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  • BigAssBlueBug [they/them]
    3 years ago

    cleaning room = boring, have to bend over, not want to do

    overwatch = funny rock throwing man for 6 hours straight in deathmatch

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    3 years ago

    It's your thyroid bud

    Gotta take it out before it takes you out

    *Not real medical advice

    • clover [she/her]
      3 years ago

      When the tap water calcifies your pituitary gland just right 👌

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    3 years ago

    perhaps: nothing motivates you, you don't want other/different/new things, you're not under pressure to do things because you're comfortable. if none of these apply, check "depression"

  • KrasMazovThought [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    The dopamine your brain produces is insufficient to provide task salience to things that aren't immediately rewarding

  • TheCommunistBrofesto [any]
    3 years ago

    spare dopamine pls? no? what about a crumb of serotonin? no? well, I suppose my bed was feeling super comfy anyways.

  • Bedulge [he/him]
    3 years ago

    video games and other modern entertainment products (tv, movies, Twitter, YT, TikTok, porn) are pretty much specifically designed to appeal to our stupid monkey brains. It's about as close as you can get to doing drugs without actually doing drugs because it causes your brain to release its own natural feel-good chemicals.

    It's also very easy to do.

    Of course you also get feel-good chemicals from like "the satisfaction of a job well done" but that takes actual work

    • wantonviolins [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Of course you also get feel-good chemicals from like “the satisfaction of a job well done” but that takes actual work

      Or you can have a warped perception of self that makes completing tasks agonizing because you’re hyperaware of all the imperfections in your work, and are therefore unable to do anything “well”

      So yeah, video games it is

      • sappho [she/her]
        3 years ago

        What I've done is slowly "taper down" the amount of stimulation I give my brain. If you listen to podcasts or music while playing games, try just playing games on their own. Try listening to a podcast and doing nothing else. Try sitting in silence for a little while each day. I've just made it my goal to spend time bored, because I think it's inherently good for our brains to have negative space.

      • Bedulge [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'll concur with other people here that it might be depression. Actually IDK, it might be ADHD? I dunno I got a friend that was diagnosed with it when she was in college, and she said that it was easier to focus on her assignments when she started taking a pill for it.

        I def wouldn't suggest giving up. I know this is cliche but it is kinda true: We only get one shot at life, so might as well try to make it a good one, even if it is tough.

        but I mean, fuck, I dunno. I'm not a psychologist or some kind of enlightened Buddha. I also like video games lol. If I knew the answer to the question I'd be working on the assignment I need to have done by tomorrow instead of posting on here lol. But I'm choosing to post on here even tho I know I should be working on that. Our brains aren't really wired to do things that are hard if there's some other thing to do that's easier. That's an instinct that served us well when we realized that using a pole with a hook on a string was a better way to catch a fish than using our hands, but it's not so useful when it causes us to think that playing "one more round" of TF2 is better than cleaning up our apt.

        I'd say doing a fast is certainly not a harmful thing to do imo. I used to go on fasts every so often. Stuff like "no alc for a month" "no caffeine for 2 weeks" "no Reddit after 7pm" or whatever. Idk if it helps much but I do think that it can help to build willpower. But I still drink coffee 3 times a day, drink too much alcohol, and play video games more than I probably should.