This will change literally nothing about fentanyl abuse and smuggling while managing to make it harder for people who use it legitimately, which I guess is what we always do when it comes to drugs. Must be shitty for anyone who actually has to deal with pain these days
Must be shitty for anyone who actually has to deal with pain these days
I've read accounts from people with chronic pain who're at the receiving end of these bans, it's not good. Many of them have died or taken their own lives as a result of the opioid epidemic crackdown. 100% collateral damage.
Yeah it's nuts. Like I understand the need to stop the over prescriptions but now if you get an injury you're often left to just rough it.
I sprained my ankle really really bad some years back (lotta torn ligament, tons of pooled blood and a absurdly swollen foot). When I went to the hospital they gave me a 5mg Norco and then a prescription for Aleve. I ended up going home, taking ibuprofen, and finding an illicit supply of painkillers that was basically enough to deal with the first few days. I was irritated that I couldn't be given a script for like 6 pills but I knew going into the hospital that it was really unlikely that they would give me anything other than an nsaid. Absolutely didn't ask for anything either bc then they'll just assume you're drug seeking.
Schedule I substances are described as those that have all of the following findings:
- The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
- The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
- There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
Love when we add an already-accepted and widely used medicine to the list of drugs that have no accepted medical use
The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
lalalala i can't hear you :the-democrat:
Love to throw people with chronic conditions who need pain killers as medicine under the bus because my society is so diseased people need drugs to cope otherwise.
Well yeah, people are desperate and dying out there. Somebody needs to tear them from their family and throw them in a cage forever, before I see one of them and feel weird about this so-called peace :scared-fash:
Was about to say, pretty sure they use fentanyl in hospitals all the time
holy shit this is so fucking short sighted. fentanyl is used during surgeries because it's very easily controlled and has a very short duration. it makes anesthesia safer.
hospitals are going to be absolutely fucked.
what nation that grows poppies are we going to invade next?
Damn I wonder if this "War on Drugs" will work out, something we've never tried before
You get fentanyl when you get an epidural. Hopefully they don't make it even harder to give birth.
I could totally see a new frontier after abortion bans and birth control bans, it's not enough to be forced to give birth now you'll have to do it without anesthetic too.
I do really poorly with morphine, so I request a different anaesthetic at the hospital. When I came out of appendix surgery, the pain was unbearable and they gave me fentanyl. It was a miracle drug - I went from a catatonic state of pain to resting in relief in seconds. It wore off after idk 20 minutes, but the relief was palpable. Glad they're taking that away
Just another classic hit in Amerikkka’s album of belittling and berating patients
Why not just ban modern medicine since some dude might hypothetically overdose on basically any drug out there?
US already has the highest mother and infant mortality in the developed world, why not pump up those numbers? Like seriously we have worse health outcomes than nations that don't have consistent electric power in their hospitals despite the highest costs on earth
Cool. Now cops will roam around sprinkling a bit of fent wherever they want to do what they want now that it's getting harder for them to use the "I smell weed" thing in some places. Or sprinkle some on some random kids eighth of weed in a legal state and boom you're a felon.
that's actually why this is great legislation. as we all know, even saying the work fentanyl kills 85% of cops. this way, instead of throwing someone in jail by sprinkling a little bit of perfectly safe heroin in their bathroom, they have to be willing to sacrifice one of their own.
Sovcits have it all wrong. You don't recite complex legal words as spells to ward off cops when they pull you over for expired plates, you use Power Word Kill.
Using my weirding module on the pigs, but it's just a spray bottle filled with diluted fent
I still yell CHA-AKSA!!! as I pull the trigger because fuck it, why not
"Pharmaceutical fentanyl has a legitimate use as a pain treatment for cancer sufferers and other patients. It will remain a Schedule II drug under the House bill "
Now look, you're my hero and all but I still have to point out that the string "pharm" isn't in the article
ETA because you are :my-hero: I did some hard digging to track down this The Washington Times article matching your comment
That's good senpai. This Woke CCP website would jump at any chance to silence you, especially linking to a Free Thinking publication like The Washington Times 😂😂🤣🤣😂
That's valid, addiction's fucking rough. The elite sells us a false dichotomy with prohibition though - the US in particular has been a pioneer in weaponizing drug policy in order to suppress target communities
A buddy of mine let me know there was already a temporary scheduling in place that put it at schedule I but it mostly limited doctors prescribing things like patches and other delivery for home use, but hospital use basically stayed the same.
Anyone have more info on that?
I don’t know much, but if you go along the lines of assuming that America says fuck you to anyone with medical issues, then you’ll probably arrive at a reasonable guesstimation.
Haha hell yeah dude that's, what, 60-some odd democrats voting for this shit too?