Even if it is less dangerous than Delta, the higher number of cases will still flood the hospitals.

[edit] Why doesn't Joe Biden, the sleepiest of all Americans, simply press the end the pandemic button? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIOawujXwAwwg8V?format=jpg&name=large

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
    3 years ago

    Even if it is less dangerous than Delta, the higher number of cases will still flood the hospitals

    That's the worse-case scenario right there, the rate of death will increase proportionally to the rate that hospitals will be forced to engage in triage. We saw this in Italy when their hospitals were so overwhelmed that they were forced to leave the elderly to die in the hallways to prioritize saving younger patients.

    At least it's a cold winter so hospitals can just rent u-hauls instead of specialized refrigerator-freezer trailers for when the morgues start overflowing

    • Mother [any]
      3 years ago

      You fucking around: putting bodies in uhauls at 20F

      You finding out: climate change causes it to be 60F 3 days in a row in Wisconsin in January

    • ShareThatBread [he/him, he/him]
      3 years ago

      That’s the worse-case scenario right there, the rate of death will increase proportionally to the rate that hospitals will be forced to engage in triage. We saw this in Italy when their hospitals were so overwhelmed that they were forced to leave the elderly to die in the hallways to prioritize saving younger patients.

      USA version:

      Hospitals so overwhelmed that they choose to leave the poor to die in the hallways to prioritize saving wealthier patients.

  • StuporTrooper [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I don't mean to sound like a :LIB: but if these fucking losers got vaccinated we might not actually overwhelm our hospitals. Am aware that most Omnicron cases are vaccinated people, but they're not the ones who need ventilators.

    • Mother [any]
      3 years ago

      The ERs are overwhelmed with mildly symptomatic people looking for PCRs as they are required by many schools/workplaces to return and all the testing infrastructure was ripped up 🤣

      Also hospitalizations are up big in ohio

    • Spike [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      You're right that higher vaccination numbers would mean fewer hospitalisations. However, the plan is to pretend it doesn't exist, so even if this was a fully vaccinated population, the number of covid cases would/will be so high that hospitals would be overwhelmed anyway.

  • Homestar440 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I went out to pick up some take out yesterday, next to the movie theater......it was packed, showing a bunch of movies, and everyone I saw was maskless......shit's bleak yo :doomjak:

    • TheModerateTankie [any]
      3 years ago

      You laugh now, but you'll be thanking him for his wise leadership later when the next winter covid wave is only 75% as deadly as this one thanks to herd immunity.

  • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I feel sorry for the doctors and nurses that have to witness this first hand. I feel sorry for the vaccinated with bad breakthrough cases. I feel sorry for people that can't get treated for anything because hospitals are full. I have no sympathy for the rest. My anger remains directed at Fox News for making them this way and the bourgeoisie that would sacrifice a million more lives to reopen for their profits.

    It would be neat if all the doctors and nurses quit and the state rehired them through the VA due to the emergency. But that's not something the democratic party would ever consider.

    • LilComrade [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      billionaires funded the groups (america's frontline doctors, etc...) that fox news then broadcasted with the explicit aim of trying to get back to business as usual after the first lockdowns happened.

    • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
      3 years ago

      And the worst part is they've already laid the groundwork for blaming the collapse on quiting nurses and not on for profit medicine in general. Oh and the unvaxxed obviously

  • BigLadKarlLiebknecht [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    My wife’s school district (large coastal city) was down 10% of all teachers today. One school had 23 teachers out with 2 subs to cover them.

    This isn’t going to peak for a couple more weeks, right? :doomer:

  • hahafuck [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Covid reaching chlamidia levels amongst lads and lasses across the nation

    Ed: LMAO i tghouth it said U.K. uhh Covid reaching diabetes levels amongst the folks across the nation