to a self-claimed thirteen-years-old girl on Quora on the topic of Masturbation. I offered the advice that masturbation is natural and should be explored safely as she sees fit. I posted no images or graphic descriptions there.
    1. My YouTube favorites do, indeed, contain the Vocaloid song titled "I Can Take Off My Panties" which is a song lyrically about teenaged girls exploring the mental and social lines between adult and child. Like many Vocaloid songs, it is an upbeat pop song,

    2b. and the lyrics hold deeper meanings than a cursory glance at the title might suggest.

    1. Yes. I have written smut. I have written smut featuring minors. I have written smut featuring incest. I have written smut featuring things that are not ethically sound or morally right in the real world. I also write smut featuring adults.

    3b. The story cited is not one of my favorite stories, but it was an idea I had, nearly half a lifetime ago, that I wrote out and published out of a habit to publish more than a lust for children. My fanfiction tends to feature minors for

    3c. one simple reason: those are the characters in the stories I am writing, and those are the ages at which I can best explore those characters based on their official depictions. Sometimes, I still engage in age progression of them to fit the stories I'm telling, though.

    1. Yup. I have no reason to hide the fact that I am sexually awakened adult who has fantasies that might be unethical to explore in real life. Many conservatives in my country seem to have their own unethical fantasies of killing people who disagree with them:

    4b. I just have fantasies that I write stories about in order to explore and let out. I could explain common reasons for mind-control fetishism, but they won't matter to my enemies, so let's focus on the fact about hypnotism in real life and not many stories depict it.

    4c. Hypnosis is a therapeutic tool for self-actualization and self-improvement. It allows a subject to achieve changes they want more quickly and easily. You cannot, in real life, be hypnotized into doing something you do not want.

    1. Back to fantasizing, yes, I fantasize about things I don't want to do in real life. I fantasize about things that are some combination of impossible, unethical, or otherwise outside of my personal capacity to act upon outside of fantasy. I fantasize about jumping 20 feet high

    5b. and I don't think that means I can or that it would be safe to do so. I fantasize about children having sex, sometimes with adults, sometimes with other children, sometimes kidnapped and forced into bad situations, sometimes coerced through fantasy mind control.

    5c. Then again, I don't fantasize about torturing people for my own enjoyment, I don't fantasize about real children (every story I've written features fictional characters) even if I fantasize myself with a fictional child. I have never looked at actual real-child pornography.

    5d. It's a fantasy, like a child who pretends to be a dragon while their friend is a dragon-slaying knight, or a robber while their friends pretend to be police. It's make-believe and imaginary. 6. So how can @AimeeChallenor work with vulnerable teenagers when she's in a relationship with me? I don't have a violent bone in my body, and I have no interest in real children. In more than half of my lifetime, I have not "graduated" from a fetish for fantasy children to

    6b. a fetish for real, living, breathing children, and I have never committed a single act of offense towards a real child. I don't even fantasize about real children. Consent requires mature awareness and reasonable equality and partnership. Without consent, all sex is rape.

    6c. I will not engage in any sexual interaction without consent from a person with a mature mind and understanding of sex. I do not rape, because despite having some fantasies of rape, I do not genuinely wish to rape anybody of any age.

    BDSM without an understanding of consent is abuse. BDSM without respect for consent is abuse. BDSM with an understanding of and the utmost respect for consent is not abuse.

    I'm not purging my past to whitewash myself. I've done questionable things in my life, and I've written questionable stories, but I have no desire to harm people, even those who disagree with me. I have no desire to silence dissent until "dissent" becomes "threats."

    So if you want to talk, begin by listening or reading. Know what you want to respond to and don't spew pointless nonsense.

    Oh, one last note: I know nothing about the individuals Aimee works with or represents except as a class of people. I don't ask, she doesn't volunteer it, and she doesn't put any of them in contact with me.

    Aside: Funny how I'm happy to address this openly but the MNer had to hide behind anonymity. I know myself and am comfortable addressing my bad points, but I guess they must fear for their safety if anybody ever knows who they are...

    source: https://archive.is/zHQFu

  • Baoist [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    This is why qanon exists. Becuase people in power are legit pedos. Problem is trump is also one.

    Conspiracy nut jobs always get so close than just veer off a cliff

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      Problem is trump is also one.

      That's not a bug in the system, that's a feature.

    • Randomdog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Reddit don't ban literal hate speech but they hairtrigger nuke an entire sub for accidentally posting about an admin's past.

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Sorry I'm legitimately having trouble following events here. Terfs seething?

  • UXO_Infinity [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Tbh knowing what the mods are like in Ukpol, I would be very hesitant to just take everything they're saying at face value

      • UXO_Infinity [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Yeah definitely, when I posted that things hadn't quite developed fully and were still really unclear but to be fair to them this does seem to have legs - would be interested to see what the logs say personally but otherwise I'll just sit back and enjoy the ensuing shitshow

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    aimee challenor 艾米·夏勒诺 liberal democrats 自由民主派 david challenor 大卫·夏勒诺 nathaniel knight 纳撒尼尔·奈特 pedophilia 恋童癖

    :wojak-nooo: :reddit-logo: :soy-chill:

    • richietozier4 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tienanmen Square protests of 1989 多丽丝日 Doris Day 红色中国 Red China 约翰尼 · 雷 Johnny Ray 南太平洋 South Pacific 沃尔特·温切尔 Walter Winchell 乔·迪马吉奥·乔·麦卡锡 Joe DiMaggio 乔麦卡锡 Joe McCarthy 理查德·尼克松 Richard Nixon 斯图德巴克 Studebaker 电视 Television 朝鲜 North Korea 韩国 South Korea 玛丽莲梦露 Marilyn Monroe 罗森博格 Rosenbergs 轰炸 H-bomb 糖雷 Sugar Ray 板门店 Panmunjom 白兰度 Brando 《国王与我》和《麦田守望者》 "The King and I", and "The Catcher in the Rye" 艾森豪威尔 Eisenhower 疫苗 Vaccine 英格兰有一个新的女王 England's got a new queen 马西亚诺 Marciano 利贝拉斯 Liberace 桑塔亚娜,再见 Santayana, goodbye 我我们没有开火 We didn’t start the fire 它总是燃烧 It was always burning 因为世界一直在转动 Since the world’s been turning 我们没有开火 We didn’t start the fire 不,我们没有点燃它,但我们试图对抗它 No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it

  • SerLava [he/him]
    4 years ago

    In Communist China, you can be instantly banned from WeChat for disseminating speech about politicians

    • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
      4 years ago


      seems to be one of UK's most prolific exports, nonces

    • Randomdog [he/him]
      4 years ago

      No idea. Haven't managed to figure it out yet but I'm digging. There's a bigger thread on r/unitedkingdom about it, which is how I was made aware of the drama in the first place as I don't go on ukp.