Okay first of all obligatory "generational labels are bullshit" disclaimer.

But I just noticed a lot of humour made by millennials as adults is very "cutesy" and "dad joke".

If anyone grew up in the 90s or 2000s, you know that we were the total opposite as kids. Seriously it wasn't long ago where the hight of our humour was homophobia and jokes about SA. We were the fucking horrible edgelord generation.

How did we go from being kids that would beat each other up for even looking at the colour pink, to the heckin' wholesome cat video generation?

Honestly I know we make fun of ourselves for the "HECKING POGGER PUPPERINO" shit, but honestly, it's a step up from the edgelord shit we grew up with.

This is, of course, ignoring that a lot of us didn't grow out of it and became your Ben Shapiro's and your Steven Crowders (I am so sorry Zoomers, we failed you hard)

  • Thallo [she/her, he/him]
    7 days ago

    While I've grown out of my edge and become much more emotionally in-touch, I have to admit that I really dislike the millennial obsession with childish things. A lot of times, it really feels like it borders on arrested development and escapism. I'm not free of this vice, myself, by the way.

    When I speak about childishness, I'm not referring to particular forms of media such as cartoons and videogames which can both provide adults with something worthwhile depending on the story being told. I'm referring more to Disney/ Nintendo/ Marvel adults.

    There are, of course, other things I love about my generation.

      • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
        7 days ago

        fuck that, no shame, your Switch is cool

        my little brother and I have been sharing custody of our childhood SNES since we moved out of Mom's house

        Super Mario World will always be one of my favorite games

          • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
            7 days ago

            I've never heard of it before and it looks awesome!! I think we have a Gameboy Advance stashed away in a box somewhere, maybe I can find a copy on eBay or something.

            Thank you for the beautiful recommendation!!

            Edit: I found it and Earthbound on Etsy. Is Earthbound great too?

            • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
              7 days ago

              Earthbound is also very good. It would be pretty expensive to buy these days though so if you're gonna play it, just emulate it. Also be aware that while it's pretty ahead of its time in some aspects, it's still a SNES RPG with all the associated hang ups of that genre at the time (it might be a bit slow if you're used to modern RPGs). It pretty much inspired every indie game ever though and at the time there were very few games like it.

              Mother 3 is the sequel the Earthbound and is very very good. It never came out in English officially, despite fan demand. It was however translated pretty flawlessly by a fan called Tomato. The translation is so good that everyone pretty much forgets that it isn't official. Here is the translations official site: https://mother3.fobby.net/

              Ignore the anti-pirating message and just get yourself a rom from romspure or something and apply the translation patch and boom. Translated. pigmask-off

              If you like having physical copies of stuff I think eBay and Etsy have reproduction cartridges, like you mentioned.

              • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
                7 days ago

                Oh snap, I think we have a pi somewhere with emulators for a bunch of consoles and bunch of roms already on it! That was our special interest one winter, and then spring busy time came and we forgot 🤦

                I'm coming for your crown - you might not be the dumbest Hexbear 😂 we can count your talons as superior thumbs to my weird noodles and trade

        • BeamBrain [he/him]
          7 days ago

          My own SNES crapped out back in '17. Damn shame, I loved that thing.

      • SuperZutsuki [they/them, any]
        7 days ago

        I don't think you're a Nintendo adult unless you an unhealthy obsession with collecting. If you're not posting on AITAH about your partner objecting to your Nintendo display taking up half the living room, I think you're safe.

    • SuperZutsuki [they/them, any]
      7 days ago

      The pop culture obsession as personality thing is my number one red flag for dating. If your only hobby is consume media and watch youtubers talk about media, it's not going to work.

  • Gorb [they/them]
    7 days ago

    One day a switch flipped in my brain and I suddenly stopped liking filthy frank and switched to much lighter humour. Why? Because of woke.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    7 days ago

    I think two major global economic meltdowns before many of us even reached middle age probably have something to do with a desire to return to pleasant and simple times.

  • D61 [any]
    7 days ago

    A lot of us maybe realized we were wrong.

    I remember looking at rotten dot com crime scene photos because I was aware that my life was pretty comfortable even if my family wasn't all that wealthy and it felt like I needed to do something to "see the world" or something. Being politically and historically apathetic and a latchkey kid with no outside pressure to learn anything in those areas, the decision to "make myself uncomfortable" was the best guess I had for trying to figure out adulthood.

    And it wasn't a good guess.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    7 days ago

    I guess when things shifted from boomers and X'ers making and defining comedy content to Millenials making comedy content?

    I vaguely remember my little pony and adventure time being labelled a "new sincerity" movement that was a response or reaction to the edgelord shit of the oughts and nineties. So maybe that was still x'ers in control. I guess people got sick of, or marketers decided people should be sick of, the sneering contempt for everything and everyone that kind of defined Clintonism through the mid late oughts. Plus people being sick of "hipster irony" though i don't remember how much that was really a thing.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      7 days ago

      Also the 90s had lisa frank and clarissa explains it all and the babysitters club and stuff. The all edge no point stuff was marketted at teenage boys and young men, but there were other trends and styles being pushed too.

  • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
    7 days ago

    Your posting is extremely high-powered this evening floppy-owl

    Also it's because so.many millenials realised they are queer and neurodiverse.

  • StalinStan [none/use name]
    7 days ago

    Because of the end of history we were the first generation in a while that got to choose our destiny. We first tried to emulate those that came before us. Then history started back up. We also gained the ability to talk to other people in unprecedented ways. Then we had the ability to choose our destiny taken from us. We got to experience empathy in new ways while having culturally unique levels of suffering to observe with it. So yeah, we just want comfort and safety and friends.

  • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
    7 days ago

    There was also a lane of people doing MY SPOON IS TOO BIG D: shit so I think the edgy ones are still out there somewhere

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      7 days ago

      From what I remember the Animation Show you're referencing was just straight absurdism. Like it had some of the violence of edgelord stuff, but the violence was usually used to heighten the absurdity, the incoherence, of the scene. The contrast between the light fluffy happy dancing cotton balls and one of them screaming because a literal ocean of blood is coming from it's butt.

      • ItsPequod [he/him]
        7 days ago

        Don Hertzefeldt animations are like the exact opposite of edginess, instead promoting an impression of earnestness through absurdism like you said. Op ought to check out Such a Beautiful Day and reflect.

  • peppersky [he/him, any]
    7 days ago

    we should invent a new form of adulthood that transcends both of the "im an adult because i own a home and have kids and now do dad jokes" / "im an adult because i can still play videogames and consume childrens media without caring what people think" stuff.

      • Zodiark [he/him]
        7 days ago


        The point is trite, since it's been echoed since the 90s and 00s, and is and was much of Gen X's cultural expression: The choice presented by @peppersky of being a suburbanite robbed of humor and youth, or a manchild, is a form of colonization of the mind via capitalism. Our unique selves buried under consumption of content and fulfilling social roles and goals determined by the capitalist system. (Not that there's anything particularly wrong with either of these choices, but living like this also turns life into a purgatory of repetition and variation. It deprives life of color and purpose that become filled by junk ideology.)

        Instead, we should be aspiring to be self-actualized adults with our own individuality and aspiration for life beyond checking milestones or consuming media.

      • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
        7 days ago

        Not too long ago there was a post on here, I can't find it now, about some lady on Twitter saying that she liked Disco Elysium gameplay but didn't like that it's a game about a depressed guy walking around a depressing town talking to sad people. She proposed an alternate cutesy studio ghilbi esk game about a witch in Switzerland or something.

        In a vacuum, yeah wanting a cool cutesy game about a witch is fine, but I and a lot of other posters found the tweet kind of grating because, there's TONS of feel good, cozy games these days. So complaining that one of the best written, most in-depth and complex games of all time isn't cozy and wholesome in an era where we have a dearth of cozy wholesome games just came off as really tone death.

        So I think this nostalgia fixation and desire for comfort is causing some people to refuse to grapple with more unpleasant and challenging ideas in media, or in general. This is not to say you specifically have to like Disco Elysium but specifically saying you dislike it because it's not sun shiny and optimistic strikes me as immature.

        Edit: shouldn't have typed this on my phone when I first woke up, damn there were some spelling errors

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    7 days ago

    I'm surprised any of us got of out that mentality, the deck was stacked against it with how horrible pop culture was in the early 2000s with nu-metal, WWE, South Park, the general post-9/11 bloodthirst including stuff like racist Flash animations on Newgrounds and Stickdeath, etc.

    I'm equally unsurprised by how many didn't grow out of it and turned into ”you could make this today because everyone's so easily offended” boomer types.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    7 days ago

    I think at least some of it can be attributed to a growing prominence of feminist thought and the realization that men are, as Bell Hooks puts it, made to emotionally mutilate ourselves from a young age. With adulthood came the realization of just how much it was harming us and a greater freedom to authentically express ourselves.

  • bumpusoot [none/use name]
    7 days ago

    I feel like trends just be trends, we will probably like something else entirely in 20 years.

    • StalinStan [none/use name]
      7 days ago

      The older generations liked cat videos as well. They just never got the chance to enjoy them. Hollywood couldn't accept that people would rather watch a kitten play than a movie

  • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]
    7 days ago

    Ok, but this comic isn't an example of that. It's very obviously about how cultural experiences are so ungodly expensive, and aren't accessible up the average person.