Good article by Adam Johnson where he deconstructs Andrew Yang's most recent grift:
Also, rare W by CNN when one of their anchors calls Yang out on his bullshit, like it's actually a very good watch lmao:
"not left, not right, but forward"
'what does that even mean?'
The forward linear time party, in support of time moving linearly in the direction of tomorrow! Wacky shit happens when the flow of time reverses, so here we have the Forward Party putting forth its legislative agenda to keep the arrow of time steady.
Lol, the only thing their platform features are literal platitudes that don't mean anything at all and could be construed to mean literally anything. The only things they have a concrete position on are "Ranked Choice Voting", "Nonpartisan Primaries", and "Independent Redistricting Commissions" :michael-laugh:
Maybe he means like how some mayoral elections go, where there’s a primary and then if no one gets above 50% it goes to a runoff
We don’t tell our politicians what to do and they don’t tell us what to do, as it should be.
we already have a party with no platform in the senate and white house! why would we need two of them?
I didn't ever pay attention to the details of this. I was unaware that 2 of the 3 groups were Republicans. :the-more-you-know:
Yang's platform is UBI and universal healthcare among other things? Also, why are people here siding with MSM's attacks on Yang? It's obviously coordinated.
Yang is an unknown whereas Bernie is 100% controlled opposition.
:NOOOOO: where will I get my questionable takes about Taiwan from a socialist perspective now?
Isn't Yang a litteral Sillicon Valley millionaire grifter? He might have some ideas, I don't know or care enough really, but from the primary coverage his ideas seemed fairly lame and uninspired, since he didn't seem to have a way for the UBI to not just be caught up in the daily finance-capital hell-hole that is the United States today. Also, didn't he want to cut a whole bunch of social services in order to fund his UBI plan?