This isn't a bit, they're really good
Consider eating more fruit when stoned!
Not only does the fruit taste extra good, but the cold and juicy sensation of biting into it and feeling those sweet juices running down your throat mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsublime
feeling those sweet juices running down your throat mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Any hot takes on what the best fruits are? Apples kind of suck for instance, while blueberries are one of the pure earthly delights.
With pears I have a similar problem as with peaches, the places I have lived haven't been good for growing them so it's tough to consistently get pears that aren't dry and tough. Otherwise I agree, pears are underrated.
A good pear is like one of the best fruit experiences. Unfortunately it's rare to find one.
The flavor is delightful, but the texture, even of the most lauded apple varietals like the Honeycrisp, is invariably grainy and sandy in the worst way. Unfiltered cider is maybe the best fruit drink of all time though, so I'll give you that one.
My top 5 are Watermelon, Grapes, Grapefruit (I understand if this isn't your bag,) Tangerines, and Peaches.
Watermelon is supreme though. 92% water so if you pig out you don't have to feel bad about it, and the sensation of taking a bite is like a waterfall in your mouth.
Peaches would be higher on the list, but atm I'm living in an area where they don't grow very well so it's hard to find them ripe and juicy.
Tomato actually is also a great choice, with just the littlest bit of sugar sprinkled across the top...
oh my fucking god when the sun comes back i am going to eat my weight in watermelon
best stoner fruit, imo, is pineapple, but this extends to melons as well. i'd even go so far to say that pineapple is the best stoner snack, fuck cheetos
sprinkle a tiny bit of salt onto a piece of pineapple or watermelon when you're stoned (or sober) and thank me later
Counter point, I detest how they feel mashed up in my teeth and cheeto dust on my fingers is a tactile abhorrence
ok, are we talking cronchy or poofy orange corn logs here? there's a difference.
the smell of most of those type of snacks makes me want to die like once i was on a packed train scorching hot rio summer and someone opened one of those, the most heinous crime you could do, so i disagree also i like sweet stuff when i am high
i'm pretty sure that opening a can of surstromming would be like, way worse, but sweet stuff when you're baked is pretty killer so...
like yeah but it is rio de janeiro like no one would eat a can of fish in a train in a hot day here it would probably be real bad for their health and sincerely i think at that point people would just force you out on the next station
Counterpoint: NikNaks.
(Oh shit that's like a South Africa only snack, so no one here knows about it).
It's basically similar to Cheetos crunchy from what I can tell though Google images
That's a different snack. It actually caused patent issues when Simba chips (parent company of NikNaks) wanted to sell NikNaks in the UK.
Get Boris Johnson to hold a pack of South African NikNaks like he did with Tim Tams during the Brexit stuff.
This was a terrible joke
Please repost in ! if you want an actual struggle or ! if you want a snack discussion.
hot cheetos only dream of being able to prolapse my rectum like Fuego Takis do.
Bowl of frito scoops with hot sauce on them, it's my sodium intake for the month but it's so good
lmao I do this but with like taco sauce which come to think of it might just be hot sauce under a different name...huh..