• Linktank@lemmy.today
    2 months ago

    Meanwhile Dump literally talks about killing people in the street and none of his followers caring and it's extremely believable, especially in comparison to this made up crap.

    • Kumikommunism [they/them]
      2 months ago

      Kamala is literally killing people in the street right now. Except they are Arab so you think they deserve it.

          • Linktank@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            And what, you think that means she's...? Doing what exactly? VP is a figurehead until the P kicks it.

            • Kumikommunism [they/them]
              2 months ago

              lmao. What the fuck do you think the role of a figurehead is? The administration she's a part of is currently engaging in genocide, and she has not said one critical word. In fact, she can't even bring herself to use the word "genocide". She is fully supportive of the genociders and helped Biden spread Islamophobic lies about the victims. If she's a figurehead and isn't an islamophobic genocide-lover, she has a weird way of showing it. If you are in her position and not calling for Biden to cease bombing arab children, you are complicit.

              Oh and that's ignoring the fact that you are obviously being disingenuous and she's the presidential nominee taking the place of a president stepping down. "Just a figurehead". Literally the second most powerful position in the administration, and running to be the most powerful.

              Edit: let me quote you to you, so we can be clear on how much of a moron you are:

              Why don't you fly to fucking israel or palestine or wherever and do something about it if you care so much?

              You think this makes sense, but you think Kamala is a smol widdle bean who can't do anything. That's what kind of moron you are.

            • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
              2 months ago

              If you think that everybody in the USian government except for the president has no power, you are incredibly ignorant.

              Do you think that vice president's job is to just sit back and do nothing and just be available to become the acting president if the actual president dies or becomes otherwise incapacitated?

                • Hexboare [they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  The VP does not legislate, or approve legislation.

                  The VP is literally the head of the senate and can vote on senate bills to break a tie

                • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  And you are also claiming that the VP has no executive power whatsoever. You also seem to assume that she has no power to legislate indirectly, by collaborating with legislators, despite holding the second most powerful executive position in the USian government.

                • nohaybanda [he/him]
                  2 months ago

                  Can you, in your own words, explain the difference between the executive and legislative branches of government?

            • CarbonScored [any]
              2 months ago

              Oh, so she's just a willing figurehead for genocide, that's okay then.. puzzled

    • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Shooting someone on Fifth Avenue would be downright quaint by the standards of American presidents. If he did that in exchange for cutting funding to Israel's genocides I'd consider it a strict upgrade.

    • Venat [he/him, any]
      2 months ago

      I love these bunjee jumper commenters who just make outlandish claims and assertions, refuse to defend them, but let the Hexguard dunk on the comment anyway.

      Brace on TrueAnon made an observation that the more affluent Americans just don't want to deal with politics anymore. They find it exhausting and discomforting. Which is why liberals were so quick to ghost Biden and relieve that he stepped down.

        • Venat [he/him, any]
          2 months ago

          What you are trying to assert in your quote is that Trump is more dangerous because he is more deranged, bombastic, and depraved. The truth is that this is only in appearances, and you and I both know that it is the appearances that upset you. If the Republican did it with more poise, they'd be as rehabilitated as Bush is.

          Trump's fantasy and hypotheticals are taken more egregiously and strongly than the living actions that the persons and administration of the US federal government take in regards to living people. (e.g: Trump's role in January 6th is described as eating pork on Yom Kippur, and yet his role in letting thousands of people die in Puerto Rico from hurricane damage are all but forgotten.)

          In this same vein, Biden has the blood of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians by actively financing, distributing, and providing legal and diplomatic cover for the state of Israel. These are active policies that take effort and discipline to maintain; they are not inevitabilities and natural disasters but active designs and permissions being assigned.

          Your contention is that Trump makes you feel bad and you wanna feel happy. Democrats do the same policies of Republicans, but at least they pretend to be nice and remorseful and that's good enough for you.

            • booty [he/him]
              2 months ago

              The average American voter has no desire to fund the military industrial complex

              Lmao absolutely wrong, Americans are some of the most bloodthirsty racist monsters who have ever lived

            • Rom [he/him]
              2 months ago

              I'm not some cult of personality [slur] who takes a side and defends it even if it's bad

              You came in here mad because we were criticizing Democrats for genocide.

              • Linktank@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                I reacted to this weird fantasy post where the poster acts as if Kamala Harris has any control over what the US is doing in other countries as the VP, which paints her in a light of murdering homeless people. When the alternative is literally a deranged poopypants who could literally not give less of a fuck about the middle east or brown people if you showed him each and every atrocity.

                They don't send out a weekly e-mail blast to every voter in the country asking "Should we send another package of arms to Israel this week?". That decision is made by a small group of traitorous removed who are obviously taking giant kickbacks from the military industrial complex, superpacs, and foreign countries.

                Saying the "dEmOcRaTs" are the problem is wildly inaccurate and embarrassingly uninformed. The removed are on both sides. It's rich vs poor. I would have thought that a sub supposedly about communism would already be on that take.

                • Rom [he/him]
                  2 months ago

                  You are the EXACT kind of person this post is making fun of, holy shit.

                • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
                  2 months ago

                  as if Kamala Harris has any control over what the US is doing in other countries as the VP

                  Mate, of her own volition she says she supports Israel; she's saying this while she's completely safe and in full public view; she won't even condemn Israel. If the democrats aren't running the country, then who is?

                • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                  2 months ago

                  the alternative is literally a deranged poopypants who could literally not give less of a fuck about the middle east or brown people if you showed him each and every atrocity.

                  You're describing the entire US political class

                • Doubledee [comrade/them]
                  2 months ago

                  I know you're getting the bear hug so I doubt you'll respond to me, but I think it's worth examining your assumptions if you have somehow reached a point where Harris cannot be held accountable for the actions of the administration she serves in, cannot be held responsible for her own rhetoric at the convention (in which she promised we would have the most lethal military in the world, with which she would "always" defend the apartheid entity), and cannot be faulted for not being more specific about what her policy on Gaza would be. You seem to have reached a position where voting for Harris is a moral obligation that has no attachment to anything she does, says she will do, or could theoretically do in the future.

                  Or at least I assume it's about voting, otherwise I don't know what you're doing here. You acknowledge that America's ruling class are traitors to the interests of humanity; Harris is part of our ruling class, she's undeniably part of the 'rich' you're talking about. While we here at hexbear don't call people slurs, you seem fine directing your anger at these nameless traitors but not at Harris for some reason. All we're doing is criticizing the class you are saying is bad, and the people who instinctively defend them.

                  It's literally the message of the tweet: Nobody is telling anyone not to vote, but liberals reflexively assume criticism of the ruling class is an argument for Trump.

                • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  I reacted to this weird fantasy post where the poster acts as if Kamala Harris has any control over what the US is doing in other countries as the VP, which paints her in a light of murdering homeless people

                  It's amazing how you want to pretend as if the second most powerful executive in the US government has no power over what the US does.
                  It's also amazing how you are literally not aware of Harris' actions prior to becoming a VP, when she did stuff like prevent freeing enslaved prisoners, prevent freeing wrongly-imprisoned people, hunting people for ICE, used her position to support aggression against other countries, etc., and yet, you feel like you are qualified to confidently speak on the matter.

                  When the alternative is literally a deranged poopypants who could literally not give less of a fuck about the middle east or brown people if you showed him each and every atrocity

                  Harris has literally supported, in an official capacity, Trump's actions against the Middle East. Like in this case, for example:

                  Between an utterly incompetent genocide enactor and one who is at least a little bit more competent, if you were to prefer either, you should go with the former. You keep advocating for the latter.

                  They don't send out a weekly e-mail blast to every voter in the country asking "Should we send another package of arms to Israel this week?". That decision is made by a small group of traitorous removed who are obviously taking giant kickbacks from the military industrial complex, superpacs, and foreign countries

                  It's amazing how much you want to imagine just to avoid admitting that the monster that you support is, indeed, a monster.
                  No, those people are not a small group of 'traitors' to the USian government. They are the USian government. And Harris is explicitly among them, as she has both vowed to help Pissrael keep carrying out the genocide, and she has been publicly working with AIPAC since before the 2020 USian executive elections. She has literally spoken at a policy conference of AIPAC.

                  Saying the "dEmOcRaTs" are the problem is wildly inaccurate and embarrassingly uninformed

                  They aren't 'the' problem. They are a part of the problem. And it's pretty hilarious how you try to insist otherwise, given that they have almost exactly the same policies, and have a history of engaging in genocides and other atrocities.
                  I wonder if you would also like to pretend, for example, that Trump is worse than Obama.

                  The removed are on both sides

                  If you think that we like either of the USian uniparty twins, you are incorrect. You are just having a petulant reactions to having your favourite monsters criticised.

            • REgon [they/them]
              2 months ago


              Really showing your hand here

              Not some cult of personality cocksucker

              Liberals and casual homophobia, name a more iconic duo. Also you are reflexively defending Kamala Harris and Joe Biden from very valid critique because you perceive them as some larger than life icon/avatar. You're literally doing cult of personality you dumbass

                • nemmybun [she/her]
                  2 months ago

                  More telling that you associate sucking cock with gay people.

                  "I wasn't being homophobic, I was being misogynistic" smuglord

                • REgon [they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  More telling that you associate sucking cock with gay people.

                  The person you're responding to with the "cocksucking" comment uses he/him pronouns, dumbass.

                  Your parents failed in raising you

            • Venat [he/him, any]
              2 months ago

              Your deranged and angry rant tells me we struck a nerve with you. And that you're likely, and charitably, a college freshman.

              You can not vote for Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, or the next figurehead and call it a day. Voting is not a civic duty or fulfilling civic action in a state where your vote is a mere permission slip of state legitimacy than an envoy of political agenda. The state will do what it must to maintain its hegemony but thank you for paying your taxes and giving the state the "right" to exist. Through your vote. Through your petty ritual.

              We can't just leave our homes, lives, and jobs; indeed millions across the world can't just crusade into Israel just to stop this. But millions are marching, protesting, resisting, and urging their governments to place pressure on Israel and the United States to stop the genocide. It just so happens that there is no Spirit Bomb mechanism to stop the IDF and the US from doing so but through collective civil action, disobedience, protest, and resistance.

              These discussions, real and digital, about Palestine and Israel's genocidal terror is not a game of moral exchange where we use the dead as trophies to sanitize our complicity or seek absolution for our guilt. They are public and private declarations and exasperations of our political impotence and frustration with a political machine and configuration that has normalized, sanitized, and bargained away genocidal fervor and action. They are declarations, in the power of posting, that life has meaning and what we are all witnessing is the annihilation of the intrinsic value of human justice, of human existence and meaning within our world.

              In this particular moment, in the midst of active genocide, being a canvasser, poll worker, and campaign staffer for the Democrats (and Republicans) and believing that a fulfillment of civic and patriotic duty, progressing towards a more just and equitable society, is a farce. It is meaningless. Genocide is a crime among crimes and evil among evils. It is the negation of life in the most very literal and direct way; the ultimate desecration of humanity.

              Your conclusion, the embodiment of the emote: wojak-nooo , is one that tries to serve as a way for you to banish your conscience and guilt because the actual act of engaging in politics as an activist instead of passive consumer that validates the "I'm a good person" box is just as empty and hollow as your idolatrous faith in the Democratic party.

              I do in fact expect you, us, and everyone else to do something else than just wait in line for a few hours (if you aren't just a mail-in voter!) to vote for the Democrat who winces and sheds crocodile tears for the crimes they are compelled to do on behalf of political and economic hegemony.

              Don't be lazy.

            • Moss [they/them]
              2 months ago

              Holy shit you're such a sack of shit. Yeah, we're against genocide because we want to be "morally superior", not because genocide is wrong.

              You are fine with genocide, just say it. There is no functional difference between you and a fascist

            • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]
              2 months ago

              if Biden has blood on his hands

              The only reason a non ideologically brainwashed person would say he DOESN'T have blood on his hands is because he's probably been too fucking senile to actually sanction what's been going on. But if that isn't the case, then the blood of every single Palestinian dead over the last year is on his hands, you dumb motherfucker

            • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
              2 months ago

              I'm not some cult of personality cock sucker who takes a side and defends it even if it's bad.

              What would you say it is that you are doing here, then?

            • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
              2 months ago

              You comment using Palestine as an argument because you get off on the concept of being morally superior to other people and so you take a stance that allows you to paint anybody who doesn't align with this chosen worldview as being 100% in the wrong and worthy of death because it allows you to sleep better at night

              Ah yes, 'you are just purity-testing on being against a genocide for fun' sure is a good defence of a high-profile genocide. /s
              Honestly, it amazes me a bit how brainwashed genocide supporters like you are.

              The average American voter has no desire to fund the military industrial complex and frankly you all fucking know that

              You definitely aren't an 'average USian' (it's silly how USians love to pretend that the entirety of the Americas are just the US), then.

              Why don't you fly to fucking israel or palestine or wherever and do something about it if you care so much?

              I do not have money. I do not have a weapon, nor am I able to procure one. I do not know of a way to get there. I do not know of a way to contact the Palestinian resistance or another such group.

              Notably, you weren't asked to go and volunteer to fight for Palestine (although, if you think that it's so much easier than, for example, withholding your vote in a USian election, why haven't you volunteered to fight for Palestine yet?). You have been asked to stop actively supporting your monsters at home. Like a good little 1930-1940s German, you are completely fine with them, however.

              That's the equivalent level of work you're expecting from the people you're demonizing

              'It's an equivalent level of work to [go to a war zone, find and contact the local resistance (without unwittingly informing enactors of a genocide that you intend to fight), and becoming a part of a decades-long resistance to a genocide], to [withhold a vote in an inconsequential USian election where both candidates are almost exactly the same, except one of them is senile and is less capable of managing the genocide machine (instead of voting for the more competent genocide enactors)], and to [cease participating in a genocide by funding and otherwise supplying the military forces that are directly carrying out said genocide]'.
              You live in a fantasy world.

              that they throw away their lives, families and futures to throw themselves onto the cogs of a machine that was created before they were born and is protected by hundreds of layers of social, political and financial obscurity

              Withholding a vote in an election where there are no different consequences for you, and ceasing to do free PR for your monsters in charge is not 'throwing away [your] lives, families, etc.'

              All the while dumbfuck assholes who make bad faith arguments slow the progress of humanity by blaming the every day man for problems caused by the people in charge while stroking their own sad little egos

              'How dare you slow the progress of humanity by telling other people to stop supporting and/or carrying out a genocide'.
              'Progress of humanity', lol.

              Why don't you take all of that pent up rage and direct it at the people who are actually causing the problems

              I.e. at the people supporting and/or carrying out a genocide? You have been raving about how that's bad, actually.

              The rich fucks who own the corporations who are paying all these removed to cause and sustain wars?

              You mean the rich fucks like Harris that you support and are upset over us being against them? Haha.

              if Biden has blood on his hands?


              I'm not some cult of personality cock sucker who takes a side and defends it even if it's bad

              You literally came here to voice your support for a genocide.

              That's the difference between the left and the right. The people on the left want to prosecute anybody who breaks the law, the people on the right only want to prosecute the people who aren't on the right

              What is this nonsense?
              It's pretty obvious that you have no understanding of this topic.

              Go. Fuck. Yourself.

              You are welcome to follow your own advice.

            • DengistDonnieDarko [he/him]
              2 months ago

              I'm not some cult of personality [removed] who takes a side and defends it even if it's bad.

              that is quite literally what you're doing, right now. you wrote multiple paragraphs doing exactly that. we can all see them, they're still up.

            • m532 [she/her]
              2 months ago

              The people on the left want to prosecute anybody who breaks the law, the people on the right only want to prosecute the people who aren't on the right.

              Your definition of "the left" is very... well, let's just say OBJECTIVELY WRONG

              • miz [any, any]
                2 months ago

                laughing at this dweeb while remembering the dozens of articles about how Kamala Harris declined to prosecute Steve Mnuchin for widespread mortgage fraud

            • m532 [she/her]
              2 months ago

              Yeah, we know, you are a yank, yanks think that there are no real humans outside of usa.

              pikmin-carry-l smuglord barbara-pit

        • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]
          2 months ago

          "What is there to defend"

          the comparison, you stupid motherfucker

          Trump said some fucked up fascist shit about how he could kill people in the streets and get away with it without actually doing it. Kamala Harris as DA literally fought to keep innocent people in prison for their labor. Which is worse? You might be a liberal moron if you choose the former

    • weeen [any, any]
      2 months ago

      American politics is just splitting people into two groups and convincing both that the other group will destroy the country if it gets in power

    • robinnist
      2 months ago

      Please reread the image and the title. Be embarrassed for making this comment.

    • miz [any, any]
      2 months ago

      if your only argument is "the other guy is worse" then you believe in nothing


      • Linktank@lemmy.today
        2 months ago

        This place is a ridiculous echo chamber. Obviously dipshit mango mussolini is worse. Why bother making other arguments when that is a good enough one? He's a little whiny pissbaby who does nothing for America. You people are pathetic.

        • blobjim [he/him]
          2 months ago

          who does nothing for America

          good. "America" doesn't deserve anything.

          • Linktank@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            Jesus, cry more. You think this is helping sway people to your side? Claiming an entire country is responsible for the decisions of like 300 people is so childish and asinine if have to assume that this place is a direct pipeline out of 4chan.

            • blobjim [he/him]
              2 months ago

              Pretending that there aren't large segments of the class hierarchy in this country that benefit from (includes me) and support all the awful stuff the US does is childish.

              And using the phrase "mango mussolini". My brother in Christ you probably would've been a Mussolini supporter if you were Italian (but you think you wouldn't because your brain only thinks of Mussolini as "a bad dictator from the other country the US fought" instead of a fascist who had a support base of people exactly like you).

                • blobjim [he/him]
                  2 months ago

                  He's a little whiny pissbaby who does nothing for America

                  It seems like your thing is that he's not effective at being a ruler in the US? If you aren't a chauvinist you wouldn't care about "[doing something] for America". That just sounds like bog-standard middle-class little-Eichmann-type feelings of insecurity about the 4th Reich's ability to continue it's stranglehold on the world. Maybe you want Harris to get into office and show the world that The West™ can still control the world efficiently.

                  Do you think the people who face the most oppression in this country or any other cares about the important differences between the two candidates? What do people in US prisons think about the two of them? How about people in Latin America? Doubt they give a shit.

            • m532 [she/her]
              2 months ago

              Yes. All 8 billion people outside of usa.

              You don't see them as human, hitlerite

            • buckykat [none/use name]
              2 months ago

              You cannot believe both of these at once:

              1. The US is a democracy and your vote matters

              2. The people of the US are not responsible for the actions of their government

        • miz [any, any]
          2 months ago

          This place is a ridiculous echo chamber.

          your tired lesser-evil bullshit is indistinguishable from every TV talking head but we're the echo chamber projection

          Obviously dipshit mango mussolini is worse.

          Talking to my 82 year old mom about all the news of Trump. She interrupted me and said, "Hoss, the only way I can stomach to watch that pre-death bloated Mango Mussolini on the news is with my resting bitch face applied and a glass of wine at the ready!" Holy Wisdom Shit Balls!

        • Rom [he/him]
          2 months ago

          Trump isn't president right now and Trump isn't arming a genocide right now. Fuck you, death to Israel and death to America.

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      2 months ago

      Meanwhile Dump literally talks about killing people in the street and none of his followers caring and it's extremely believable, especially in comparison to this made up crap.

      That's even sadder actually; that all it would take for Kamala to lose her voterbase is to shoot someone in the streets; the democrats are literally facilitating the killing of tens of thousands (and if the Lancet journal is correct, potentially over a hundred thousand), and it's the spectacle of her shooting someone herself that would lose her the votes. Sadly really tells you about the small minded people who vote democrat. They're willing to power through the lives of tens of thousands of people as long as they don't have to see even one of them die.

      • mathemachristian [he/him]
        2 months ago

        Never forget that what made biden unelectable was not his genocide but a bad tv performance.

        • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
          2 months ago

          You know the liberal I work with treats (unintentionally) the democrat voterbase like it's this mindless creature when it comes to voting democrat; I tell him why don't dem voters vote third party and he insists that 'realistically' it's between Biden and Trump (or he did when Biden was the candidate); I ask him, how can Biden win: isn't it via votes? Aren't those votes being cast by sentient human beings? Are they not able to use their brains and vote for Jill Stein (I personally support Jill Stein)? How is Trump going to win? Isn't it via votes? What's this magic making one person win and the other lose? He keeps saying that third party can't win, as though dem voters are unable to change their vote; he can't address that political parties win or lose because people vote for this party vs that. He still can't comprehend how other Western countries have more than two political parties and that they actually win elections. I think he used to assume (until I informed him otherwise) that only two political parties in every Western country won elections and the rest were just 'there'.

          He also despises the uncommitted voters which just blows my brains.

          When Kamala became the dem candidate, I asked him why are they doing that? If the responsibility of dems winning is on the voters, and the voters MUST vote dem, then who cares about Biden's failing mental capacity? They're supposed to vote dem anyway, right? The onus is on the voters, not the candidates to be electable, right? Biden could literally be a drooling vegetable and people are supposed to vote for him so Trump doesn't win, right? If they have the mental capacity to vote for someone else THEN VOTE FOR THE DAMN THIRD PARTY GODDAMNIT!@!#!$!@%!@%!#^!#%

          I genuinely despise liberals; they're nothing more than 'presentable' (arguable) conservatives.

    • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      Kamala harris literally fought to keep exonerated inmates in prison for the value of their slave labor, which you'd know if you paid attention in 2020, so please go piss yourself to death

    • DengistDonnieDarko [he/him]
      2 months ago

      kamalas 2024 platform is trumps 2020 platform. they are indistinguishable. the only difference is which color their team wears.

      • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
        2 months ago

        No there’s a difference! Kamala’s platform is more bloodthirsty, and has a higher chance of succeeding because while Trump is too stupid and incompetent to complete his plans, Kamala is competent.

    • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
      2 months ago

      Meanwhile Dump literally talks about killing people in the street

      Meanwhile, Harris has been doing that throughout her career and also promises to do more of that.

    • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
      2 months ago

      You are a genocide-loving hitlerite who should be shot in the head. Biden and Harris are arming the genocidal zionist entity

        • blame [they/them]
          2 months ago

          Participating in the system isn't going to change anything. We've been voting for the "lesser of two evils" for like half a century or more and it's gotten exactly zero results. The last time we saw real progress in the west was when there were strong, militant unions and civil rights organizations out there fighting and dying for rights.

            • Rom [he/him]
              2 months ago

              What could this forum full of communists want? What a mystery!

            • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
              2 months ago

              What's your solution to the fucking Holocaust that your party is committing?

            • blame [they/them]
              2 months ago

              You're gonna catch a ban if you don't chill out. It's probably actually too late for you but I'm just gonna say for your own health you need to calm down and read and internalize what people are saying.

              • Linktank@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                lmfao, I don't care if I get banned from an echo chamber. That would literally prove me right. Banning dissenters is exactly what an echo chamber would do.

                A commenter literally said I should be shot in the head, and I'm the one who should chill? That's rich.

                • blame [they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  You're not going to be banned for being a dissenter, you're going to be banned for being an asshole.

                • Kumikommunism [they/them]
                  2 months ago


                  I'm going to link your own comment to you. Please explain why you think this behavior wouldn't be the reason for your ban, and it would instead be because this site is an "echo chamber". If you don't justify this, I will assume you are trying to get banned by purposely breaking the rules and then use that as "proof" that this is an echo chamber.

                  Are you, or are you not breaking the rules here?

                • SexMachineStalin [comrade/them]
                  2 months ago

                  Here's a send-off from the heart: pigpoop

                  I would like to take this opportunity to once more, from the bottom of my soul and viscera, to unequivocally condemn the state of isnotreal. Damn you pissrael, damn you! Terrorists and assassins!

                  Death to AmeriKKKa

                • egg1918 [she/her]
                  2 months ago

                  I agree with said commenter, you should absolutely be shot in the head. Several times, ideally. One less genocide supporter in the world.

            • Adkml [he/him]
              2 months ago

              Stop giving weapons to thenpe9ple who use those weapons to kill innocent people.

              Wow that was pretty fucking easy. This is why we don't take liberals seriously they're always talking about how complex and complicated these issues are. They're either incredibly fucking stupid if they can't come up with that solutiin or, what's actually happening, they're obviously lying to our face because they realize outright supporting it is bad pr but there's no chance they oppose it.

        • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
          2 months ago

          do you think that Donald gives any more of a fuck about these issues than Kamala?

          Do you think that Harris gives any more of a fuck about these issues?

          You morons are advocating for murder against people who are literally trying to choose the lesser of two evils

          If anything, the lesser of two evils here is the less competent, more senile person to pilot the genocide machine.

          • Linktank@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            You act as if both sides are equally evil, when one side is in fact considerably more evil. Which isn't to say that the other isn't evil. That's why it's called the LESSER of two evils.

            • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
              2 months ago

              You act as if both sides are equally evil

              Dems and Reps are on the same side. You just buy into the kayfabe and pretend that they oppose each other.

              when one side is in fact considerably more evil

              Notably, you have been unable to present evidence for this claim.

              That's why it's called the LESSER of two evils

              If anything, the lesser of two evils when it comes to the pilots of a genocide machine is the one less competent and more senile.

            • robinnist
              2 months ago

              Could you explain how one side is considerably more evil instead of just saying it again? (Also)

              • Linktank@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                If you can't plainly see, no amount of explanation is going to open your eyes. One side is purely about the enrichment of the already rich.

                • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                  2 months ago

                  Biden and the dems has Trump beat on deportations, police funding, oil and NG expansion, welfare cuts, RICO prosecutions of leftist activists, media bans, wars and oh yeah fuckin GENOCIDE

                  If an "explanation" was "plain to see" on your end, you'd have given it, because facts hit harder than "nuh uh"....but you didn't cause you're a know-nothing racist with the poltical knowledge of a toddler

                  That's what makes you dipshits so genuinely pathetic, you act like your an itern at some DNC consulting firm but you can't even muster a single coherent argument on behalf of rich dems who don't even know you exist

                  You should have more self-respect :)

                • robinnist
                  2 months ago

                  Democrats aren’t about enrichment of the already rich? Wondrous!! I must vote for them post haste!! This must be why they’re so hard on the rich and capital and yet so kind to poor countries and the homeless!!

                • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  This is a usual defence of people who actually have no backing for their case.

                  What is plain to see is that you don't actually have any evidence that supports your claim that either of the 'sides' (they are both on the same side - they have the same policies and they even openly finance and otherwise support each other) is 'more evil'. Now that you are backed in a corner, you opt to attempt to save face by declaring your claim to be self-evident.

            • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
              2 months ago

              Also, I wonder what will happen when you learn that Harris has pledged to build Trump's wall if she is elected president.

            • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
              2 months ago

              One side is currently commiting genocide and laughing about it. Is that the less evil side?

            • egg1918 [she/her]
              2 months ago

              Follow your leader, Nazi. Go down into a sewer and blow your brains out, Nazi.

            • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
              2 months ago

              It doesn't matter if Goebbels is less evil than Hitler, they're both Nazis upholding the same system at the end of the day

        • Collatz_problem [comrade/them]
          2 months ago

          You are saying that confessing to the good cop is better than confessing to the bad cop, because the bad cop is mean. But in the end things wouldn't different at all.

        • m532 [she/her]
          2 months ago



          Follow your leader

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      2 months ago

      It's almost as if liberal electoralism is a complete sham that just exist to keep the peasants complacent by giving them the illusion of control. No matter how it goes you end up being ruled by evil bloodthirsty monsters no matter whether you cheer for the blue monster or the red.

    • Wertheimer [any]
      2 months ago

      And what are you doing?

      Here is a little test of this point: Remember when Donald Trump said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and I wouldn’t lose voters”? That was interpreted by those of us who dislike Trump as a shocking statement about his hypnotized fan base—a group of voters so worshipful and in thrall to his cult of personality that they would not even reassess their support if their candidate killed someone. What a pathetic, brainwashed crew! We tut-tutted in disgust.

      . . .

      If you are opposed to a president who shoots one person in the middle of Fifth Avenue, how do you feel about a president who facilitates the violent deaths of six or eight or ten thousand children? I imagine that such a line of children would stretch for miles up Fifth Avenue. Joe Biden could calmly walk down each block, shooting one child after another in the head, his body count far exceeding Trump’s little daydream. This is a grotesque vision to imagine. But it is, effectively, what Joe Biden has done with his policy choices. Thousands of dead children—crushed, maimed, blown up with bombs that we provided. Joe Biden did that. He did not have to shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue. The deaths are his just the same.


      • Pentacat [he/him]
        2 months ago

        His deaths are different because they are real and the Fifth avenue victim is imaginary. Libs can’t even get that one straight.

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      2 months ago

      Let me ask you in good faith:

      1. Who are you voting for on election day?

      2. Do you live in a swing state?

      3. Do you see value in arguing with people who don't live in a swing state?

      • miz [any, any]
        2 months ago

        no answer, of course— because the liberal goal is to make themselves feel better, not actually change anything