Goddamn liberals...
Stop falling for this grift, politics attracts the worst people, climbers, narcissist etc etc. These people are psychopaths, not heroes.
the irony with this is that if a candidate had the energy to do that, libs like these would do everything they can to stop them from getting the nom because they'd be seen as too rude or some shit
That scenario isn’t even very relatable. It’s just bizarre.
It's an attempt to make Biden seem like a cool "dude", although a maddening one.
Politicians work for us in the same sense cops do, which is the strictly rhetorical one.
They're accountable to the public unlike private security firms, which is something all the pre-teen morons tweeting "defund the police" don't understand.
the true socialist idea is to provide the police with even more resources. i am very intelligent
Lol there is not a single place in this hell country where the police are accountable to the public.
He's a Trump reply guy, stealing Krassenstein valor since they got the boot.
Yes, I hate myself for knowing this.
Thats because they don't fear us. They have us fighting each other, theres no solidarity in society anymore.
Politicians do pop culture. Donors do politics.
Your post is the exact pop culture bullshit you think you're complaining about. Be. Less. Liberal.