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  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    "womxn" is the ultimate virtue signal. It is unpronounceable and does nothing to promote inclusivity. I hate it.

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah that's dumb as hell, "folks" isn't gendered to begin with so wtf is even the point

        • sydnerella11 [she/her]
          3 years ago

          To signal to everyone how fucking “woke” you are. You are right and I get so annoyed with it. Also I know only one person who does this in real life and it’s a fellow “anarchist” who preaches ACAB and then turns around and said during the election that if we don’t vote for Biden “we know not to trust you” 😬 it’s a condescending phrase to use on Facebook where you have no character limits too

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    3 years ago

    Stop. You. Listen to me. I'm nonbinary and i'm going to enby-splain why I and other non-binary people have a problem with this sort of thing.

    Enbies are not women "lite". Just have a month for women, it's cool. They deserve it. And then later, you can have a month for nonbinary creators. Stop lumping us in with women. We are not women.

    I get the impulse to include us as a marginalized group, and in some IRL physical spaces "no mens here" is understandable, even desired. But please, we are a separate gender and there is no need for this here.

    These things read to me, an enby, like cis people think of gender as still a binary:

    Default: male

    and non-default: not-male/feminine/otherness.

    I don't want to be in the non-default category, i want to be in my own category :leslie-shining:

    It's like if they tried to make black history month "POC history month". No! We already have a month for women! Just let them have that and give us our own thing!

    I don't have a problem with the term womxn coming from a place of self-identification (assuming it's not done in a terfy way) but i do have a problem with expanding the gender of woman to include enbies instead of simply accepting we are a separate gender. At the same time you never see the expansion of men to include enbies - the limits of masculinity are as rigid as ever. There is no inclusion of an x in "Mxn" to be inclusive to masculine people, for example.

    So it feels very hollow, like the Cis are saying: "look ladies, we've allowed you new ways to gender Otherness, including new words and pronouns! BTW Men, if you go 1 inch oustide the gender norms you're gonna be included in this other gender or labeled gay (a subset of the non-default gender) :) "

    • SerLava [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Sorry sweaty, rigidity of m*le gender norms sounds like a m*n problem,

    • raven [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Do you have a particular take on transgender people being included in "LGBT"? I'm not trying to imply a particular opinion, because I know that I don't know enough to take one. Would you say that is different or do you feel similarly?

      I love my trans comrades BTW

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
        3 years ago

        trans people should definitely be included in "LGBT". For one, many people are both trans and are gay. If you're asking if i think there should be a gay history and a trans history month separately, i don't think so yet because the history of the liberation of those two in our culture are intertwined - Stonewall was started by a bisexual trans woman, trans people were naturally included in the original pride and both fought for acceptance and expansion of queer spaces.

        It's possible that now that the upper class gays have their ability to get married and not be fired for being gay they'll turn on trans comrades and start leaving them behind. This is what lesbian terfs are, basically. Cursed, i know. Anyway, should trans history and gay history diverge appreciatively i would be fine with them having separate history month or realms of study. For now, gender and sexuality is a newish field anyway and seem somewhat linked so there really is no reason to separate the two.

        BTW its a huge terf whistle to call for "dropping the T" from LGBT. They think trans people are not valid/real basically and "take away from gay rights". So even more reason to not try to separate gender and sexuality unity from the phrase. Trans people, many of whom are also gay in some way, started the fight for LGBT rights, and we all belong together.

        • raven [he/him]
          3 years ago

          These are all very good points. I really appreciate you spoon feeding us this stuff when it definitely isn't your job.

          I'm not a terf and I didn't mean to make it sound like a dogwhistle. I wholeheartedly agree that we all belong together, and I love my trans comrades <3 I felt like I should add that so any terfs who happen to read this don't get the idea that they have an ally here.

          • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
            3 years ago

            It's alright comrade, i figured your questions were in good faith :) Just wanted to give you a heads up about that phrase since you seemed out of the loop :)

        • raven [he/him]
          3 years ago

          That's probably the answer I was looking for yeah.

          I've heard some trans friends complaining about being left behind when it comes to LGBT as a movement though so there's that unfortunately.

  • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The letter X and its consequences have been a disaster for inclusive language.

  • Parzivus [any]
    3 years ago

    Is this terf shit too or is that just "womyn?"

      • p_sharikov [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I never really understood the Latinx thing. Why not just drop the suffix entirely and make it "Latin"? Like literally just use the root word.

          • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
            3 years ago

            It's even worse in Spanish because the name of the letter X is ECK-EES

          • throwaway0 [fae/faer]
            3 years ago

            When you use the stats of cis/hets not liking or using terms meant to be inclusive of non-binary/queer people as a reason for the term being bad. :cringe:

              • throwaway01 [fae/faer]
                3 years ago

                (didnt save the password so had to make a new one oops definitely not worth it just for posting this comment but whatever)

                Like I said latine is used more. A word or phrase could sound perfect and it wouldn't matter because that is not what it is actually about, most cis people just do not want to acknowledge non-binary peoples existence, let alone expand their languages to include us. Just look at the outrage every time someone dare utter the words ''people who menstruate'' for example.

            • SerLava [he/him]
              3 years ago

              If it's not sexist, is it really a romance language?

            • hamouy [he/him]
              3 years ago

              They are still people, and if the goal is to find widespread acceptance for the word, maybe a better letter than fucking "x" should be found.

              • throwaway0 [fae/faer]
                3 years ago

                Latine is used more. Which people would know if they actually cared about the topic, instead of just wanting to laugh at them silly trans people and their x's.

                • hamouy [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  Hell, I'm not laughing, I just think convenience is key when trying to gain widespread acceptance for a neologism. I actually think this "Latine" sounds like a much better alternative.

        • ssjmarx [he/him]
          3 years ago

          The whole Latino/Latina category is a pretty bad one, since it conflates settler-descended central and south Americans with native-descended ones. It's the reason why pretty much every "first latino ____" is a white guy.

          • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Also, the whole concept of "Latin America" was invented by France in order to try to make Mexicans accept French imperialism in Mexico. Or at least that's what I learned in a world history class years ago.

        • bruh [any]
          3 years ago

          Yeah there has to be some logical reason as to why that isn't the case but holy shit Latinx is awkward as shit.

      • camaron28 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Me too.

        I also dislike latine, but at least that one makes sense. I will not use it, but if someone else wants to, i welcome it.

        By the way, is it true that argentinian twitter is having a meltdown because a spaniard called "milanesas", "pollo empanado"? (Which is the obvious superior choice).

        • RNAi [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Latine makes sense because is the spanish nu-genderneutral of latino, which despite being understood as "referring to all people" it's in "male form", so is woker to use "latine"

          Milanesas can be made out of chicken, cow, pig, eggplants etc, it's basically something dipped in raw scrambled eggs then covered in bread crumbs and then fried. Argie twitter is pure garbage, and twitter keeps banning my accounts anyways.

    • sydnerella11 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Lol I was talking about the womxn thing with my mom today and then idk how Latinx came up but she pronounced it as “latinks”

      • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Both of these pronunciations have their roots in English, since the letter X is "equis" (ECK-EES) in Spanish. Which is even more awkward than in English.

  • MelaniaTrump [undecided]
    3 years ago

    the year is 2060, X Æ A-12 is president, and libs have virtue signaled so much that all words in the English language have been replaced by the singular "x"

  • Poop [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    lol they deleted it

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Is womxn a thing now? I don’t understand how and I have never seen that before.