This dude is basically indistinguishable from any reactionary conservative at this point.

Citations Needed did an episode about this. He basically is completely convinced that LA is a lawless hellscape and we need more cops and bigger prisons to fill with as many homeless peopleas possible. He is even in favor of sweeps of homeless encampments.

Adam Johnson wrote this article too if you're a reading-type.

TYT basically has a segment that is the same as "the knockout game" segment from Breitbart where they cherry-pick black on white assaults and say "See! They're coming for you and your family".

He believes that this lawlessness is caused by bail reform because we're allowing pre-trial release of these people without them having to post a cash bail (i.e. not denying them innocent until proven guilty because they're poor).

He doubled down on his positions during a Thanksgiving debate with his nephew Hasan Piker.

It's sad that this is how the largest "left wing" media outlet in the US is being run but ultimately unsurprising. The guy also does union-busting.

  • Tormato [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Was so bizarre to watch the transition in 2015/16 from being huge Bernie supporters to reluctant but obedient Hillary one, and then rightfully criticizing Hillary’s intransigent entitlement that it was Her Turn and basically running no campaign at all aside from Not Trump.

    Now they’re fear-mongering the homeless in LA and union-busting?

    I despise these little Neoliberal douche bags. There were more than a few moments over the past decade in which Cenk really seemed to get the economic populism of the Left and articulate it pretty well. I guess it’s the classic gutless, jettison the conscience transformation that getting a pile of money does. Same thing happens to Colbert, and so many others. They’re bought off to toe the company line.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 years ago

    The union-busting really was what forced their fall. They were a spent force by 2012 and on the right of the democrats by 2016.

  • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I tried watching that debate, turned it off when they both agreed that the Republicans lost the midterms. My brothers in Christ they won the House, which is enough to veto basically anything the Senate decides to do.

    • invo_rt [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Republicans lost the midterms

      There really isn't anything that describes the entire modus operandi of the Democrats better than "the Dems won by losing, but losing by less than they could have".

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      2 years ago

      love to hear dems talk about "historical midterm success" despite running on "here's all the good things we want to do if you give us two more senators"

    • SerLava [he/him]
      2 years ago

      TYT sucks now and used to be only OK radlib stuff, started to inch left but stopped and has swung right in the past half year for some reason - IDK because I haven't watched it in years.

      But what they're talking about is that when a president gets elected, his party ALWAYS eats shit 2 years later. Almost every time. The only exceptions were:

      • FDR being based but blocked by Republicans, the 1934 midterms
      • George Bush in the immediate post-9/11 rah rah honeymoon bootlicking era and before Iraq- the 2002 midterms
      • This time, because of abortion and to some extent student loans (whoops lol)

      The right is absolutely crying and pissing over those midterms. Right wingers who say "but no we got the house" are getting shut down by other right wingers. The Republicans are about to have an extremely thin margin that will allow the Democrats to sometimes literally ram laws through when they happen to have more people show up to work that day. And I don't know if a party has ever gained senate seats after their president won.

      • HoChiMaxh [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I know what he's talking about, but accepting and working from that framework excuses the Democrats for being so shitty that people won't vote for them to continue having power. Like that's not a law of nature it's a pattern because people generally hate both parties.

  • Bnova [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It was pretty rough to listen to Cenk talk about homeless people as drugged up zombies with no regard to the trauma that is entailed with living on the street.

    When I was a teenager during the '08 crash my family had our house foreclosed on, which tanked my parent's credit score and we were fortunate enough to move into my grandparent's guest bedroom over that summer because people wouldn't rent to my parents with shit credit.

    But my folks were divorced and my dad was going to school through a for-profit school that just saddled his ass with debt he couldn't pay and lost his job during the recession. He eventually became homeless and they garnished his wages to cover his student debt and could never rent a place because of poor credit and garnished wages while making $8 an hour. He was homeless for 5 years despite having various jobs during most of that time, sleeping on the street and not being guaranteed a spot in the shelter really makes it hard to function as a person. You become, rightfully, paranoid because when you sleep someone's always trying to take your shit or fuck with you from the cops, other homeless, or passersby. We would go to the movies and pick whatever the oldest/worst movie to see was so he could get sleep during the day since he worked nights and shelters don't shelter you during the day. He's better now but the streets really fucked with his head.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    That Thanksgiving debate was so embarrassing. As much an out-of-touch sociopathic boomer as Bill Maher.

      • spectre [he/him]
        2 years ago

        I don't think he's going to turn rightward since he's mostly independently generated all of his wealth. There's definitely a level where he will stop moving toward "radical left" positions that would threaten that, probably at the line of openly calling for a revolution (outside of an edgy joke). That's not really his place anyway so whatever.

        We'll see if this ages like milk in the next 5 years when he goes full chud for some reason

  • D61 [any]
    2 years ago

    After the last Clinton run ( if memory serves) a Clinton money man offered to give TYT a few million bucks and ever since :soypoint-2: they've been shit.

    • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I don't believe that. Maybe it came from Ana doing work with Bellingcat. They're libs and not leftists. Liberal media personalities end up working with ghouls at some point in their career. Colbert having Kissinger as a fun guest on his show and Stewart rubbing shoulders with Clinton and Rice come to mind.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Former Republican showing his true colors:shocked-pikachu:

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    the thanskgiving debate was pretty hilarious. he said a homeless guy jacks off outside his house all the time and chat was just like 'it was me you himbo'

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    The USA really does despise poor people especially the homeless. It's one of the anglo countries where being poor is equal to being sinful. HATE