• FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 months ago

    I'm still agog that Disney took the message of The Last Jedi (You don't need to be special to be a hero, you just need to try) out back with a shotgun so that they could make "No, actually everyone is related and only the Skywalkers matter, super wacky no-way school style"

    From a purely cynical standpoint, you want kids to feel engrossed in the universe because they'll be new fans and get their parents to buy them shit

    From an idealistic standpoint, imagine being a kid and being told "Haha, get fucked, you're not special, you can't be a hero, here's a stormtroopers costume, it's $69.99", tell me you wouldn't be crushed

    • Adkml [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Yup they almost did something by showing that random kid force pulling a broom then quickly retconned it back to basically working the same way kings are appointed.

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 months ago

        My god, they did every possible thing wrong

        Like, how do you announce the villain in Fortnite and make it the complete asspull of Somehow, the Emperor has returned?

  • culpritus [any]
    3 months ago


    Star Wars is about big ideas and concepts like ...


    Like Good vs Evil and the superiority of special-powers people!


    Like imperialism and fascism arising from liberalism


  • NaibofTabr@infosec.pub
    3 months ago

    Yeah, but at least it was high-effort schlock. Lucasfilm invented new filming technology and techniques to get the results they wanted. George Lucas had a story he wanted to tell and an experience he wanted to create for his audience.

    Disney just wanted to dispose of the original characters as quickly and cheaply as possible so they could be replaced with new characters that they would have full control of (no established lore or fan base) and new actors that they wouldn't have to pay as much.

    Lucas shopped Star Wars out to make money, but it was mostly to enable his projects and support his filming technology addiction (greed with a purpose).

    Disney just wants to make money from Star Wars. They don't care about the story or the characters or the universe or the experience as long as people will keep buying it (greed with no purpose) and you can smell the low-effort coming off of their movies. You can feel it while you're sitting in the theater watching for the first time, not sure exactly what's wrong but sure that something is... even if you can't explain it in specific terms, you can feel the lack of care .

      • NaibofTabr@infosec.pub
        3 months ago

        Well maybe... I certainly wasn't born rich like Harry.

        But... I don't have any 'woke agenda' complaints about Disney's handling of Star Wars, and I'm not old enough to have seen the originals in theaters.

        Lucas, for all his clumsiness in writing dialogue and characters, cared about what he was doing and it showed in his work. He got other people to care about it too, and they improved the work.

        Disney doesn't care, and it shows. All of my complaints about 'new' Star Wars stem from the money-grubbing corporatism and short-sighted fanbase exploitation that the new owners have demonstrated.

        So, I don't think I'm really like Peter in this comic... I'm not carrying that burden of nostalgia, and frankly with Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks as examples I think some 'wokeness' only improves old franchises.

    • fox [comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      They definitely weren't out to kill the originals, they needed at least one per movie to nostalgia bait people in and were more than happy to use Carrie Fisher's ghost

      • NaibofTabr@infosec.pub
        3 months ago

        Well, that's what I mean though - they only included the original characters as nostalgia bait, and then wrote them out of the plot as quickly as they felt they could get away with. They certainly had no plans to continue writing stories with the original characters, and look, they disposed of Ackbar off-screen. It was literally just for trailer scenes so they could draw people into the theaters.

        Of course, with the absolutely pointless sideplot they sent Finn on in The Last Jedi, and the batshit discombobulated plot of Rise of Skywalker, it's not clear that Disney had any plans for writing stories with their new characters either.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them, she/her]
      3 months ago

      so they could dispose of old characters quickly

      Except that they had multiple opportunities to kill off Leia, including when the actor actually fucking died, and instead of that we got her performing space Jesus magic, only to awkwardly die the next movie

      Just terrible, and terrible for no discernable reason,

      Imagine making one of the most large scale planned cinematic experiences over 10 years and then just not planning your star wars trilogy for some reason

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 months ago

    Star Wars has been creatively bankrupt since 1983. I have not seen Andor though and I'm told that slaps.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Andor is the first time the Star Wars universe has ever been interesting to me because it's the first series to actually frame it as the North Vietnamese versus the Americans and explore imperialism. They do a good job of making it not feel like Star Wars and avoiding all the tropes that make it so boring compared to Star Trek.

      • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
        3 months ago

        I was so happy when I finished all of Andor and realized I hadn't heard a single lightsaber noise

          • CommunistBear [he/him]
            3 months ago

            Even now rewatching Maarva's speech hits hard. Watching Brasso kick some cop in the chest and hit another one with a brick is just chefs-kiss

        • T34_69 [none/use name]
          3 months ago

          I should watch the rest of Andor.. the lightsaber Jedi stuff was never what it was about for me as a kid, I was all about the space battles, starfighters, and regular people fighting back against an evil empire. But I watched Return of the Jedi first in VHS so that might have something to do with it, lol

    • BabyTurtles [none/use name]
      3 months ago

      Andor is so far above even the OT in writing quality that I would hesitate to call it a Star Wars show, it's an excellent show that happens to be set in the Star Wars universe.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      3 months ago

      There's usually at least some neat idea in Star Wars stuff, it's just that the overall execution is usually lacking. The prequels are a classic example -- some decent bones in there, but a lot of recycled stuff (another big spaceship on guy can blow up on his own??) and some real goofy missteps.

    • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Yeah, I had trouble getting into it first time around but it's great. Every IP should have a but what if we did heists to fund the revolution spinoff.

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    3 months ago

    I have legit never understood this. Aside from not having any fucking nostalgia at all for being a child (zero agency, things decided for you, school is worse than most jobs) I grew up with George Lucas' dumb fuckin scifi property. I still have the DVDs we got to replace the old videotapes, the Silver ones with the laserdisc rips. I played a bunch of the games, had a few of the Dark Horse comics, and the end result is... The original trilogy are fun 70s scifi with some cool themes and reallly impressive effects work. I'll never not keep rips of 4K77, 4K80 and 4K83 or the Despecialised versions around, but that's about it. No harsh to classic EU stuff, I'm sure the Thrawn trilogy and stuff are cool, but I do not understand the relentless brand loyalty combined with "everything was better when I was ten years old" that these people experience.

      • PKMKII [none/use name]
        3 months ago

        As much as I give Disney flak for a lot of what they’ve done with Star Wars, the Legends treatment of the EU is something I’ll give them credit for. They couldn’t excise the entirety of the EU without pissing off fans, but it’s also unavoidable that Lucas exercised little control of the EU so while there’s great stuff in there, there’s also a lot of slop and, more importantly, contradictory stories. So they couldn’t make it canon without a god awful mess to clean up.

        Legends was the only way to square the circle: it’s not canon, but it’s not necessarily not canon, and (unless overwritten by something we make), it could become canon down the line.

      • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
        3 months ago

        oh so they're continuing Jaina solo's story?

        I want new slop building on the old slop, not to re-read that stuff a 4th time

    • Egon
      1 month ago

      deleted by creator

      • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
        3 months ago

        I thought that was an interesting challenge for the characters. certainly better than the The Family crap that started getting into the books just before the buyout.

  • Cowbee [he/him]
    3 months ago

    It's more fun to think about Star Wars than it is to consume it. The world has a lot to captue in the imagination, but most of the stories told in it are derivative.

    Kinda like 40k.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Yep, the Jedi, Sith, cool planets and vistas, all seem ripe for storytelling that just isn't there because the backdrop is often just vibes.

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    I was going about, living my life, and then I remember that someone on hexbear implied that the new Acolyte show didn't contain very much magical martial arts? Like what's the fucking point????? If it's not that then nobody cares about the fucking Jedi. Just hit each other!

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    3 months ago

    I've mentioned this before but one of the funniest things I saw about star wars was one of these nerd malcontents posting "the success of the new Dune movie proves that there could be star wars aimed at an adult audience."

    Like bro you are so close to understanding that it's Sci fi slop for children. So fucking close.

  • oregoncom [he/him]
    3 months ago

    There's a whole ecosystem of youtube critics who complain about the degrading quality of..... spongebob episodes.

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Can't even have good sci-fi action schlock anymore, because of woke.

  • GenXen [any, any]
    3 months ago

    I love the chuds losing their shit and blaming Kathleen Kennedy for 'ruining Star Wars!'. She's been involved with LucasFilm/SW since 1983. You'd think that forty years would be ample time to kill a fucking film franchise, even for C-Suite level talent.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    3 months ago

    You would think after 40 years the trend of "you like the media that came out when you were the target audience for it and dislike it once you outgrow that age and their target audience is someone else" would be pretty obvious