You need to eat fruit. If you seriously haven't had in nine months you should probably eat a whole lemon, I'm only a little joking. But mostly apples and bananas - they're low low-effort and keep a long time.
You also need green vegetables. Buy frozen vegetables and dump them in your rice cooker whenever you make rice. Ideally with a steamer tray but whatever.
Always hungry is usually a nutrient thing, but it could be protein too. Try peanuts.
Fruit smoothies with frozen fruit if you don't want stuff to spoil
Please follow the directions on the back of the pasta box, with the boiling pot of water and the colander and whatnot. It can't possibly be as hard as whatever that instant pot recipe is.
You can toss frozen vegetables into the boiling water about two minutes before the pasta is done.
The instant pot pasta recipe was supposed to be literally “toss ingredients in, press button, wait”
That is the fantasy that most kitchen gadgets try to sell themselves with, yeah. But it really is hard to beat just how easy it is to boil stuff. Sauteing is also very easy, though cleaning up after takes at least a little effort.
Instapot spaghetti is actually quite good - you keep all the liquid so you don't lose the gluten (?) that usually comes out of the pasta. What this does is make the sauce and entire dish super creamy. It's different than boiling, and it's worth trying.
hmm... Maybe next time (if there is a next time) just do the pasta first. Once that's done add the sauce?
Yo who makes pasta in an instant pot? You just boil it in water, watch a youtube recipe video!
Try peanuts
They did say PB&J is one of three things they eat. And beans, so if anything they're better on protein than most vegans.
Peanut butter is made of peanuts!?
But yeah seriously I didn't notice that lol.
Spinach put it in every meal. seriously. I'm not a vegan, I should be I know, just an alcoholic.
You need magnesium and iron. If you end up supplementing it with like magnesium pills be very careful because you can overdo it and hurt your heart. Spinach won't do that. spinach is love, spinach is life. eat spinach.
Fresh spinach btw. Don't do canned stuff, it's gross. Even in food deserts, you should be able to find some.
If you get tired of spinach, you won't it's awesome, other great greens that go with everything are baked (!!) brussel sprouts and brocolli. Brussel sprouts are awesome (seriously one of the best things in the world once you get it down) so long as you bake them with some garlic and olive oil, disgusting otherwise. Brocolli is a lot harder to fuck up but not as good.
also arugala if you want to get fancy. It's like spinach but a little smokey tasting.
I’m not a vegan, I should be I know, just an alcoholic.
chad moment :gigachad:
I was drunk at time of posting and meant to highlight the alcoholism and poor life choices
Yeah I think vegans are way more chad than the shit I posted, unironically. I respect it and am working my way towards it. changing my thoughts, doing the self-critiquing daily, and buying less.
I've read vegan theory and agree with it. Poverty and momentary lapses of judgement/solidarity are the things keeping me away at the moment, but I am fixing it.
Following up with a brussel sprout recipe that's vegan. don't instapot the brussy boys. No idea what they'll be like but I imagine mushy.
If they are fresh, chop them in half before following these steps and place them on the baking tray chopped side down when you get to that step:
Preheat oven to 400F
Coat Brussel sprouts in olive oil, salt, pepper, and either minced garlic or garlic powder
Put on baking tray
Put baking tray in oven once preheated
Cook for 20-30 minutes, if they're fresh they'll get a nice browning here if frozen they'll just be soft but still delicious
Remove from oven.
They are done
They are delicious
They are yours now
Fresh spinach btw. Don’t do canned stuff, it’s gross. Even in food deserts, you should be able to find some.
Frozen spinach is also great, especially for things like soups and stews, and it keeps a long time
Chopped salad kits in bags, the kind that have a mixture of greens, sprouts, shredded carrot, etc already cut up for you. It's obviously cheaper to buy vegetables whole, but one thing at a time, rn you need to not get scurvy.
If you can, you should probably get some bloodwork done to try to determine what nutrients you are missing, but as others have said, variety is important. Include a lot more fruit and veg in your diet.
You might be iron deficient, which is very common for all vegans. Here's a list of foods to try:
Especially if you menstruate, you'd need like double the iron a non-menstruating person needs.
Unless you live in a big metropolitan liberal city you're not gonna find food that fits those criteria tbh and even if you can find it it's going to be very pricey
Not trying to shit on you or discourage you just laying out the unfortunately shitty facts
Yeah I used to be there friend I grew up in farm country and finding nutritious vegan shit is hard
goddamn eat a fucking vegetable no wonder you feel like shit you are probably developing scurvy or some shit. Go to the store now and buy a pre-prepared salad and eat it. Then try to do that every day with a meal or incorporate some sort of vegetable into your diet. You say you have bean and rice burritos?? Chop up some onions and peppers at the beginning of the week and add them to the burritos. That's barely cooking and it will taste better too.
Clif Bars are vegan (except the ones that contain honey). One of my friends subsisted on only Clif bars and Chipotle burritos for about a year. They're a little expensive but they are shelf stable.
Look in the grocery store for more shelf-stable ingredients or vegetables that keep longer, like split peas, wild rice, lentils, dry spices, canned or frozen veggies, potatoes, onions, etc. Lentils are pretty easy to cook in an instant pot and you can throw all kinds of stuff in there to spice it up and add nutrition. I usually add some combination of curry spices, cumin, onions, garlic, ginger, chilies, carrots, cabbage, etc.
Fermented vegetables like kimchi are great for nutrition and will keep for a long time, but read the label because some brands add fish sauce.
Try search for something like "easy vegan meals" on youtube. I can't follow a written recipe for shit unless I'm watching someone do it.
Adopt diet of your pre-neolitic ancestor. Nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits. Keep it as diverse as possible. Like when you are making burrito, along with beans add salads, onions, bell pepper, cucumber, carrot, whatever other vegetable you can get. And keep taking B12 supplements.
Add a mixture of carrots or bell peppers, onions and celery to your beans. These vegetables have tonnes of nutrients and great flavour together. You can even use a food processor to chop it as fine as you want if you need to cut down on prep time. Just fry it for 5-10 minutes before you add the beans to it. It will also add some nice flavour to your bean mixture. If you want to add some canned tomatoes or tomato passata if you don't want chunks of tomato as well, for more nutrition and flavour.
Assuming that you do not live in a food desert, have enough money for buying vegetables/water, and a workable kitchen:
Along with what others have stated in the thread below I can recommend the South/Southeast Asian technique of boiling/steaming vegetables and eating them with soy sauce as a supplement to your big bean burritos.
Healthy, easy, and quick, the only extra "cooking" being involved would be washing/cutting vegetables along with boiling the water.
Remember not to overboil the vegetables, just enough to kill bacteria, soften them and bring out m'flavor. Otherwise you will get tired of eating them very easily.
Talk to me if you want to explore deep frying vegetables because its a massive negative stereotype that all vegan food has to be "healthy". Big respect to you for going vegan in America where the majority of the population think (bless their hearts) that eating pre-processed hamburgers is equivalent to them personally overpowering and killing a 1 ton bovine in single combat.
I mean shit like lentils, couscous, quinoa, chickpeas, seeds in general, canned beans, dont spoil and cook easy and fast. They are all varying degrees of recommended meat replacements (not full but at least partial, especially lentils and beans) Same with frozen spinach and frozen vegs.
Taste will have to be added, i mean enhanced, with oil, herbs, spices, balsamic vinegar, tomato sauce, etc
Vegans have to diversify. Honestly, kinda wish they'd cool it with the "bean" memes cos it does paint an incorrect view of a healthy form of the diet.
Kinda funny and I love :bean: but if you eat just beans you will become severely malnourished.