Really glad for articles like this that discuss veganism from simply a business perspective without talking about the animals.
The unnatural and processed vegan consumption of steaming some asparagus.
Everything that goes into bringing up a single cow to the murder age would grow up a lot of fucking asparagus.
Yeah but vegetables are not an internet-approved food so they’re bad for you!
the desire for "unprocessed consumption" has led people to leather? because the way leather appears on a boot is exactly the way it appeared on the cow, no processing in between was necessary!
Yep, famously all-natural leather. With its chrome and ammonium salts added with love. ❤️ The workers who died of cancer due to exposure would have liked for you to know they served their company with honor and valor.
We need to go back to the traditional methods of rubbing piss and shit on an animal hide.
It's incredible how the simple word "brand" became a reliable way of flagging that whatever you're writing is absolute garbage and a waste of the reader's time. It has been synonymous with pain and ruin from the moment it entered the lexicon.
Cotton industry in shambles. Linen stock market prices in freefall. Bangladesh sets all jute fields on fire. More information available on at 11 AM EST.
bangladesh mentioned! :DDD
wtf is a lgbt/minority rights rahhhh
Oh yes, the "all natural" AmeriKKKan feedlot steak. Fed with antibiotics, hormones, endless suffering and bird poop.
I support conservatives dying of heart disease
Really cool and good having to accept that we've lost the culture wars yet again.
Hybrid animals in my cyberpunkerinos:
A plant-based milk alternative:
Beef and milk industries are going wild with the propaganda lately, are they that bad off? Or is this Gates trying to spool up demand for beef as he transitions his farms to produce it?