Fucking hate it when rich snooty petite bourgeois think they fucking own the streets. Bunch of dudes chilling in a parking lot, socializing and doing car culture shirt in the community? Better sick the cops on them because I want all unique culture purged so we can have a dozen different cheesecake factories
:geordi-no: calling the cops on people doing car culture shit in a parking lot bc i'm a petite bourgeois fuck
:geordi-yes: informing on car culture people in a parking lot to the people's vanguard bc i'm train gang
Horseshoe theory is convincing a leftist to harass POC by calling the police because they Live In A Society.
There is something endearing as well as infuriating about libs trying to use feminist and leftist terminology.
I've seen them do it many times, successfully, usually pretending to be further left than they really are, so the endearing part has long worn off for me.
Libs steal leftist rhetoric to make themselves seem better than they are; conservatives steal libertarian rhetoric to make themselves seem better than they are
liberal feminism has been the dominant strain of feminism for as long as i've been alive. the liberal, individualist strain of identity politics is the one that actually gets airplay on TV, in boardrooms, and in the press.
They do it all the time. It’s part of what helps establish themselves as the “woke” right before saying that homeless people should be dragged and shot
i used to think that showing off cars was dumb and then i saw g*mers showing off their shitty RGB lights and thumbscrew cases and then i knew that i was wrong
The absolute dumbest part about gamers who color-coordinate PC parts is that they often pay 10-50% more for the exact same part, but painted white or with a different shaped plastic case.
No need to move it when it can be in the background of your Youtube videos/Twitch streams
The wheels are kinda iffy imo, looks like the shit Boudaccia or whatever her name was put onto her chariots to cut romans down
funny how its poc men being policed for their "toxic masculinity". just a coincidence I'm sure
Funny how the problem is addressed by calling in an even more toxically masculine group.
Like clearing out your butterfly problem by bringing in Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
America is and has always been an APARTHEID POLICE STATE. burn it to the ground or stop complaining.
"Officer! Officer! That unseasonably tan individual is doing a misogyny by existing!"
I’ve been to a lot of these car meets. The most chill and friendly people you can possibly imagine having racist whites call the cops on them
I know we're supposed to be traingang, but the disappearance of car mod culture is lame.
The only cars which well remain after the revolution will be riced beyond human recognition
Man, if you actually call the police for POC having a "toxic display of masculinity", that might actually be one of the few times the police won't get right on it as an excuse to harass minorities.