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  • moonlake [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Me in January: This is going to be my year! I am going to build a great life for myself! It's 2020 baby, let's do this!!

    Me now: Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

      • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
        4 years ago

        What led you to think that? I've been assuming every year is going to keep getting worse at least until the 2030s and probably for a long time past that.

        • SirLotsaLocks [he/him]
          4 years ago

          honestly it sounds dumb but I just did, like I just wanted it to be my year, not based on anything I just really thought it would be good. Also I meant more personally, I knew world politics have gone to shit.

    • glimmer_twin [he/him]
      4 years ago

      The history, of, uhh, of ahh, of the, ‘scuse me, the history of, of all ahh, all hither - hitherto resisting - scuse me, existing, all hitherto existing, uhh, society, is uhh, the history of y’know ahh, the uh, class - class struggle!

      ...Sorry, I shouldn’ta said that.

  • CoralMarks [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Finally started Disco Elysium, and I have to say, even just after the first few dialogues, people have not overhyped this game. Amazing.

      • CoralMarks [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Sorry, but at least it looks like it got some good replay value too.

        • djphdk [he/him]
          4 years ago

          It definitely does, I've played through a couple times. The writing is so well done it's like reading through a good book again.

          • CoralMarks [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I’m just amazed at how close to perfection it seems. Like the writing, music, artwork, the pacing, it all works so good together.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I don't think the right libertarian to left libertarian / anarchist pipeline actually works. Because I think most right libertarians aren't really bothered by hierarchy and structure. They only don't like "big government" as it relates to restricting business owners and entrepreneurs. The don't really care about the government abusing the rights of individual people. They don't care really all that much about human freedom, even defining freedom how they do. If right libertarians have to choose between a tax cut or slashing of some regulations versus say more rights for transgendered persons, you know which one they'll pick every time.

    • jabrd [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Where's the greentext that explains that right libertarianism is just American fascism rebranded that way because of America's founding history in liberal revolution

    • GlacialTurtle [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I'm someone who was vaguely right libertarian and became a Marxist. Became sort of kinda vaguely libertarian through interest in copyright, Free Software and buying the framing of problems as mostly lack of free markets.

      Became Marxist as I thought through my beliefs and implications in support of e.g. GPL, which required me to repudiate "maximum freedom for individual regardless of the consequences to everyone else", working out contradiction of corporate interest in open source/Free Software to reduce labour and production costs vs trying to promote general social good of Free Software, MPAA and RIAA being shitty, Google/Microsoft/Apple being shitty, a little bit of personal experience and reading Marx.

    • Sarcasm24 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      There is no right-lib to left-lib pipeline. There are only libertarians turning 18 and therefore growing out of their childish ideology

  • Downanotherday [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Let’s play a game. Go to r/politics and look for the stupidest comment possible in 60 or less. Post results.

    I will go first.

    I've actually considered moving to Israel to escape Trumpism. It's got lots of issues too, but probably not as bad as another 4 years of Trump.

    • sydnerella11 [she/her]
      4 years ago

      “Rushmore is for Great Presidents and Patriots, not Dictator,tyrant, traitors!”

      Just kill me

    • WeedReference420 [he/him, they/them]
      4 years ago

      "Of course he did. Anything to make it look like the Dems want to hurt Americans and only King KKKlementine can step in to save them. Fuck this disease riddled shitstain."

      Mostly posted because the term "King KKKlementine" is fucking ridiculous even for resistance libs.

  • moonlake [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I just saw Hasan's interview with the All Gas No Brakes dude and I was relieved to find out that he's actually a great dude with good politics. His videos are great but when I saw them I kind of expected him to be some enlightened centrist who is doing it for the memes or whatever. He's not just doing it to make viral videos, it turns out he knows what he's doing which is awesome. Check out his video where he covered the Don Jr. book signing tour if you haven't.

    • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I also got that read on him at first, but his interview with rioters in Minneapolis convinced me he was a leftist. It was the most candid, real look into why people would light a Target on fire and the conditions that led them to it, given entirely by the people's own words. It's unironically one of the best pieces of journalism I've seen in years.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      4 years ago

      Oh nice I also couldn't get a read on that guy from the few videos I have seen.

      • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I've got a buddy who looks like he just fell out of the second story window of a frat house keg party and he's an ML. You would never know it by looking at him though, he looks straight up like a CHUD.

        • jabrd [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Fellow former fratstar ML here. People constantly tell me I look like a cop and it sucks because no one ever offers me drugs at parties

  • Loady [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    Can't wait for the ironic Kerryposting in 6 months time as people start to fondly reminisce the early days of this site

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I bet Kerryposting is gonna be the old poster signifier

    • unperson [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Wasn't that the goal of the kerryposter? I wasn't in the d*scord but I thought I'd heard somebody was trying to force it into a meme there.

    • Ectrayn [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That picture is really good, and I find the tat very elegant, I've only been learning about this community through your posts on the topic, and I like learning about it a lot

    • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
      4 years ago

      You and I came up very similar then. I know the railroads and drainage ditches in my city well enough to find my way around them in complete darkness. I used to know the schedules of some of the trains but I'm sure they've changed by now. I can tell if a house is good for a squat just by looking at the front facade. Most people called us gutter punks but dirty kids works too. Street urchins, river rats (since we're by the Mississippi), or "hey you kids," whatever we're called, I know the life. The only thing keeping me calm these days is that I'm ready to slip back into that world the second shit starts getting too crazy with the squares.

        • Dear_Occupant [he/him]
          4 years ago

          There was this one moment when I was living that life in the late 90s when I was having a breakfast picnic in New Orleans in the 9th Ward on the levee d-i-r-e-c-t-l-y next to Lake Pontchartrain, and we were talking about what would happen if a hurricane hit. Even at the time I knew in my bones I was having one of those deja vu moments, but of course when Hurricane Katrina hit I was like okay what the fuck is this. I had a similar deja vu moment like that when I was squatting at a landtrust near the MARTA station in Little Five Points in Atlanta. Sometimes you can get so close to the rail that you can feel the train barreling down on you.

  • Downanotherday [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Landlord removes windows and doors after Maple Ridge, B.C. mom late with rent

    :mao-aggro-shining: :chairman: :mao-shining:

  • MichelLouise [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So I was looking at the Piketti & Saez data on wealth distribution in the US. Trying to visualize the average individual net worth for each percentile of the population.

    I run my plotting script but get an empty graph. After triple checking that there was no bug in my program, I realized there was none. The bars are just too thin to be displayed on my screen. See that small blue stuff at the bottom right of the picture? It's the "--" part in the following schematized version:

      • MichelLouise [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I figured a way to make the lines visible: consider the 99.99%-100% group as a single bin instead of dividing it further into 10 subgroups. It drastically increases the width and decreases the height of that last bar.

        Daily reminder the top 0.001% is soooo rich that even the average top 0.01% guy looks incredibly poor in comparison.

        I guess I'll make a post with the "readable" version of the graph.

        EDIT: the post is here , with clear labels

        • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
          4 years ago

          It's just so... absurd. And hard to wrap your noggin around. I can't wait til we just chop that hill down and the ground is flat like it should be.

          • MichelLouise [he/him]
            4 years ago

            bUt It NeEdS tO bE a SlOpE fOr PeOpLe To HaVe InCeNtIvE tO dO sTuFf!

            • Gorn [they/them,he/him]
              4 years ago

              libs and chuds admitting they hate their lives, but cling to pro-capitalist ideology out of bitter resentment alone

              Imagine being so insecure in your beliefs that you tell yourself it's fine you have to do bullshit all day every day to survive, because you're too afraid to imagine just making things better tehehe

  • Smoggywhotter [he/him]
    4 years ago Enjoy comrades

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Something is happening in Belarus right now. It's election day and tanks are heading into the capital.

    Related to Chapo thread from yesterday?

    • EthicalHumanMeat [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I really hope this is the government mobilizing to prevent a coup and not a coup in progress.