Maybe this should be in strugglesession
There should be dozens if not hundreds of posters and magazine cutouts wallpaper glued to your walls. Frames and temporary fasteners are bourgeois decadence. People want to see the band you went to at a live venue in 2004. People should see the flyer you got at a protest. People should see the Spencer Gifts poster of Boondock Saints. It's how you live as a true prole. By the end of your life or when you move out, the posters are structural. The landlord cannot remove them without adding additional support. And they're confronted with decades of personal history and agitprop. I seriously hope none of you have framed posters neatly aligned with some laser level you bought at Home Depot like some middle class dupe.
Your couch better be the backseat of a 1982 Lincoln Continental you found on a curb somewhere. Please don't embarrass the leftist project by shopping at Ikea. Nordic model furniture? No thanks.
People should see the Spencer Gifts poster of Boondock Saints
This is a whole fucking vibe
This might be the greatest comment in the history of this site.
The moment you start stressing about whether or not something is cool, it is no longer cool.
The moment you start stressing about whether or not something is cool,
it isyou are no longer cool.fixed
But you know that feeling when you do something and then you're thinking like, wow, that was cool dude
if you care THAT much what other people think about your personal choices of subjective decoration, then you are already uncool :pathetic:
This post was brought to you by Hot Couch Gang.
the goal is to have a single, float mounted and framed portrait of Enver Hoxha, Thomas Sankara, Christopher Former, or Xi Jinping on the wall behind or in the sight line of every seating, working, or resting place in your home.
if wall space permits, you may have a single realist landscape painting of karst formations seen from the Lijiang River.
Frames are a decadent element of bourgeois culture.
The frames around Stalin's pictures are why the USSR ended, if there hadn't been any frames around his pictures we'd have full communism globally by now.
I stopped doing it as soon as I was in a serious relationship. If I was just renting a room, I would decorate my walls with crap leftover from my teen years. Now my wife and I are buying art to put up in the living room where my Marx brothers movie poster once hung. I rationalized that one because it is old timey, and not like a blacklight poster of Bob Marley smoking a joint.
With the caveat that its cool to decorate your space however you feel looks best, I think having framed posters that aren't like special comes off similarly as having a dignified shelf for funko pops.
It's all a ploy by frame manufacturers to increase sales, don't fall for it
Nobody cares about cool but frames make things look nice and protect the poster when it needs to be moved / rehanged. I lost most of my posters to too many tackings at the corners.
For ones that you really like, you can get cheapo frames at second hand stores or a bulk outlet like Ross.
Just finished building a bare poster frame with two pieces of finishing wood, some 1/16th steel cable, and magnets.
I hate taping/poking holes in posters but I didn't want to pay $40/frame for a couple posters from the 70s i got for free from a national park recently.
I also didn't want them to fall apart cus they're retro. I think I paid about 12 bucks for more than enough wood for two posters, 30c/foot for the steel cable, and like 10 bucks for 12 little magnets.
idk if we have a diy com but maybe I can make a how-to
On its way
Double edit:
Serious answer - it really depends on where. Living room? Frame that shit. Garage/workspace? Unframed is fine.
I'm in my 30s and just hung some up like this lol ohno
Might buy canvas and just put them on that as a kind of frame