• BountifulEggnog [she/her]
    3 months ago

    Thank you, that helps a lot :meow-hug: I am feeling much calmer now.

    a little more fear posting

    These are things in the future that might maybe could possibly happen

    They are things that will happen, once this secret gets out. I'm no good at keeping secrets anymore either. I already told one person, you know that.

    • Thallo [love/loves]
      3 months ago


      I want to push back on some of the things that you think will happen because I think you're catastrophizing. It's important to have realistic views that aren't cognitive distortions.


      This is going to be so hard.

      Yeah, it will be. But it will also be fun, exciting, euphoric, and fulfilling.

      People aren't going to understand

      A lot of people won't. A lot of people will. It's important to find that second group and be around them.

      They'll descriminate against me. They'll see me as some nasty pervert.

      Yup. But that's why it's important to hang out with the second group. Play your cards right and you may never have to deal with the first group.

      When you're overwhelmed with anxiety, it's important to recognize what you have control over and what you don't. You're right- a lot of people are going to be hostile towards you. However, you have agency over where you can place yourself and who you surround yourself with. Try to think about what is within your power to change and then start working towards it.

      For me, I'm not going to be totally publicly queer for another two years at least. I can't be who I want to be in my current position. However, I have a plan, and I'm working towards it.

      • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
        3 months ago

        It's important to find that second group and be around them.

        I know, I need better irl people. I just fear my family, who I love very much, is much more in the first group. At least I hope most of them aren't openly hostile, but they definitely won't understand and definitely will think I'm going to hell. And they'll teach my younger siblings the same thing. I am just so sad about that right now.

        I don't feel like I have any power :kitty-cri: I feel like a bottle lost at sea. Although I imagine you're in a similar bottle to me.

        it will also be fun, exciting, euphoric, and fulfilling.

        I really hope so :cri:

        • Thallo [love/loves]
          3 months ago

          I don't feel like I have any power I feel like a bottle lost at sea. Although I imagine you're in a similar bottle to me.

          I said this exact same thing to my therapist last week haha. Except I used the past tense. That's because I found my sea legs! It's possible for you to find yours too in a very short amount of time.

          I just fear my family, who I love very much, is much more in the first group. At least I hope most of them aren't openly hostile, but they definitely won't understand and definitely will think I'm going to hell.

          I went NC with the majority of my family pretty much right after moving out, like, forever ago. so, unfortunately, I don't have any advice for you to navigate an unsupportive family. However, I'm sure many of the other hexbears here have dealt with it, and they should give you some insight

          Or elseaubrey-bat

          • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
            3 months ago

            Where are my sea legs :cri: where were yours at? Maybe I can look there. A very short amount of time would be very good for me.

            Sorry your family sucks :/

            Thanks again, you really helped me earlier (and in general!)

            • Thallo [love/loves]
              3 months ago

              No problem! I paid for years of therapy so you don't have to! (Even though you are)

              So, for me, my sea legs came from recognizing a few things:

              1. Confidence and control. I recognized that I don't have control over a lot of the things I feel. Panic, dysphoria, depression, etc. but I do have control over how I interpret those sensations and how I want to cope with them. I'm terms of anxiety, recognizing harmful thoughts and reinterpreting them to make them harmless is really important.

              2. Acceptance and love. I decided I need to accept whatever I am. Am I a cis guy? Okay, I love myself. Am I a trans woman? Okay, I love myself. If I transition will I be ugly? Okay, I love myself. Will I make permanent changes to my body that I'll regret? Okay, I love myself. Are these gender feelings I'm having all a manifestation of mental illness? Okay, I love myself. Is this just some sexual perversion I'm acting out? Okay, I love myself.

              I found that once I just accepted myself for who I am WITHOUT JUDGEMENT (this is huge!) that a lot of the above negative thoughts just kind of dissolved. That above list could be a lot longer-- I had so many, but no matter what the answer is, I still deserve to be loved. So do you.

              I hope you can find that for yourself soon meow-hug

              PS: I found reading queer lit helped me because it gave me a framework to understand my feelings by listening to other people who went through it. I might recommend checking some out