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  • Parzivus [any]
    4 years ago

    Everything is simultaneously much better and far worse than you think depending on which doomer you ask

  • gayhobbes [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I think you've got everyone's popular conception which is that the earth is going to fuck up in the next five years, which isn't true, and then there's what scientists are saying which is that things are going to be pretty fucked in like a hundred years. This is just assuming everything stays the same and we don't figure out new ways to combat changes. I think things won't be as bad as they think, but they won't be super great, and it won't be nearly as dire as you've been told by random people online who are hoping like hell that they'll get to scratch that eschatological itch that the turn of the century denied us.

      • the_minority_retort [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Probably the wealthy, especially in western countries, will barely notice. Already, it’s disproportionately affecting those in impoverished nations.

      • _else [she/her,they/them]
        4 years ago

        it is not up in the air. we know damn well how people will react, especially the americans, the russians, and mainland china.

    • _else [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      im in california. the whole fucking state is on fire literally every year. this did not used to be a thing. things are fucked now. not IN five years; five years AGO.

      • gayhobbes [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I know this is going to sound like an excuse, but California used to not keep track of fires until after 2000. It's a desert with forests, and it's SUPPOSED to be on fire every year. I'm not saying it's not getting worse or more frequent or anything, but there's factors at play that make it sound newer or worse than it is.

        • _else [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          lived here all my life. it's always been fire country, fires were always a 'thing', but it wasn't an annual state of emergency. the refugees didn't seriously change the housing market.

  • 90u9y8gb9t86vytv97g [they/them]
    4 years ago

    There's absolutely no chance we actually do something to stop climate change before it's too late.

    Gotta just try to live now. Don't have kids.

    • EnglesProbably [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      It's scary as fuck. My wife wants kids and it gives me literal panic attacks what may happen during our lifetime letalone theirs.

      So aggravating it was allowed to get to this place. Between healthcare, the env, and wealth disparities in the world I really don't understand how people are radicalized towards the left more often

      • threshold [he/him]
        4 years ago

        What do you think about adopting? In my head it makes sense- you're not creating someone new to introduce to this hellworld, instead you are potentially saving someone from enduring a worse life

        • _else [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          adopting is great if you have the fiscal and emotional resources. who the fuck has those working a billion hours a week+dealing with nazis and fucking pigs?

          • threshold [he/him]
            4 years ago

            If you're considering having a kid than it's basically taking the same emotional and financial strain. Maybe some bureaucracy. But yeah, obviously not encouraging everyone to adopt- just the people who are considering having kids.

    • _else [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      fucking. this. that's one thing I can say about my generation; we know damn well we shouldn't inflict this world on a child.

  • SimMs [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    well the good news is that cuba is by a massive margine the country with the best living standards within the ecological sustainability limits

      • thomasdankara [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Cuba's sustainability level is very high, but it doesn't really matter because Cuba is located in one of the worst possible places in the globe for when climate acceleration REALLY starts. The areas on the equator are going to be subject to the most drastic changes - they actually already are, look at the increase in frequency and severity of hurricanes in the carribean, and Cuba's been in the path of a lot of them.

        The fucked thing is, the Country that did the most to create this mess will also end up with one of the most survivable ecosystems post climate collapse.

  • TemporalMembrane [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Blue Ocean Event by 2030. This means the arctic ice cap will be completely (well, just about completely, the ice around the northern Canadian archipelago is pretty thick and won't melt for a while) melted during the summer. Water has an albedo of 0.1, ice and snow has an albedo of 0.6. Albedo is the measurement of how reflective a material is from 0 to 1 (1 being 100% of light is reflected). This will have a feedback loop of heating the oceans even faster.

    This will change the polar vortex and with it will also change the jet stream, the climate that our global agricultural industry has developed in will be completely different. It may be that large swathes of previously productive land become vastly less productive, or it may be that things mostly continue as they have been lately with a slight increase too much rain during spring and fall (preventing spring spraying and fucking up fall harvests).

    This may also cause an increase in Siberian methane release, which we'll see as an increase in these bizarre-ass giant caverns in what used to be permafrost. The Clathrate Gun Hypothesis also poses an increasing danger of sudden release of methane from ocean shores, again mostly centered on Siberia. Methane has a "half-life" in atmosphere about 9 years long before it reacts with UV and atmospheric oxygen/ozone to regular CO2. During those 9 years, methane acts as a GHG with 28x the effectiveness of CO2.

    All of the above can be dealt with and adapted to. We still have 10 years left to make major changes (on the timeline the IPCC presented). Cutting GHG emissions and making systemic changes alongside personal changes (but in that order of priority) will allow us to stay below +2°C of warming and around only +1°C. We can even potentially use geo-engineering projects to further keep warming down, from things like dumping Iron and nutrients into the ocean to allow microbes to sequester CO2 in their bodies to putting artificial snow in the icecaps (just large reflective sheets, really) to the truly out there like enormous sunshades in the Lagrangian points in the orbit of the Earth.

    If change isn't made, you're lifetime will probably be pretty normal even if you have to learn to live under permanent austerity and read about yet another massacre done by eco-fash and border agents against climate refugees. There may be heat waves strong and long enough to kill the elderly by the time you're past middle age, but we'll probably adapt to that and just keep the elderly indoors during summer and fall.

    The only thing holding us back from making the systemic changes necessary are the politicians and business elite and Capital and capitalism at the head of it all. They have an awesome array of powers, they have a lot of equipment, they have class traitors, they have crazy tech, they have the NSA and CIA/FBI. But we have all the power that matters - our labor and numbers. The only thing we lack is a mass class consciousness and the mass will to take on these enemies. The task that has been dumped unceremoniously on your entire generation's head - and on the working class as a whole - is not an easy one, but it is doable and you can help right now by talking to your friends about socialism, about the Green New Deal, about who our enemies are, etc. Even little things like recycling, going vegetarian/vegan for environmental reasons, participating or organizing a climate protest can help - but they can also make you feel better when you're feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

  • Provastian_Jackson [he/him]
    4 years ago

    there's a range of plausible scenarios and time frames my friend. Some of them are dark. But it's never over because even if we're doomed, there's still revenge.

    There really is a range of plausible scenarios.

  • Mike_Penis [any]
    4 years ago

    ask an actual climate scientist. chapos love to doompost. there was an actual climate scientist on /r/chapo that i talked to and he was no where near as doomer as most people here are. maybe that person is here idk

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm shamelessly copy-pasting from my previous comment.

    When the aliens arrive years from now, what sort of impression do we want to make? “They just gave up” or “They fought until the very end”? In the end it doesn’t matter whether the climate is salvageable or not. What matters is our resolve. If we all assume we can do nothing to change our situation, then nothing will change.

    Feel free to use this copypasta for future doomerposts.

  • sexywheat [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    For what it's worth, climate journalist and author Leigh Phillips seems to think the doom and gloom UN report that said we have only 12 years to turn our emissions around is just wrong. There are also plenty of existing technologies that can suck GHG out of the air and create carbon-neutral fuel out of it ( example A ) it's just a matter of mustering the political will and leadership to mass-adopt such technologies and stop subsidising the fucking oil companies

    Our fate is by no means sealed. My main worry is how possible (or likely) all this is under capitalism. Then again, the world was successfully able to eliminate the use of chlorofluorocarbons in air conditioners and hair spray, and that was all done without overthrowing the ruling class.

        • drugs [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Damn. Four years for me. Insulin prices in the US are what finally pushed me from demsoc Bernard Brother to fully radicalized. It's just so transparently evil.

          And I'm with you on the protests and general dissent. I'm youngish and healthy, but scared to death of what Covid would/will do to me as a t1. I want to be out there so bad, but it's just not worth the risk. I keep going back and forth though, I don't know. Things are so fucking precarious as an American t1.

            • drugs [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              It never gets less shocking to me, tbh. Hang in there comrade. I'm in cahoots with various insulin advocacy groups and insulin "black markets." DM me if you're ever hurting for insulin, seriously.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Pretty fucked, but there's a lot of give in how fucked, and the social, economic, and technological things we need to mitigate the crisis are also the things we need for FALGSC.

    Maybe we'll die, but maybe this is the kick in the arse mankind needs

    EDIT: We're also not fucked "Right Now". Things wont be super apparent before 2035, and the nightmare fuel starts at 2080 or so. There's time to act, and time to act while hoping the techbros we throw in the gulags Closed Research Cities come up with ways to carbon scrub at mass scale.