1. Click on the big button in the header next to ‘Local’ that says ‘All’.
  2. Click the drop-down field directly next to ‘All’.
  3. Click ‘Active’ from the drop-down list.
  4. Click on a thread loaded on the page.
  5. Reply to users in that thread.

Congrats! You have successfully done a brigading! Pat yourself on the back! Next seminar, we will be covering how to subtly deceive strategically-important redditors with a simple tactic they don’t know of called ‘whataboutism’ sicko-hexbear

Edit: meant to post this in the secret group chat where we coordinate the fall of the west. Sorry y’all. My bad deeper-sadness

  • tree@lemmy.zip
    10 months ago

    When a lemmy thread is put in the dunktank and people go to the thread from the post in the dunktank even if it isn't linked it still is brigading, it's brigading when the tankiejerk places do it to lemmygrad too, it's funneling people into a thread that they only saw because it was posted in the dunktank. If that isn't brigading then nothing is brigading.

    It's disengenious to try to spin it as people only finding stuff in the all tab, because people do jump into the threads they see in the dunktank and that definitely hasn't contributed to making any goodwill for this site among other instances, if the person deserves to be dunked on people will find it they dont need a giant bat signal post in the dunktank to figure it out.

    I do think most of the people put in there deserve it on some level, but you guys are speedrunning every other user to instance ban hexbear whenever that comes out.

    • cosecantphi [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Fundamentally disagree. Brigading, as originally conceived by reddit, is an organized raid of one forum by another. Posting a screenshot to the_dunk_tank with a link is not organization. There is no call to action, it's just naming and shaming. If the user featured in the screenshot said something reprehensible, then they shouldn't be surprised if it spurs others to relentlessly mock and bully them. But when that happens, it's absolutely not a unified effort, nor is it targeting the forum as a whole.

      That's just a consequence of saying reactionary shit in a public setting in full view of people who tend to be hurt by reactionary rhetoric. This isn't violence, there are no real threats being made. Everyone is totally free to continue to say whatever they want in accordance with the rules of their home instance. But if you voice your opinion in public, it's rather hypocritical to get pissed about others voicing their own opinions back.

      • DroneRights [it/its]
        10 months ago

        The dunk tank has a rule saying you have to link the thread. I think that makes any post that follows the rule brigading. However, that's not a bad thing, for the reasons you outlined. Organised protest is essential to a functioning society.

      • tree@lemmy.zip
        10 months ago

        Brigading, as originally conceived by reddit, is an organized raid of one forum by another.

        I think most people not on this instance will see no difference between this and thedunktank, if there was a tankiejerk community just as big as the dunktank and operating in the same way with no explicit call to brigade and they mass showed up to hexbear posts featured on it, would you feel the same way, I don't buy it, you would probably just defed from them

        • Awoo [she/her]
          10 months ago

          The dunk tank is just a socialists-only politics-only version of /r/subredditdrama or /r/againsthatesubreddits. Why is one brigading but the other is not? It's only brigading when socialists do it but it's not brigading when liberals do it?

          • tree@lemmy.zip
            10 months ago

            the subreddits are not on lemmy that's the difference, I thought I made that clear, the subreddits mentioned are for sure brigading too

            • Awoo [she/her]
              10 months ago

              Lame. I disagree.

              They exist to rightfully discuss stuff that is happening on the site. Meta communities are good and useful. They provide useful checks against certain behaviours by providing opposition to them and they provide a useful tool to educate your existing userbase who might not know "this is a shit behaviour don't do it".

              Linking to things is fine and good. Sharing things is fine and good, in fact it should be encouraged. Nobody says that random twitter user is brigading by linking to a reddit thread when they're saying something positive, they want the shares, they only say it when it's something negative. The purpose of anti-brigading is literally just the suppression of disagreement. The goal is the creation of echo chambers.

              And also the vast majority of dunk tank content is transphobic or racist and I couldn't give a shit what those people think, they should all be run over with a steamroller. gayroller-2000

                • Awoo [she/her]
                  10 months ago

                  You either let people share links to your space, or you do not.

                  Selectively banning people from linking to your space if they feel negatively about something and only allowing people to link to that space if they feel positively about it is genuinely the fostering and creation of echo chambers. It's intended to suppress disagreement and I have no other way to explain it than that.

                  Witchhunting is a different matter, such as the boston bomber fiasco, where hundreds of thousands of people regularly got the "suspect" completely incorrect and harassed real and innocent people multiple times. Hunting and internet-detective shit is not the same as sharing content for the purposes of critique.

                  I understand I'm just saying the same thing in more words here but I think there's probably a better way to put this that can be found to eventually put the issue of "brigading" to bed altogether.

                  It's the liberal word for "cancel culture". Just like the word tankie is used to attack their left while the conservatives use "woke" to attack to their left. Liberals use the same tactics. Cancelling is used by the conservatives to attack left while liberals use brigading to attack people to their left.

        • cosecantphi [he/him]
          10 months ago

          We would defed from them for saying reactionary shit. It's the content of their posts that would be a deal breaker, not just the existence of their comments in our threads. We wouldn't weasel our way out of this by citing bullshit internet rules of civility, we would outright admit that the separation is ideologically motivated.

        • forcequit [she/her]
          10 months ago

          yes but we're right.
          Also we tend to ban dipshits once we've had our fun. They're welcome to do the same, but the fact we keep our petty bullshit to ourselves and instead engage in earnest in the OPs, I think goes some way to dispelling the brigadier narrative

          • tree@lemmy.zip
            10 months ago

            I think your point is fair.

            I think goes some way to dispelling the brigadier narrative

            But, I think a bigger step would be adding something to thedunktank rules discouragining "brigading", not linking specifically lemmy posts directly, and hiding the usernames of the people involved in the screenshots.

            • forcequit [she/her]
              10 months ago

              it's a non issue tbh. Get better takes (which are well and truly offered) or get a post in the hall of shame

              • tree@lemmy.zip
                10 months ago

                It is a non issue, but I think if it could have been done over again it would have been better to take the Titoist approach rather than going so agro on everyone, I guess people will just make alts so they can actually use the fediverse, but it kind of defeats the point of it to just defed or get deffedded from everyone, obviously a few exploding heads, burggit, etc. are unacceptable hate speech, CSAM, etc. but it's very silly that a blahaj user now can't interact with a hexbear user and most of the bigger ones besides lemm.ee and lemmy.ml can't either, just dissapointing that it went down like it did. Even on reddit sure you could block CTH but it wasn't auto blocked to all new users.

                • forcequit [she/her]
                  10 months ago

                  blahaj was defederated because they refused to accept a bunch of queer commies, going so far as to say those groupings are mutually exclusive. blahaj is also largely a vaushite/196 instance which sucks.

                  That one actually hurt to see tbh. Thankfully, we've had a few folks jump over due to the contradictions there. Here's hoping the rest find their way

                  • HornyOnMain
                    10 months ago

                    Ngl it sucks that we ended up splitting but in the long term maybe it was for the better ig

                • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                  10 months ago

                  "Taking the Titoist approach," famous for working out in the long term

                    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                      10 months ago

                      Hey, aside from Ukraine now, the constituent members of the USSR still exist and largely have gone without race wars. The same cannot be said of what used to be Yugoslavia. They both got fucked by neoliberalism, but the USSR could survive the death of Stalin. Yugoslavia did not survive the death of Tito.

            • DroneRights [it/its]
              10 months ago

              Organised protest is essential to a functioning society, and brigading is what organised protest is called on the internet

        • Rom [he/him]
          10 months ago

          Unironically please do show up en masse to a Hexbear post and try to brigade us. We absolutely love it when the libs come directly to us to get dogpiled on. A whole bunch of them all at once would be a feast feast

        • HornyOnMain
          10 months ago

          if there was a tankiejerk community just as big as the dunktank and operating in the same way with no explicit call to brigade and they mass showed up to hexbear posts featured on it

          sicko-wistful oh god please, that would just be fresh meat for us all

        • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
          10 months ago

          Lol no, the mods would just ban them from the local like they did with the Kerry posters during the beginning of the forum's existence, depending on the level of spam. They've done this song and dance before. This isn't that difficult to do unless you are allergic to any sensible level of moderation. If you don't like what the hexbear people are saying, or how they are saying it, ban them. It doesn't matter, you'll find some excuse or another anyways.

          See, unlike your or other forums, this forum doesn't pretend to be 'neutral ground', which means we actually have a robust and old-school moderator culture. There is very little of that new shit of 'laissez-faire forum culture' which was mostly an excuse to keep the pedophile and Nazi forums around, as this forum isn't focused on growth.

          This is besides the fact that we just have more terminally online people in our instance. Which isn't a brag, but good luck out-posting us. It'll be an uphill battle for sure even if the moderation wasn't robust here.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      10 months ago

      If that isn't brigading then nothing is brigading.

      Now you're starting to get it. Brigading isn't a thing. Brigading isn't a thing in old-school forums where raids are just a fact of life nor is it a thing on places like Twitter where getting dogpiled for being the Twitter main character of the day is just a fact of life.

      Brigading is only a thing on Reddit, and last time I checked, we're not on Reddit.

      • DroneRights [it/its]
        10 months ago

        Brigading is good actually. It's just another word for organised protest.

        Redditors when BLM brigades the police station

      • Nakoichi [they/them]M
        10 months ago

        hey that rhymes! We should make that the official site slogan.

      • tree@lemmy.zip
        10 months ago

        I don't disagree, but posting another lemmy post as a post in thedunktank is literally the definition of "brigading" funneling users from this instance into whatever thread, I don't think it's that harmful, but I can see why people see it as brigading because that's what it is

        • forcequit [she/her]
          10 months ago

          Posting reprehensible takes to the dunk tank is good and gives those engaged in the OP a place to vent without actually brigading.

          Posting posts of posters positing the pig poop people are patronizing after performing poorly on personal positions is positive good.

          Sorry for alliteration I just went with it

          • tree@lemmy.zip
            10 months ago

            to vent without actually brigading

            If you don't cover the names of the posters then it functionally is no different, people show up into the original threads, it wouldn't make it impossible to find if you did cover the name as you could still manually type in the text of the post, but at least if the names were covered there would be some plausibility that you don't expect people to go into the original thread from the thread in thedunktank

            • forcequit [she/her]
              10 months ago

              Nah they deserve to be shamed.

              Here's the 'brigade' thread from the above linked mean ol hexbear post https://hexbear.net/post/447982

              We're not the ones smearing shit on the walls lol

              • tree@lemmy.zip
                10 months ago

                I think that's different because the person is calling you out directly that invites a response, I'm not referring to this post, just in general clipping comments of people being ignorant and then people from hexbear showing up from seeing it on hexbear, I just don't think that's healthy for the fediverse, other communities are not doing it to my knowledge and I hope they don't start either, besides the two anti-tankie ones but they get like one post a month so I think they're irrelevant at the moment

                edit: and also the "drama" communities deserve the same kind of criticism

                • forcequit [she/her]
                  10 months ago

                  IME it's all either worldnews posts, or meta 'here's why we should defed hexbear'. It's the same people posting in each tbh.

                  100% agree shitxsays/drama comms are sus

          • tree@lemmy.zip
            10 months ago

            It's not, but it is what the word means, if you disagree with the concept that's fine, you can think it's a good thing, but it's still what most people would describe as "brigading"

              • tree@lemmy.zip
                10 months ago

                That's a fair take, I don't know if the rule is entirely unreasonable in all cases, on reddit the reactionary Destiney fans would organize brigading of Hasanabi stuff, in that case it's reactionary people brigading leftists, even if it's the other way around leftists to reactionaries I think it's still over the top and comes across as annoying and overly combative

                edit: It also blurs the lines of where people found the post, maybe if it wasn't posted in thedunktank people would have found it browsing, but once it's in there everyone is gonna assume you came from there

                  • forcequit [she/her]
                    10 months ago

                    we should go back to posting links on all dunk tank submissions. Let it be decided whether the submission is worthy, also provide a source to assist with retrospective arguments such as these, considering "well where was it posted" is used to determine whether it was brigaded or not lol.

                    I'm so fucking tiiiired man

                • silent_water [she/her]
                  10 months ago

                  on a website controlled by a trusted admin/mod team like we have here, bring em on. funny-clown-hammer chuds don't scare us.

                • Nakoichi [they/them]M
                  10 months ago

                  Destiney fans would organize brigading of Hasanabi stuff

                  I am begging you to touch grass.

    • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
      10 months ago

      I disagree with your idea of brigading. It's a public space, why does it matter how people get there? What matters is what they're actually doing. Why would anyone care how someone got somewhere, if they're not doing anything else wrong? And how is disagreeing with someone, or telling a bigot to fuck off wrong?

      To me, the issue is trying to destroy the space itself. But honestly, if telling a bigot to fuck off destroys the space, how much am I supposed to care? Why would anyone care about a space where bigots are protected? Do people genuinely see a space full of bigots as a space worth saving?

      • tree@lemmy.zip
        10 months ago

        why does it matter how people get there?

        The only reason it matters is the term brigading explicitly pertains to "how people get there"

        You can think it's a good thing, that's not unreasonable, it's just what the term means, I personally trust the mods on most of the places I post to so far hexbear included, they have not given me a reason to distrust them, I have not seen egregious bigotry staying up after being reported

        • BountifulEggnog [they/them]
          10 months ago

          The only reason it matters is the term brigading explicitly pertains to "how people get there"

          Yes, and its the least important part of the definition. Unless there's intentional destruction, its not brigading. Even people who care about brigading very rarely care how people find posts. Its only when they feel people are being destructive that they care.

      • DroneRights [it/its]
        10 months ago

        But honestly, if telling a bigot to fuck off destroys the space, how much am I supposed to care?

        When I arrived here I got called a wrecker by about a dozen or so bears because I believe in dronegender rights. They said that speaking in favour of drone rights would have a destructive effect on the space.

        Guess what? I didn't shut up and now Hexbear supports trans rights. Win. Destroying the toxic and oppressive parts of communities is good. It lets the rest of the space shine.

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      10 months ago

      I think the hexbear people should argue with this guy instead of dunking. He seems to be coming here and debating in good faith (so far).

    • Infamousblt [any]
      10 months ago

      It's brigading when someone links to a post and says "hey go get this guy". It's stochastic brigading when someone links to a post and says "people should dunk on guys like this." It's not brigading when someone links to a post and says "wow can you believe people with takes like this exist? See for yourself."

      I've never seen the first. I've seen the second a tiny handful of times. It's almost always that last one. It's not brigading. We just want to see the zoo full of abysmally bad takes for ourselves.

      Alternatively if folks want Hexbears to stop dunking on them maybe try having better takes

      • tree@lemmy.zip
        10 months ago

        I don't see any difference between the 3 people will just assume "hey go get this guy" is an unwritten rule unless it explicitly discouraged in the comm rules and maybe some factor of anonomizing the user is done as well. A random poster is not gonna be able to differentiate whether the person from hexbear found it browsing all or through the thread on their site in "thedunktank"

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      10 months ago

      it's brigading when the tankiejerk places do it to lemmygrad too

      They can keep trying, who gives a shit?

    • BabaIsPissed [he/him]
      10 months ago

      When people here seek out stuff on the other instances to post there yes, but a lot of the time it's people coming here and kicking the hornets nest in which case I don't think it's brigading at least in spirit.

      Brigading is a dumb concept anyway, but trying to convince ex-redditors of that is a waste of time

      • DroneRights [it/its]
        10 months ago

        Brigading is organised protest, which is important for the health of society

      • tree@lemmy.zip
        10 months ago

        I post here, it's just my opinion, I don't think you're allowing me any good faith, but you don't have, I'll just block

    • CabbageRelish@midwest.social
      10 months ago

      Those basically always show up after the thread has already seen tons of activity from this instance.

      But, it is a part of the three-year-old culture that could be problematic with federation, and has been a topic of debate because of that. We just always post an actual link to the topic cause that’s more interesting and informative than just seeing a screenshot. (Plus if you don’t you’re a lib.)

      /Edit - What’s even funnier in all this is our devs just happened to be working on un-forking our pre-federation codebase to a point where we could federate when the Reddit exodus happened. They even announced it something like a week beforehand, but IIRC the main point was in being able to integrate all the nice upstream improvements. And, especially of note, before that we were probably 80% of activity on all Lemmy instances.